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Recent Posts
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
Please consider making future builds the way they were, otherwise DarkOne users are forever stuck on 0.9.0.
Let's not speak like we're at the end of the world. In enough detail explain what you want to happen and we'll work together towards that goal. I won't revert to the previous architecture but I'm very happy to help make it work like you expect either in the current version or to make changes to support the use case.

Things that will help me understand the screen grab:
  • It's a very busy image, where are the instances of VU Meter?
  • What is supposed to happen on color change? It seems to be working "similar" to the 0.9.0 version to me.
  • What do the visual ">" and "<" buttons supposed to do? What is it cycling through?
  • From your description and the animation, there are 2 main folders VU and Peak. Are they both instantiated at the same time, just the windows hidden?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by sveakul -
I can't seem to find this script. Theres only an outdated version on github.
Seems to be completely scrubbed now, even the 3.8.5 version that was left up for a while.  "Why?"  Nothing on the Wayback Machine link either besides documentation--clicking the 3.8.5 download link once it is finally found results in "url not archived."

The developer mentioned about putting some scripts on the Uploads forum, nothing there yet.  I've attached it here, hopefully not breaking any rules.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount
Last post by Eva1 -
Hi Case, which proper method to duplicate tracks possible (with number duplicate without space (filaname#/filename№))? And yet question, how make and to synchronize rating with scale 0-10 to foo_playcount with tag "Rating" with the same scale (0-10)? And regarding the stars, I take back my words, because in order to avoid wasting space in the playlist, I crossed on digital display.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JS3 Text Display + Album Art + Seekbar + Buttons - Defender
Last post by Defender -
New version.

1.27   2025-01-21

Text Display is now also optional.

You can control the elements to display:
on_albumart      ON/OFF Albumart
on_text         ON/OFF Text
on_seekbar      ON/OFF Seekbar
on_buttons      ON/OFF Buttons

on_background   ON/OFF Paint background
on_blur         ON/OFF Paint blur (with factor var blur)

So for instance now you can only display the Buttonbar, transparent (on_background OFF) and no blur (on_blur OFF).
Height needed for such a panel is buttonheight plus 2x margin 'bh + 2 * margin' (margin can be 0).

Some seekbar enhancements when only small width available.

Some cleanup in CUSTOM.txt now foo_input_sacd 1.5.17 has expected behavior.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Search-by-Distance-SMP
Last post by regor -
So far covered these on this repository as example:

Basic wiki page explaining differences between JSplitter and SMP (architectures supported and script compatibility)

Mention JSplitter compatibility (not only SMP).
Images for JSplitter installation.
Mention Shift + Win + R. Click shortcut to show panel menus.

Edit releases info to mention JSplitter too.
Explain which file is the package file.

If anyone has any feedback about installation or download pages, let me know before I edit all of them xd
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_youtube
Last post by EricJH -
I can confirm. Some of the videos from which I download the audio give this error. I just updated to foo_youtube_3.9.6 but I have also seen this before off late. I have been mostly away from my PC for the last 1,5 weeks and I cannot be more specific.

Edit. In case developer is following this thread I can post links that will work normally and links that get the 403.