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Topic: MP3 repacker (Read 622111 times) previous topic - next topic
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MP3 repacker

Reply #250
I think the repacker is mostly useless for files you encode today with LAME. Its useful for files other people have encoded before. To estimate the size decrease if repacked (-z), check your MPEG Layer-3 file with a hex editor. Padding data is usually written as 0x00 or 0xFF and visible as empty space inside the file. For such files I have decreased the avg bitrate from 320 to 250 kBit/s.

MP3 repacker

Reply #251
I think the repacker is mostly useless for files you encode today with LAME. Its useful for files other people have encoded before. To estimate the size decrease if repacked (-z), check your MPEG Layer-3 file with a hex editor. Padding data is usually written as 0x00 or 0xFF and visible as empty space inside the file. For such files I have decreased the avg bitrate from 320 to 250 kBit/s.

I see. Bitrate decrease is great. I didn't think of other peoples' encodings but do it myself - streamripped internet mp3 at high bitrate (usually 192 to 256 kbps). So the repacker may be useful to me too.
lame3995o -Q1.7 --lowpass 17

MP3 repacker

Reply #252
As j7n already mentioned you can't expect a big bitrate decrease when compressing LAME VBR (from my experience for LAME VBR (in fact any VBR) you get 1~3% decrease). The main reason I'm using mp3packer is to convert high bitrate CBR (~256 and more) to VBR which allows me to save around 10~15% of size which is precious for my portable mp3 player, but that of course is not a rule. In some rare cases I was able to save even 30~40% especially when I was mp3packing 320 CBR mp3 with contemplation/meditation music which tends to have long silence periods. Other reason why I'm using mp3packer is to rebuild broken/bad mp3 - I know that it's not main purpose of that tool but it came to be very efficient for repairing synchronization errors and etc.

MP3 repacker

Reply #253
Thanks a lot, bukem and j7n. I will use mp3repacker on those internet radio streamripped files which I want to keep.
lame3995o -Q1.7 --lowpass 17

MP3 repacker

Reply #254
On this file, mp3packer reports that there were 8 buffer errors, but it displays only one.
>mp3packer -z 8_buffer_errors.mp3

*** '8_buffer_errors.mp3' -> '8_buffer_errors-vbr.mp3'
WARNING: buffer underflow; frame 0 will be entirely replaced with silence
100% done with 334 frames

WARNING: There were 8 buffer errors

MP3 repacker

Reply #255
It is a good software to convert VBR files to equivalent CBR to use with players that don't work well with VBR.

MP3 repacker

Reply #256
@Martin F.:

It looks like there is a bit of a discrepancy in what mp3packer thinks is a buffer error.
  • The errors displayed are only the frames which have data outside the buffer.
  • The number of buffer errors at the end is the number of frames which have data offsets before the beginning of the buffer
It would seem that 1 would imply 2; however, if the frame's data starts outside the buffer but the data has 0 length, the number of errors will be incremented but there will be no data loss.

I think I'll change it so it only counts an error if there was data loss. I'll fix that ASAP.

It is a good software to convert VBR files to equivalent CBR to use with players that don't work well with VBR.

Thanks! A lot of people seem to use mp3packer for that.
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2

MP3 repacker

Reply #257
1.14 is out.

The output issues that Martin F. raised have been fixed. The repacker itself was not changed.

Get it at the beginning of this thread.
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2

MP3 repacker

Reply #258

Found another mp3 that crashes mp3packer (v1.14-159):

*** 'volume 10/07. j. dilla - walkinonit.mp3' -> 'volume j. dilla - walkinonit.mp3'
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 1 at 1586
WARNING: recompression skipped on frame 1: Invalid_argument(index out of bounds)
100% done with 1 frames

WARNING: There was 1 sync error
Fatal error: exception Mp3types.Too_many_bytes

You should get that file in your mailbox right now. Greets.

MP3 repacker

Reply #259

Thanks for the file. It looks like the first frame has the "original" bit set, but no other frames have it. Then it randomly finds another frame which overflows. I took off the original-bit checking for valid frames, and it seems to work for that file. I'll put out a release soon.

(In the meantime, you can set byte 544 to 0x00 in that file and it will work, but that's not really a generalizable solution  )
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2

MP3 repacker

Reply #260
OK. Released 1.15. I just made it so that mp3packer does not check for the same "original" bit throughout the entire file. I've never heard of this being a problem until bukem's sample, though.

Nothing else wan changed. In fact, the entire change to the code was 6 bytes, whereas I had to add ~130 bytes to the changelog
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2


MP3 repacker

Reply #261
OK. Released 1.15. I just made it so that mp3packer does not check for the same "original" bit throughout the entire file. I've never heard of this being a problem until bukem's sample, though.

Nothing else wan changed. In fact, the entire change to the code was 6 bytes, whereas I had to add ~130 bytes to the changelog

I'm bad a.s - nothing but problems . Thanks for quick response. Be back soon 

I'm getting a lot of following errors on one album - is it any bad?
Code: [Select]
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1880; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1881; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1882; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1891; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1902; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1909; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1915; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1921; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1935; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1940; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1956; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1957; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1962; copying frame data instead

MP3 repacker

Reply #262
I'm getting a lot of following errors on one album - is it any bad?

That means that the MP3 data was bad. Repacking it will not make it any worse though, since the data was just passed unmodified.
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2

MP3 repacker

Reply #263
I have a similar question...

On some Blade-encoded files (the ones Mp3Packer is useful on) your program sometimes gives me these error msgs:

WARNING: bitstream error on frame %d.

WARNING: error recompressing frame %d: Invalid_argument(%s)

The output files play ok though. What do these warnings mean?

MP3 repacker

Reply #264
I don't get the -z flag. Is it loss-less?

MP3 repacker

Reply #265
Those warnings are the pre-1.14 versions of the ones bukem was getting. It means that there was a problem in decompressing the actual frame data, so the -z switch was turned off for that frame. The data should still be exactly the same (even though it may not have been valid in the first place)

I don't get the -z flag. Is it loss-less?

Yes, it's lossless. The -z switch is equivalent to unpacking a .zip file, and re-packing it with a higher compression level.
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2

MP3 repacker

Reply #266
thanks OMION for this masterpeiece.. but what i request is somthing else

i would request to add the first phase of -z command which is to decode the huffs of the frame  into expanded mp3 form and a feature to restore or repack it like -z command to that format type.. in order to test the possiblity to achieve even more compression ratio via lossless programs like winrar and 7-zip so if worked it would be great.. and if the resulted file would be mp3 readable to any decoder then it could be used with any player that support packed music files aka foobar..

So please add this necessary feature to test this capability..even in a special build.. Thanks in advance for the Mp3packer and speicaly for the -z command..

is there going to be OGGpacker ?? on cbr files which is rare not like mp3 and has a huffman coding.. to retest

MP3 repacker

Reply #267
is there going to be OGGpacker ??

I believe there is not even a good cutter for OggS. It's a big advantage of classic MPEG formats, that there is no file header required and any sequence of frames can be decoded.

I've found a problem file where Mp3Packer fails to skip garbage at the beginning.
Code: [Select]
*** 'D:/_temp/dcfinal/1996 - Around the World Hit Singles - the Journey So Far/0
2_Deep.mp3' -> 'D:/_temp/dcfinal/1996 - Around the World Hit Singles - the Journ
ey So Far/02_Deep-vbr.mp3'
WARNING: buffer under AND overflow; frame 0 is garbage and will be replaced by s
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 1 at 721
WARNING: buffer overflow; frame 1 will be truncated
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 2 at 2065
WARNING: buffer overflow; frame 2 will be truncated
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 3 at 3409
WARNING: buffer overflow; frame 3 will be truncated
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 4 at 1521790
WARNING: buffer overflow; frame 4 will be truncated
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 5 at 2708486
WARNING: buffer overflow; frame 5 will be truncated
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 6 at 6864529
WARNING: buffer overflow; frame 6 will be truncated
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 7 at 6865873
WARNING: buffer overflow; frame 7 will be truncated
WARNING: sync error; expected frame 8 at 6867217
WARNING: buffer overflow; frame 8 will be truncated
100% done with 8 frames

WARNING: There were 9 buffer errors and 8 sync errors

The output 02_Deep-vbr.mp3 is 2040 bytes long. It happens that the first 2 bytes of the input file look like a valid MPEG Layer 3 frame with CRC error detection (i.e. FF FA), but in fact this turned out to be a random occurence in the first (incomplete) frame. I believe the first frame got cut because of removal of a bogus ID3v2 header, but that's not really important.

MP3 repacker

Reply #268
thanks OMION for this masterpeiece.. but what i request is somthing else

i would request to add the first phase of -z command which is to decode the huffs of the frame  into expanded mp3 form and a feature to restore or repack it like -z command to that format type.. in order to test the possiblity to achieve even more compression ratio via lossless programs like winrar and 7-zip so if worked it would be great.. and if the resulted file would be mp3 readable to any decoder then it could be used with any player that support packed music files aka foobar..

So please add this necessary feature to test this capability..even in a special build.. Thanks in advance for the Mp3packer and speicaly for the -z command..

is there going to be OGGpacker ?? on cbr files which is rare not like mp3 and has a huffman coding.. to retest

I'm afraid I don't quite follow you here. You want to be able to store the decompressed frequency values in the hope that you could apply your own compressor to the values?

If that is the case, it's quite impossible that it would be able to be decoded by normal mp3 players, even with archive support. When you unpacked the archive, you would end up with... decompressed frequency values, which does not make for a valid MP3 file.

The only way it could work is if I made mp3packer artificially inflate the Huffman values, in the hope that the archive format would pick up the compression better. It would be a valid mp3, but not compressed as much. This is possible, but I highly doubt that it will result in any improvement.

As for OggPacker, I'm not going to write it. Learning everything there is to know about one audio format is enough for me. (Learning about mp3 actually was my primary goal of this program; I hardly have any mp3s in my collection...) There was a program by Garf (I think) which optimized the Huffman tables in a Vorbis stream, but I seem to remember it being somewhat buggy.


Yeah. That's because mp3packer only checks one frame to see if it's valid, rather than making sure there's another valid frame which follows directly after it. That little shortcut has been nagging at me for quite a while, but there's no easy fix for it other than to completely re-make the mp3 reading portion of the program.
Rewriting large parts of mp3packer is not out of the question -- I've done it twice before -- but now that I've got a full-time job and another program out to support, my time is stretching thin(*) A fix should happen... eventually. No idea when, though.

In the mean time, use a hex editor to delete the fake sync pattern. You seem to know what you're doing  Other than that, I don't really know what can be done.

(*) especially now that I've been re-playing Oblivion. Man, that game takes a lot of time.
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2

MP3 repacker

Reply #269
It's no problem.

MP3 repacker

Reply #270

nice application!
- sometimes out is larger than in. Could you make an option to not overwrite in if out is larger?
- What do you think about an option to remove space padding from id3v2 tags? This would decrease file size even more.
- What will happen to my file if there are buffer errors?
- Why does it corrupt my files ("buffer underflow; frame 0 will be truncated", "WARNING: buffer underflow; frame 0 will be entirely replaced with silence") ? Not sure if it does but the warnung messages don't sound well. How can your program be lossless if it inserts silence into my files?

Maybe you can make a small FAQ


MP3 repacker

Reply #271
sometimes out is larger than in. Could you make an option to not overwrite in if out is larger?
The only time the output is larger than the input should be when the only thing that's added is the LAME header. In this case the file is only ~500 bytes larger. I suppose that any increase is bad, but I figured that 500 bytes is not enough to worry about. I can look into not using the output file if it's larger, but if it's hard I don't think I'll bother. 

Have you seen any files that get larger than about 500 bytes? If so, then that's probably a bug.

What do you think about an option to remove space padding from id3v2 tags? This would decrease file size even more.
I try to avoid id3 tags altogether, especially id3v2. It's quite a nasty tagging spec, and judging by the files that I get, it tends to get broken quite a bit. (And I'd have to implement yet another CRC generator... not fun)

What will happen to my file if there are buffer errors?
That depends on what options you have set. By default both the output and input files will be kept, and a warning will be displayed. If you change the --keep-bad option, various things happen:
--keep-bad in: Keeps only the input file. Good for only repacking the files without errors
--keep-bad out: Keeps only the output file. Good if you want to repack all the files no matter what
--keep-bad both: Default. Won't delete either file.
Similarly, the --keep-ok switch determines which files to keep when no errors occur.
Note also that if you use the -u switch, the output file will be the same name as the original input, whereas the input file will be renamed something else.

Why does it corrupt my files ("buffer underflow; frame 0 will be truncated", "WARNING: buffer underflow; frame 0 will be entirely replaced with silence") ? Not sure if it does but the warnung messages don't sound well. How can your program be lossless if it inserts silence into my files?
That warning, when you see it only on the first few frames, generally means that the file was split improperly. The data for that frame doesn't exist in the file, so the only thing that can be done to make it normal again is replace it with a frame which is silent.

The warning message is telling you that the input file is bad, not that the processing did something horrible to the file.

When a bitstream error occurs, you are right that mp3packer is no longer lossless on that frame, but only because the data is already lost and mp3packer has to "recreate" it.
For example, if half of a frame is cut off, you can do a few things:
  • Pad the frame with zeros and decode like normal (tends to be completely wrong)
  • Start decoding from the beginning of the valid data (also generally completely wrong, as there is no way to tell how far into the frame the valid data starts)
  • Only keep the parts of the frame which have no missing data, and set the rest of the frame to silence (what mp3packer does by default; usually the best-sounding option)
  • Replace the whole frame with silence (what mp3packer does if the -w option set; saves a bit more space sometimes)
There is basically no "lossless" way to even read the mp3 data, as some of it is already lost!

However, all frames which do not produce a warning message should be lossless. If not, there's something wrong.
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2

MP3 repacker

Reply #273
mp3packer -z 8bp026-05-sabastian_boaz-cold_hard_fusion.mp3
WARNING: error decompressing frame 57; copying frame data instead

How can the new file be without decompressing errors if the data is simply copied?

The new file will have the exact same decompression errors as the input file. mp3packer was not designed to fix errors, but rather to not create new ones. The reasoning behind this is simple: the best way to make the process lossless is to make sure that both files have the same errors. (mp3packer does fix sync errors, but that's only because it would be impossible to exactly recreate them)

I checked the file, and it seems to be a simple data overflow in the frame. The frame says it uses 42 bits, but it actually uses either 41 or 47. Most decoders just toss out the data from the end if this happens, but mp3packer keeps the bad data and lets the player deal with it (just like the original file)
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!" - Vroomfondel, H2G2

MP3 repacker

Reply #274
The new file will have the exact same decompression errors as the input file.
But why doesn’t MP3packer complain about them?

Code: [Select]
mp3packer -z 8bp026-05-sabastian_boaz-cold_hard_fusion.mp3

*** '8bp026-05-sabastian_boaz-cold_hard_fusion.mp3' -> '8bp026-05-sabastian_boaz-cold_hard_fusion-vbr.mp3'
WARNING: error decompressing frame 57; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 69; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 133; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 145 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 147; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 210; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 222; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 232 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 261; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 279; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 290 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 299; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 346; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 357; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 365; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 366; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 376; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 395; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 470 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 623; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 624; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 652; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 749; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 750; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 758; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 815; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 816; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 824; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 826; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 845; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 874; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 891; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 903; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 917 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1083; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1125; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1180 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1222; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1236; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1259; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1264; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1298 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1303; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1437; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1438 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1457 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1486; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1504; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1515 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1547 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1571; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1590; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1591; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1601; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1620 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1623 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1624; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1690; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1695; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1796 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1848 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1853; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1872 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1877; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1896; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1974; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 1983; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2040; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2041; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2049; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2051; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2070; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2099; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2104; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2116; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2128; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2183 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2202; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2204; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2213; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2233; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2308; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2389 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2405; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2407; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2409; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2430; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2444; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2461; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2489; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2525; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2528 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2654; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2662; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2663 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2695; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2714; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2715; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2729; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2740 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2796; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2807; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2815; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2826; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2845 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2863; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2920 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 2997; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3073; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3074; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3094 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3102; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3132; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3141; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3199; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3200; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3208; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3266; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3274 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3276; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3295; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3341 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3353; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3361; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3400; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3408; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3427; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3429; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3438 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3458; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3533; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3630 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3658; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3686; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3714 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3724; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3753; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3811; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3820; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3879; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3887; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3888 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3907 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3936; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3941; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 3954; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3965 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4021; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4040; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4041; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4051; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4070 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4145 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4298; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4299; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4327; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4425; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4491; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4499 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4501; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4520; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4549; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4566; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4578; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4586; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4633 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4652 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4654; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4663 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4683; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4758; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4855 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4883; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4957; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 4969; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 5033; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 5045 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 5047; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 5064; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 5072; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 5084 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: error decompressing frame 5122; copying frame data instead
100% done with 5208 frames

On this new file MP3packer only reports the recompression errors:

Code: [Select]
mp3packer -z 8bp026-05-sabastian_boaz-cold_hard_fusion-vbr.mp3

*** '8bp026-05-sabastian_boaz-cold_hard_fusion-vbr.mp3' -> '8bp026-05-sabastian_boaz-cold_hard_fusion-vbr-vbr.mp3'
WARNING: recompressing frame 145 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 232 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 290 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 470 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 917 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1180 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1298 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1438 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1457 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1515 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1547 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1620 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1623 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1796 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1848 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 1872 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2183 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2389 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2528 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2663 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2740 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2845 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 2920 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3094 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3274 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3341 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3438 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3630 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3714 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3888 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3907 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 3965 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4070 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4145 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4499 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4633 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4652 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4663 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 4855 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 5045 failed; copying frame data instead
WARNING: recompressing frame 5084 failed; copying frame data instead
100% done with 5208 frames