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Topic: Short playback pause with wireless headphones on manual track change (Exclusive) (Read 1423 times) previous topic - next topic
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Short playback pause with wireless headphones on manual track change (Exclusive)


Not an expert here, that much will become obvious while you read my query, but I hope someone will be able to understand my problem.

Is it possible to make foobar keep sending audio data (null/silence) to selected audio device in exclusive mode when manually changing tracks and seeking while the audio is being decoded/buffered (or whatever is happening before playback starts again)? When I manually change track when listening through my wireless headphones (Sennheiser Momentum 4 and the BTD 600 dongle), the first approx half a second of the track is missing. This does not happen when I use non-exclusive mode. Also, when using exclusive mode with my Topping D10s DAC and when I seek within a track, sometimes, on the D10s' display, I can see the sampling rate go from 44.1 (played file's sampling rate) to 48 KHz (default sampling rate in Windows) for a split second and back to 44.1. This tells me the audio device gets "released" by foobar while foobar is "seeking" before it gets locked for playback again. (Or foobar does not release the device, instead it starts sending it audio (silence?) in 48 KHz for a split second?) This is undesirable behavior for me, because sometimes (probably due to buggy USB audio drivers or something), the playback hangs on seek and foobar gives me an error message saying device not responding (or something like that, don't remember the message exactly), this happens most with my E-MU 0404 USB, due to the device being quite old, especially the drivers, made for Win 7 in the latest beta version and I am on Win 11 (not foobar's fault, of course).

So in all, is there a way to make foobar not "release" the audio device (or change the sampling rate for a split second) in exclusive mode while seeking or manually changing tracks? Maybe the last played file's sampling rate could keep being used for the split second "silence" while foobar is decoding the file?

Re: Short playback pause with wireless headphones on manual track change (Exclusive)

Reply #1
"Enable smooth seeking, pause and volume changes" mode fixes exactly this.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Short playback pause with wireless headphones on manual track change (Exclusive)

Reply #2
Yes! Thank you!