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Topic: [STUDY] Evaluating 3 Small Critical-Listening Room Calibration Systems (Read 1238 times) previous topic - next topic
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[STUDY] Evaluating 3 Small Critical-Listening Room Calibration Systems

Quote from: Michael P. Hagen
However, while software-based room correction may be able to improve the listening experience in a small critical listening room, it may also deteriorate that listening experience. Though very powerful, and, in this author’s option, easy to use, it is not a stand-in for traditional acoustic treatments. If, however, such measures are impractical or unavailable for the listener, such as in an apartment or a university dorm, software-based correction may be a viable solution to improve the listening experience of the room.
It is this author’s hope that the inverse filtering system can be improved into a viable, open-source solution for simple room correction.

Source: Digital Correction in Small Rooms git
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