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Topic: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises? (Read 3912 times) previous topic - next topic
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Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?


I wish to know when play vinyl records, is noises always by dust and other dirties?


Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #1
practically impossible to play a vinyl disk without clicks, pops and other audible noises.
in the worst case, you also get quite a lot of nonlinear distortion in the midrange. (a really nasty kind)
the technical merits of vinyl are long outdated.
a fan of AutoEq + Meier Crossfeed

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #2
It's mostly (physical) defects in the vinyl.    Some of it is from the factory but the worst clicks are usually damage/scratches.   It takes a lot of precision to get a good signal-to-noise ratio and there are limits to the manufacturing precision.   I've read claims of 60dB signal-to-noise ratio for vinyl but that's probably "ideal" and maybe that's an average on the best records...  -60dB is 1/1000th and the variations that make the sound are tiny to begin with, so it just takes a very-tiny unwanted variation in the vinyl.  Most records will have at-least a few clicks and crackles worst than that.   There is also some hum & hiss from the phono preamp.  

CDs have resolution better than 90dB, and zero noise during silence (except from the analog electronics).  

When I used to play records, I never heard an improvement after cleaning, but dust and dirt MAY cause permanent damage when the stylus runs-over the dust and makes small scratches.     ...I always tried to take care of my records, but somehow damage "accumulated" over time.   I l also tried to keep my records clean, but I assume some dust still caused damage.

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #3
I wish to know when play vinyl records, is noises always by dust and other dirties?
In answer to your question, no, there may be damage to the vinyl. However, cleaning vinyl does remove noise caused by foreign material within the grooves. I listen to and rip vinyl frequently and so I bought a Spinclean record washer, which is easy to use and does a reasonable job of minimizing such noise.

a very practical guide to both the “how” and “why” of effective record cleaning

Clicks and pops can be removed in Audacity, but clean vinyl in very good plus or near mint condition rarely if ever needs such treatment, most times, all that is needed to to fix some minor clipping. Subjectively speaking, most of my vinyl rips are indistinguishable from my CD rips except for vinyl noise between tracks, The few noisy rips I have are from the only source I have for these tracks.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #4
2tec Rally nice article about cleaning records. I will use this method.

I thanks you!

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #5
You're most welcome. Always happy to share what I've learned.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #6
Clicks and pops can be removed in Audacity
that's true, but please be aware that any automatic or semi-automatic method, would be prone to also removing some sounds that are remotely close to clicks or pops, but actually aren't, such as some kinds of percussion, and generally sounds with sharp attack. it's probably possible to tune the parameters to minimize that, but IME it tends to be extremely hard.
a fan of AutoEq + Meier Crossfeed

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #7
Clicks and pops can be removed in Audacity
that's true, but please be aware that any automatic or semi-automatic method, would be prone to also removing some sounds that are remotely close to clicks or pops, but actually aren't, such as some kinds of percussion, and generally sounds with sharp attack. it's probably possible to tune the parameters to minimize that, but IME it tends to be extremely hard.
Sigh. Not arguing, but what's automatic about it? Most clicks and pops are easily removed by a simple cut and paste operation. It takes a moment and it happens so rarely. The odd bit of noise hardly detracts from the music.

I get the feeling that people are grasping at straws just because they're biased against analog. Fine, that's ok, but just because it's not for you, doesn't mean others aren't ok with it. I have a lot of music on vinyl, and it's quite enjoyable to listen to it. Digitalizing it is not that difficult and the results are more than adequate.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #8
If you're experiencing distracting pops and clicks, something is wrong with the media.

Here's an example of what I would consider to be a noisy record. This is a cheap 45 single. [Untitled.mp3]

edit: Also, here's a sample of an LP record from ~1960. No post processing, no declick. These should serve as benchmarks for "How an average vinyl should sound". [LP.mp3]

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #9
Also exist many examples on YouTube reviews about Ultrasonic cleaners with distilled water or vacuum after clean with solvents. I don't trust those because many reviews are for sell expensive machines or weird  methods with white glue for clickbait.

I thanks for the records.

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #10
Also exist many examples on YouTube reviews about Ultrasonic cleaners with distilled water or vacuum after clean with solvents. I don't trust those because many reviews are for sell expensive machines or weird  methods with white glue for clickbait.

I thanks for the records.

PVA glue does work very well - although it's slow, so generally only used for archiving. Record cleaning machines work well too, I have a Project RCM which, although very noisy, does a good job.

You can also buy some sprays and use a clean microfibre cloth. I suggest though, that if the record is very noisy, there's bigger problems than a little bit of dirt. I reserve my cleaning process for charity shop records, or anything that is noticeably horrible.

Re: Play vinyl records: always is with clicks, pops, and other noises?

Reply #11
or weird  methods with white glue

Back in the vinyl days I used DISCO FILM which is easier to use than white glue.  (In those days it was available in the U.S.)    It's a gel and there's a applicator sponge attached to the bottle.   It dries like thick-dense Jell-o and peels off easily.  It also peels of the label without damage if you accidently get some on the label.   It's not expensive like some cleaning machines and it seemed to do a very good job. 

I've seen at least on similar product the might be more available.

I also had (still have) a discwasher for everyday cleaning.    EVERYBODY had one!   It looks like it's no longer in production but there are similar cleaners.