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Topic: Sorting by genre (Read 3378 times) previous topic - next topic
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Sorting by genre

I enjoy tagging my collection very specifically. This often for me means utilizing the multi-variable nature of the genre field. However this brings up a slight problem when I try and sort my library by genre and view it in say, Album List panel.

My questions is as follows:

Currently, if an artist's genre field says something like "Alternative Rock; Hardcore; Post-rock" then it will show up as such in genre view. As in I will have a separate entry for "Alternative Rock; Hardcore; Post-rock." What I'd really love is if there was no seperate entry. As in, this artists work will appear under separate entries for Alternative Rock, Hardcore, and Post-rock, rather than one lump entry.

No idea if this is possible in some way or another, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.


EDIT: Realized that this debatably doesn't go in Third Party Components depending on the answers I get. My apologies. Please move this if I posted it wrong.

Sorting by genre

Reply #1
Select all files with multiple genres, rightclick, properties, rightclick the genre field and choose Split Values. This will split genres up.

In album list (preferences > media library > album list) make sure genre is written as %<genre>%. The < > will split up multivalue fields. If you remove the <> it will show multivalues as one entry with all values.

If this isn't working, you have to add genre to a multiple value like this

Preferences > Advanced > Display > Properties Dialog > Multivalue fields and add genre like this at the end: ARTIST;ALBUM ARTIST;PRODUCER;COMPOSER;PERFORMER;GENRE

Sorting by genre

Reply #2
Select all files with multiple genres, rightclick, properties, rightclick the genre field and choose Split Values. This will split genres up.

In album list (preferences > media library > album list) make sure genre is written as %<genre>%. The < > will split up multivalue fields. If you remove the <> it will show multivalues as one entry with all values.

If this isn't working, you have to add genre to a multiple value like this

Preferences > Advanced > Display > Properties Dialog > Multivalue fields and add genre like this at the end: ARTIST;ALBUM ARTIST;PRODUCER;COMPOSER;PERFORMER;GENRE

Fantastic. That worked perfectly. One more side question that I doubt will get answered. Is there a way to do this in the graphical browser component? I have it set up with a genre view, but it doesn't seem to like the %<genre>% tag.