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Topic: TTA multiplatform library v2.0 (Read 12301 times) previous topic - next topic
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TTA multiplatform library v2.0

TTA multiplatform library 2.0 has been released with updated console frontend included in package as a sample.
This library can be compiled on various hardware platforms with different hardware abilities.

  • Couple of minor bugs fixed;
  • decode_to_pcmbuffer function renamed to decode_stream function;
  • set_position function accepts new position and returns new time in seconds in double (please see sample of usage in README);
  • Added decode_frame function for decoding TTA in MKV/MKA frames;
  • Added complet set of functions to support encoding mode;
  • Interchannel decoder optimization, code cleanup. Decoder runs faster;
  • README file updated, Samples section added;
  • Code cleanup.


Project site:

TTA multiplatform library v2.0

Reply #1
Thank you, I love this lossless audio codec
btw, I wonder if it supports internal cue...

TTA multiplatform library v2.0

Reply #3

Are you going to fix the stdin issue with ttaenc, as I reported in the bug tracker?

TTA multiplatform library v2.0

Reply #4

Are you going to fix the stdin issue with ttaenc, as I reported in the bug tracker?

It's not a bug, it's a feature of TTA1 ))

1) stdin support is working correctly in ttaenc since version 3.4.1. and in the CLI  program, named tta (ttalib package) from first beta;
2) As about 2-nd part of this report - yes, TTA1 encoder must know PCM length before encoding. The PCM length is known in most cases. TTA codec just requires correct WAVE header on input. I think it's not a problem to build a correct header for input stream if PCM length is known.

TTA2 codec will work with unknown PCM length, while reading from stdin.
Here is the development version of the TTA2 format, you can inspect it and make your proposals for better usability before it will be released:
Thanks in advance.

TTA multiplatform library v2.0

Reply #5
New TTA multiplatform library, ANSI-C version 2.0 has been released, with simple console frontend included in package. Main changes: Code include ARM/SSE2/SSE4 optimizations; added capability of real-time data encryption (password protection).

  • Code optimization. Decoder runs faster;
  • ARM/SSE2/SSE4 optimization has been added;
  • Added real time data encryption feature;
  • The set_position function accepts new position and returns new time in seconds in unsigned int32;
  • Added binary_version function for checking the library for SSE instructions compatibility;
  • Added set_password function for possibility to set the password;
  • Added get_rate function, returns the dynamic stats of the process;
  • Autoconf support;
  • README file updated.

C++ version of this library will be available at soon.


Project site:

TTA multiplatform library v2.0

Reply #6

Thanks for the update.  Really appreciate...

Can you give us a deadline for the TTA2 encoder (I mean the new bitstream) ?

TTA multiplatform library v2.0

Reply #7

Thanks for the update.  Really appreciate...

Can you give us a deadline for the TTA2 encoder (I mean the new bitstream) ?


Thanks for your interest in TTA2, but TTA2 will not be much better in compression, it will be just a new feature of libtta.
The new codec is mostly done, but unfortunately I can't give a release date for the TTA2 right now.
I try to continue the work with the TTA1 project, because most of the TTA1 code is the parts of TTA2 also.
I think that the TTA1 is a good and stable format. Yes, TTA2 a little bit better, but TTA1 has it's own little area of use too.