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Topic: Modified MPC decoder (Read 5915 times) previous topic - next topic
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Modified MPC decoder

There's a modified mppdec binary by Case available at his site which allows you directly burn your musepack files to audio cds using EAC.
To be copied to EAC directory and it will work.
Uploaded modified mppdec 1.93j for use with EAC to allow direct burning from MPCs.

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #1
Any instructions on how to setup EAC to do direct burning from musepack files?
iTunes 10 - Mac OS X 10.6
256kbps AAC VBR
iPhone 4 32GB

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #2
You just put it in the EAC dir and edit the .cue file before loading it into EAC. Replace all .wav
with .mpc. Note: 200 MHz+ is required for 8x burning.
And if Warhol's a genius, what am I? A speck of lint on the ***** of an alien

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #3
This works great, i can burn mpc's at 48X directly to CD.

I have a question though! I would rather burn Album Gained or Radio Gained tracks to the CD depending on whether the album is from one artist or various artists respectivly.

Is there any provision made for this at all? I wouldn't even mind it hard coded if no switch can be given, then i could just swap teh mppdec.exe for the appropriate album type i want to burn.

Any thought or suggestions here, or am i just missing out something really obvious here??



Modified MPC decoder

Reply #4
Making different versions with hardcoded replaygain modes is fastest for me to do, so here they are. Three different binaries in descriptive subdirs.

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #5
Thats excellent, i'll give them a try in the coming few days.

Just a thought, would it be possible to allow a switch that would modify a permanent program variable to use one of the three modes, the mppdec.exe would then revert to that mode until the variable was changed via the command line switch. Not sure if this is easy or unneccesarry though, just an idea.


Modified MPC decoder

Reply #6
You just put it in the EAC dir and edit the .cue file before loading it into EAC. Replace all .wav
with .mpc. Note: 200 MHz+ is required for 8x burning

errrr, is there any more detailed instructions for computer dunces such as myself?
Got the put it in the EAC dir bit - wtf is the .cue?

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #7
errrr, is there any more detailed instructions for computer dunces such as myself?
Got the put it in the EAC dir bit - wtf is the .cue?

Cue sheet contains the instructions on how to burn the CD, you don't have to worry about it if you haven't used it. You can just add the mpc files manually by selecting Layout \ Append Files As New Track (Index 1).

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #8
Nice thing, indeed. The only thing, which makes me headache, is, that when I try to start burning a CD with EAC I always get a blue screen. I use WinXP with SP1 installed. Configuration see above. The error-message is always as follows: "driver_less_or_equal_than..... " (can´t read the rest, as it disappers too fast. It appears on both of my burners, the CD- and DVD-burner. - Anyone a hint for solving this problem?
My used codecs and settings:
FLAC V1.1.2 -4 / APE V3.99 Update 4 -high / MPC V1.15v --q 5 / LAME V3.97b2 -V2 --vbr-new / OGG aoTuV V4.51 Lancer -q5

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #9
would there be any way to add on the fly decoding to burnatonce?

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #10
when I try to start burning a CD with EAC I always get a blue screen.

You could try different ASPI layer, like ASAPI or native Win32 interface.

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #11
The error-message is always as follows: "driver_less_or_equal_than..... " (can´t read the rest, as it disappers too fast.

Well, if you right click on "My computer" goto adavced (i think) there should be a tab along the lines of "startup and recovery" sorry i cant be more specific. In here though you will find a few tick boxes, one being reboot automatically. If you untick this you will see the blue screen till you physically restart.



Modified MPC decoder

Reply #12
Making different versions with hardcoded replaygain modes is fastest for me to do, so here they are.

Would be really nice to have as well a version with clipping prevention enabled by default (e.g only --prev and, preferably, no --gain).

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #13
EAC calls mppdec always with clipping prevention. I uploaded few hours ago revised package that uses album based clipping prevention with no gain version, if you for some reason prefer title based clipping prevention you better keep the old binary

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #14
Oh, it's even simpler. Thanks for the info, didn't know that.
I think, I'll find a use for both.

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #15
errrr, is there any more detailed instructions for computer dunces such as myself?
Got the put it in the EAC dir bit - wtf is the .cue?

Cue sheet contains the instructions on how to burn the CD, you don't have to worry about it if you haven't used it. You can just add the mpc files manually by selecting Layout \ Append Files As New Track (Index 1).

Hm, nice but......

if i want to burn a complete album, i cant add multiple files at once because eac ignores the order of the tracks.

For example:

I have a album with 10 tracks, all numbered from 01-10 an with trackname. its imposible to add all 10 tracks at once. eac mash the files to a difference order. so i have to add each single track manualy to eac. very bad for burning complete albums. 

any ideas?

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #16
any ideas?
If you drag and drop the files from your album folder directly into the CD Layout window in the desired order it's a little less time-consuming. It sure would be nice if a future version of EAC included a better cuesheet editor, though.

Modified MPC decoder

Reply #17
would there be any way to add on the fly decoding to burnatonce?


got some news to ya buddy..

the next release will be burnatonce 0.95 beta.
(after way to many pre-releases)

Here is an overview of the main features added:



Modified MPC decoder

Reply #18
EAC calls mppdec always with clipping prevention.

Great job man!! 
Now I'll see how does this work