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Topic: Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out. (Read 14728 times) previous topic - next topic
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Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #1
Major new features in this version:
  • added APEv2 tags support muse pack, monkey's audio, wav pack and optim frog formats)
  • added support for native flac tags
  • added all kind of mp4 files support
  • added support for new frames: Rating, Mood, Disc #, Orchestra, Conductor, Lyricist, Original lyricist, File page, Artist page, Source page, Radio station name, Radio station page, Buy CD page, ISRC #, Label title, Catalog #
  • added option to save ID3v2 tags data in Unicode
  • redesigned program toolbars

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #2
That list looks suspiciously similar to the 3.1.5 new features list. Esp. considering 3.1.5 has FLAC support and all those "new frames" already.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #3
That list looks suspiciously similar to the 3.1.5 new features list. Esp. considering 3.1.5 has FLAC support and all those "new frames" already.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=244814"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I simply copied that information from the T&R site.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #4
I simply copied that information from the T&R site.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=244835"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I know. I just think they forgot to update it.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #5
Correct changelog (from my subscriber e-mail):

New in this version:
 * added support for and
 * added proxy servers support
 * minor bugs fixed


Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #6
That list looks suspiciously similar to the 3.1.5 new features list. Esp. considering 3.1.5 has FLAC support and all those "new frames" already.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=244814"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Maybe somebody cracked the registration codes again.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #7
Looks like WavPack files still aren't quite properly supported.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #8
Not a key gen but someone is circulating a loader with a reg key fix for 3.1.5.

Seems like a lot of software releases are feature light but necessary to stay ahead of the pirates.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #9
Not a key gen but someone is circulating a loader with a reg key fix for 3.1.5.
Seems like a lot of software releases are feature light but necessary to stay ahead of the pirates.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=245020"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I've seen a working key for 3.1.5 out and about. No loader needed. Every release of T&R gets cracked, either with a loader or a keygen or an actual key. I don't much see the point in them releasing new versions just to stay ahead of the pirates, as it's an impossible task anyway.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #10
I don't much see the point in them releasing new versions just to stay ahead of the pirates, as it's an impossible task anyway.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=245077"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I totally agree with this. The time wasted in developing new tactics to combat pirates is much better spent improving features and/or creating new ones. People who want to pay, will pay. And those who do not won't and never will. Nothing will ever change about that relationship between software developer and general public. To offset piracy, they would actually be much better off putting more effort into bringing in new customers, which is where improvements to the software would pay off the most probably. This is particularly important considering this tagger costs good money and there are already a few really good ones out there that are totally free. Heck, even with being free there are a lot of people out there happy to give donations for good software (including myself). In fact I prefer donating rather than buying. Not only do you get good software and ensure it's future development, but you also get that wondrful warm fuzzy feeling knowing you did a good deed. Were am I going with this? I have no clue... I seem to have started rambling at some point. I'll stop now.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #11
Does anyone know why they stopped using's database? This was a key feature of T&R in my opinion as it gave me a standard by which to name my ripped files. I wish they would add it again as an option as amazon's database is very flaky.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #12
Does anyone know why they stopped using's database? This was a key feature of T&R in my opinion as it gave me a standard by which to name my ripped files. I wish they would add it again as an option as amazon's database is very flaky.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=245265"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

They were basically scraping's webpage, as AMG doesn't offer any way to access the data otherwise. When allmusic changed, a lot of programs broke. Instead of doing a *lot* more web scraping, they changed it to use's web services to get the information.

Frankly, I like Amazon's data better. Only problem is that it lacks a lot of more obscure albums.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #13
Does anyone know why they stopped using's database? This was a key feature of T&R in my opinion as it gave me a standard by which to name my ripped files. I wish they would add it again as an option as amazon's database is very flaky.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=245265"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

They were basically scraping's webpage, as AMG doesn't offer any way to access the data otherwise. When allmusic changed, a lot of programs broke. Instead of doing a *lot* more web scraping, they changed it to use's web services to get the information.

Frankly, I like Amazon's data better. Only problem is that it lacks a lot of more obscure albums.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=245277"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

not so...
AMG changed the TOS, and it is actually a hell of a lot easier to parse the new site.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #14
not so...
AMG changed the TOS, and it is actually a hell of a lot easier to parse the new site.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=245393"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

As I recall, the original TOS disallowed scraping too, it was just ignored. And parsing the new site is a PITA, IMO, as you need to load several pages instead of just one.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #15
not so...
AMG changed the TOS, and it is actually a hell of a lot easier to parse the new site.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=245393"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

As I recall, the original TOS disallowed scraping too, it was just ignored. And parsing the new site is a PITA, IMO, as you need to load several pages instead of just one.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=245486"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

The old TOS was not as strict as the new one even for freeware. I talked and mailed the amg people more than once.
And yes the new site is easier to parse I should know I did it then and I did it now.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #16
There are good Open Source alternatives to T&R. I switched to MP3 Book Helper and never looked back. Does everything T&R does and then some. But they take a slightly different approach to it but easy enough to learn. I recommend it and it's always good to support Open Source Software (Y).

MP3 Book Helper

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #17
There are good Open Source alternatives to T&R. I switched to MP3 Book Helper and never looked back. Does everything T&R does and then some. But they take a slightly different approach to it but easy enough to learn. I recommend it and it's always good to support Open Source Software (Y).

MP3 Book Helper
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=247318"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

How does using open source software = supporting it? I mean, by using and paying for T&R you are "supporting" a project, but by using something for free and not donating or sending contributions, you can't really say that you're "supporting open source". You're just using it.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #18
it doesn't support monkey audio

edit: OK it does, but the main page doesn't mention it 

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #19
mp3tag is better and it's free.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #20
Oops, double post. Please delete this one, thanks.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #21
mp3tag is better
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=248454"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

No, it isn't. But then, everyone is entitled to their own opinions for different reasons, aren't they. After all, everyone has slightly different needs. In my case I've found Tag&Rename fit them better than mp3tag. Not saying mp3tag is bad though, just to be clear. But if I were going to use a free tagger, then I'd use The GodFather FWIW.

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #22
mp3tag is better
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=248454"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

No, it isn't. But then, everyone is entitled to their own opinions for different reasons, aren't they. After all, everyone has slightly different needs. In my case I've found Tag&Rename fit them better than mp3tag. Not saying mp3tag is bad though, just to be clear. But if I were going to use a free tagger, then I'd use The GodFather FWIW.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=248469"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

but it's totally free...

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #23
mp3tag is better

No, it isn't. But then, everyone is entitled to their own opinions for different reasons, aren't they. After all, everyone has slightly different needs. In my case I've found Tag&Rename fit them better than mp3tag. Not saying mp3tag is bad though, just to be clear. But if I were going to use a free tagger, then I'd use The GodFather FWIW.

but it's totally free...
so what?! TGF is also totally free, it really is very very free. free. totally.   
there are some very good free tagers or all-in-one solutions available (at least three), so let's not get this thread too OT. in the end it comes down to personal preferences and needs as mentioned above already.

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']edit: spelling[/span]
Nothing but a Heartache - Since I found my Baby ;)

Tag&Rename 3.1.6 is out.

Reply #24
MP3 tag studio is in my opinion the best all round tag software when you're only tagging mp3's. It's built on an increadibly quick engine and has an overload of features. The interface is intimidating but worthwile to learn.