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Topic: freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters (Read 4699 times) previous topic - next topic
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freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters

Reply #1
Is it why it's unreachable since the last 14 hours ??
did sco redirect mydoom to ?

freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters

Reply #2
yeah. can anyone tell me what 'New protocol level 6 with UTF-8 support' means please?

freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters

Reply #3
yeah. can anyone tell me what 'New protocol level 6 with UTF-8 support' means please?

It means that we finally have a decent unicode support in freedb. Yay!

The  greatest  programming  project of all took six days;  on the seventh  day  the  programmer  rested.  We've been trying to debug the !@#$%&* thing ever since. Moral: design before you implement.

freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters

Reply #4
But still not online at the moment ??
For querying it's no problem, because the mirrors work. But for doing a manual search, onl can help.

freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters

Reply #5
It is nice to see freedb develop (last additions were Genre and Year a few years ago).

yeah. can anyone tell me what 'New protocol level 6 with UTF-8 support' means please?

UTF-8 allows non ansi characters (read any foreign), to be stored in a standard ansi string. This allows compatability with such things as freedb which. If you have a player does not support UTF-8, you will see two characters appear instead of the one. ie  dĕf  might be shown as d-█f

freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters

Reply #6
man this site has been down for ages.  i wanna use the cue creater program dam it........ 

freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters

Reply #7
man this site has been down for ages.  i wanna use the cue creater program dam it........ 

Learn to appreciate what has been given to you for free...

Great work freedb guys Thanx.

freedb supports Unicode (UTF-8) characters

Reply #8
Now up.