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Topic: Unable to skip beyond track 6 on dvd audio disc (Read 1234 times) previous topic - next topic
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Unable to skip beyond track 6 on dvd audio disc

I've used the LPLEX program to create a double layered DVD folder structure, from which I then created an .iso file using PGCEDIT. From there, I burnt the .iso file to a double layer DVD disc using IMGBURN. When I play back the DVD on my PC I have no problems. However, when I pay back the DVD on my stand alone Philips Blu Ray player, I'm unable to skip through the chapters/tracks beyond track 6. In other words I can skip fine from track 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6, but when playing track 6 I'm unable to skip to track 7 (of 134 tracks) or beyond. The disc will play these tracks in real time, or using the fast forward option, but the skip function appears to be frozen at that point. I've created many such discs using the same programs above and never had this problem until now. I tried to burn the .iso to a second disc using CDBurnerXP (which I've also used multiple times), but got the same result. I'm considering starting the process from scratch again, but am curious if anyone here has had this experience before, or might know what could be causing it?


Re: Unable to skip beyond track 6 on dvd audio disc

Reply #1
Could it be that there is a limit of 127/128 tracks?  I find it curious that if I do 134-128=6