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Topic: Request for small improvement in Converter (Read 2940 times) previous topic - next topic
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Request for small improvement in Converter

Hello again.

Today I converted few tracks from flac to mp3. I noticed that some of them were converting longer that I expected. I suppose I have just erroneously chosen wrong preset (with "better" settings) from the list of presets that I created. I tried to determine which preset was used but I noticed that it isn't printed nor displayed anywhere. My suggestion is that preset name could be printed at least in Console output, alongside with command line switches (for example in parentheses after list of cl switches). It could be additionally displayed in that small windows that appears after conversion is finished.

What you think?

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #1
any thoughts/criticism?

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #2
Sometimes it is frustrating that no one can simply say "no, we don't have time for such thingies"... I will understand such statement...

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #3
the fact that no one has said anything generally means no....

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #4
Hey. I am not a woman. I am a man. I only accept clear and direct answers. Not "answers guessed on my feelings" or "answers guessed using woman's intuition" 
In my world "No" means "No" and "no answer" means.... "no answer"  not "guess answer"

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #5
you've been on the forums long enough to know that Peter doesn't reply to feature request threads.

personally, i think this is such a minor issue. command line parameters are shown in the console and most people have good enough mental skills to choose the preset they meant and remember it.

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #6
My request will be, that converter suport stream names, like %artist% - %title% , but this is not case. I must use 3d software to recieve that info. If i like some song from radio, i can't save it with output names if use convert..
This is be possible with old foobar ver., but not with new.
Would be good also that this stream tags be writen into properties tags when play radio, and then used in converter output names, but i think that this never will be done...

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #7
Hey. I am not a woman. I am a man. I only accept clear and direct answers. Not "answers guessed on my feelings" or "answers guessed using woman's intuition"

What kind of attitude is that?

On this forum a lot of things are noted / done silently. Having not realized that after more than two years of membership does show a serious lack of instinct - instinct and talent for observation are essential for evolutionary success, you know?

You proud man with an ancient thought pattern.


This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #8
Note the "  ". Other thing is my experience with my wife and knowledge how she makes forced interpretation of some meaningless things and build theories on it. She and other women that i know.
Despite I perfectly know that I will not receive official statement from developers I think it is good to check if such requests are likely to happen - this may be indicated by attention from other forum members. And yes, I see that attention is very, very little. But I feel it is good to recall all those requests from time to time in devs memory - maybe today is a good day for me and someone from them will find quick solution and implementation for this?
There is also other thing. My character. Despite I know that there will be no official statement for such minor update, my mind still needs such confirmation or rejection and I try to get it so I ask for it. I think it doesn't hurt anyone.

BTW - I was thinking about other very little addition in main program - adding time stamp (taken from current system clock) for every event printed in console. It isn't very useful, but I already made some investigations of foobar behavior in the past (related mostly to ML events, but also waveform seekbar signatures extraction etc), where information about exact time would be useful (or example to estimate performance of app and system).


Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #9
You can usually check bitrate/codec/codec profile after conversion. Alternatively you could add the name of the preset as static titleformatting in conversion options.

I'd imagine you are not converting to every imaginable format ever, rather sticking to a few (preferred lossless, preferred lossy, preferred portable, maybe one test preset). Thus it shouldn't be that much pain to set it up.

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #10
BTW - I was thinking about other very little addition in main program - adding time stamp (taken from current system clock) for every event printed in console.

This (time of day) is supported by Columns UI's console and a feature that I appreciate very much and that I don't want to miss. From my point of view this information is very helpful.

This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #11
Hmmm... I use DUI and honestly I don't want to switch to any other UI, especially to Columns UI which seems to be abandoned project...

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #12
i understand not wanting to switch UI but i wouldn't have much left if i stuck to a strict rule of not using anything that has been abandoned. if something works perfectly, the fact it's no longer updated is irrelevant.

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #13
You can usually check bitrate/codec/codec profile after conversion. Alternatively you could add the name of the preset as static titleformatting in conversion options.

I'd imagine you are not converting to every imaginable format ever, rather sticking to a few (preferred lossless, preferred lossy, preferred portable, maybe one test preset). Thus it shouldn't be that much pain to set it up.

IfI understand correctly - you mean that I should add manually preset name into title formatting dialog for every preset? IT istn't that bad idea. But it isn't also the best... When it comes to title formatting and all things related to creating long expressions using all those variables, I always fail and need to ask on forums... Is it possible to add encoding preset name to tags? For example to "comment" or "encoded by" fields?

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #14
Hmmm... I use DUI and honestly I don't want to switch to any other UI, especially to Columns UI which seems to be abandoned project...

I didn't want to prompt you to use another UI, EpicForever. I wanted to support your request for the DUI, by telling you that for me as a CUI user this feature is already available and appreciated from practical experience.

if something works perfectly, the fact it's no longer updated is irrelevant.

I couldn't agree more with you, marc2003.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Request for small improvement in Converter

Reply #15
IfI understand correctly - you mean that I should add manually preset name into title formatting dialog for every preset?


Is it possible to add encoding preset name to tags? For example to "comment" or "encoded by" fields?

No. You can technically extend the paths/filenames as I proposed (e.g. 'track__MP3 320.mp3' or '../MP3 320/track.mp3') and use that as a pattern for 'Properties/Tools/Automatically fill values', but it's probably not worth the hassle.

Is it really that important though? If you suspect you did something wrong you can just run the conversion again or set it up so each file is put into a different subfolder automatically depending on the preset used. I do agree that details of the conversion could be surfaced in the console or somewhere else, but hardly a priority and there's at least one 'okay' workaround.