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Topic: Audition 32bit flac is displayed in Foobar as 24bit flac (Read 1138 times) previous topic - next topic
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Audition 32bit flac is displayed in Foobar as 24bit flac


does somebody know why a wave 32bit float, exported with Audition CS6 as 32bit flac (same as source), is displayed in Foobar 2.1.5./Flac 1.4.3 as 24bit flac? In the Audition proberties the flac has bit depth 32-bit (float).

thx for infos:)

Re: Audition 32bit flac is displayed in Foobar as 24bit flac

Reply #1
The FLAC format doesn't compress float at all.
WavPack does. Audition plug-in:

I see Audition's dialogs confuse others too:

Re: Audition 32bit flac is displayed in Foobar as 24bit flac

Reply #2
Thanks for the links. So CS6 open a 24bit Flac as 32bit Float, because of the internal workflow.. and if i export Flac with 32bit, it's only a 24bit Flac, because CS is using Flac 1.0.25 which is not able to export Flac 32bit. All at all not very transparent....