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Topic: How to save [flac -t mysong.flac ] as txt (Read 1830 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to save [flac -t mysong.flac ] as txt

I had downloaded corrupt flac music 3 times. So I tried to make a shell/bat script to automatic check flac from download.
But I find some trouble:
flac -t mysong.flac > my.log

Cant see anything in my.log.
flac -v > my.log
works, which shows the flac.exe version in my.log.

Another question is:
any good ways adding md5 label for flac without  re-encoded?
As I know, the md5 label is cacculate from origin PCM data, so It has to decode first. And the best way I know is use
flac -f
re-encode in place. Any better ways?

Re: How to save [flac -t mysong.flac ] as txt

Reply #1
I had downloaded corrupt flac music 3 times. So I tried to make a shell/bat script to automatic check flac from download.
But I find some trouble:
flac -t mysong.flac > my.log

Cant see anything in my.log.
flac -v > my.log
works, which shows the flac.exe version in my.log.
"-t" outputs to stderr, so you need either "2>my.log" or ">my.log 2>&1" (at least on linux).

Re: How to save [flac -t mysong.flac ] as txt

Reply #2
Thank You!