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Topic: [Extraneous necropost (17 y.o. topic), digressive] Decompressing FLAC files to WAVs (Read 1513 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Decompressing FLAC fi...
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[Extraneous necropost (17 y.o. topic), digressive] Decompressing FLAC files to WAVs

a classic case for people who have nothing to say on the merits of the "geeks press the newbie" series.
unfriendly to the forum - asking a question automatically becomes a beginner, and giving an answer is necessarily a geek.
Just because you know how to use a PC doesn't mean you invented it.
By the way, I'm from the Russian Federation, which means I'm hacking your PC right now.

Re: [Extraneous necropost (17 y.o. topic), digressive] Decompressing FLAC files to WAVs

Reply #1
a classic case for people who have nothing to say on the merits of the "geeks press the newbie" series.
unfriendly to the forum - asking a question automatically becomes a beginner, and giving an answer is necessarily a geek.
Just because you know how to use a PC doesn't mean you invented it.
By the way, I'm from the Russian Federation, which means I'm hacking your PC right now.
There is an increased chance that the original poster died by now. XD
Oh while youre at it you might be interested in my Gliere - Collection. Also got some russian movie rips.
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.