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Topic: JScript Panel (Read 367072 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1551

This includes new and updated samples already shared in the discussion thread.

Not in the changelog but I have modified the appearance of certain headers in text only/list based scripts like this updated screenshot:

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1552
Hi Mark, thanks for your input.
I have a few questions about Smooth Brower.
I have selected to sort by Album. It paints the cover art, Album name, year and Artist. It does it correctly.
I have Artists that released 2 or 3 albums per year. To get it to sort correctly by release date I usually put:
But Smooth Browser paints 0000 in the year.
I have tried different ways which I explain:
1991 = 1991
1991-1 = 0000
1991-01 = 1991
1991/1 = 0000
1991-a = 0000
1991a = 0000
1991 a = 0000
How could I make Smooth Browser be able to paint 5, 6 and 7 digits in the year.
1991-1 = 1991-1 or 1991-01 = 1991-01

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1554
Hi Mark, thanks for your input.
I have a few questions about Smooth Brower.
I have selected to sort by Album. It paints the cover art, Album name, year and Artist. It does it correctly.
I have Artists that released 2 or 3 albums per year. To get it to sort correctly by release date I usually put:
But Smooth Browser paints 0000 in the year.
I have tried different ways which I explain:
1991 = 1991
1991-1 = 0000
1991-01 = 1991
1991/1 = 0000
1991-a = 0000
1991a = 0000
1991 a = 0000
How could I make Smooth Browser be able to paint 5, 6 and 7 digits in the year.
1991-1 = 1991-1 or 1991-01 = 1991-01

Hi, I also usually name the albums of the same year and same artist as you do and indeed the same thing happens to me as you do. I have tried the examples you mention and what you say is correct.
Let's wait to see if Mark can give us a solution and paint more than 4 digits.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1555
Hello marc,

I'm using the Smooth Browser sample, when I want to sort by album I still get different groups for different artists. There is no %artist% in the custom pattern.

Is it normal ?


Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1556
^ My guess is a tagging issue. Do you have a different Album Artist tag for every track? It should be the same for the entire album, i.e. "Various Artists"

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1557
Yes it's a bit better to set 'Various Artist' but there is still a sub-grouping by another tag.
It's OK with columns_ui with grouping by %album% so I thought it was the same with SmoothBrowser

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1558
This is the group pattern...

Code: [Select]
$if2(%album artist%,Unknown Artist) ^^ $if2(%album%,'('Singles')') ^^ [%date%]

If these don't match for every track on the album, they will be split. Believe it or not, you're not the first person to have a compilation where there are different artists per track. The album artist must be identical. If not you end with the mess in your screenshot. Having the album artist tag missing is just about forgivable but it looks like you've gone out of your way to make sure every value is unique matching the artist. :/

edit: the current release wraps the the %date% with $year. I've not released the update which displays the full date yet.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1559
3.4.18 fixes the Smooth Browser full date issue. I've also added support for attaching images from memory. Previously, you had to supply a file path.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1560
I have noticed that for some time now in the Smooth playlist with the setting Background > Wallpaper > Front cover... there is almost no transparency anymore. The background cover is barely recognizable. I think that's a shame. Was this done on purpose? I think it's nicer in version 3.3.40.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1561
Yes, it was done on purpose. I was seeing too many screenshots where the playlist text was almost unreadable. How people put up with it, I don't know. :/

If you really must, the last value 0.1 can be increased here...

Valid values are between 0 and 1.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1562
Yes, it was done on purpose. I was seeing too many screenshots where the playlist text was almost unreadable. How people put up with it, I don't know. :/

If you really must, the last value 0.1 can be increased here...

Valid values are between 0 and 1.

Why not use a dropshadow? Just display the text in black with an offset of 1 pixel horizontal and 1 pixel vertical before displaying it in the desired color. Does wonders.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1563
Yes, it was done on purpose. I was seeing too many screenshots where the playlist text was almost unreadable. How people put up with it, I don't know. :/
If you really must, the last value 0.1 can be increased here...
Valid values are between 0 and 1.
Thanks for the tip, but changing scripts is not my thing.
I found a compromise and lightened the background discreetly.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1564

Changes to Smooth Browser only. In album mode, sorting is now alphabetical and anything without %album% tags is shunted to the end of the list and grouped by %directory%.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1565
It uses $year(%date%) by default. I'll change it to %date% in the next release. If you want to fix it now, search inside the component folder\samples\smooth\jssb.js

I have seen that since version 3.4.18 the years are now painted correctly in Smooth Browser.
Thanks Mark

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1566
Hello Mark
I have noticed that if I change an album cover, both external and embedded, the covers in Smooth Browser do not change, it still shows the old cover and not the new one.
I have tried restarting Foobar, but the cover art doesn't change, it is still the old one. Does this happen to other people or is it a problem with my settings?

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1568
This not-too-elegant batch file will clear both the js_data "js_smooth_cache" and "artists" (from Bio+Images) caches when run, change the path of my portable installation to match yours.  Not having Smooth Browser installed myself, I assumed that its cache also resided in the "js_data" folder like "artists", if not change that path also.
Code: [Select]

Set dir="C:\foobar2000-x64_v2.2\profile\js_data\artists"

Echo Deleting all files from %dir%
del %dir%\* /F /Q

Echo Deleting all folders from %dir%
for /d %%p in (%dir%\*) Do rd /Q /S "%%p"
@echo Folder deleted.


Set dir="C:\foobar2000-x64_v2.2\profile\js_data\js_smooth_cache"

Echo Deleting all files from %dir%
del %dir%\* /F /Q

Echo Deleting all folders from %dir%
for /d %%p in (%dir%\*) Do rd /Q /S "%%p"
@echo Folder deleted.


Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1569

This adds menu items for clearing the Smooth Browser/Smooth Playlist cache.

Also, bugs have been fixed with the various menu run command methods that erroneously returned true on hidden/disabled menu items.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1570
Album art is cached on disk as small thumbnails so it needs to cleared. See this post and my reply...,110516.msg1041974.html#msg1041974

I read the post, and came to the same conclusion, replace the cover in the js_smooth_cache folder. I think it's a great idea to put "Clear album Art Cache" in the context menu in 3.4.20.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1571

This adds a new Play Log sample

Previously I've posted a play logger which saved to an external file but there was no easy way of displaying it/having the display update itself automatically. This fixes that problem.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1572
Hello Mark!!!
I was wondering if you have considered the possibility of Smooth Browser having a mirror of the Playlist, being able to choose between Library as it does now or Playlist as Refacets does where you can choose both.
I have seen on other forums that many people are asking for Refacets to incorporate the cover art. Your panel already does that, it would just be the option of being able to choose Playlist.
I don't know if it's possible or if it would take a lot of work.

Thank you very much for listening to our requests and for your work.

Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1573
Pretty sure I've turned down similar requests in the past but I've had a go at it...



Re: JScript Panel

Reply #1574

This adds playlist search to Smooth Playlist. There are also some new plman methods that power it.

It doesn't filter like the broken old code I ripped out ages ago - it highlights items like fb2k's own search.