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Topic: foo_input_zxtune (Read 49026 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
@foosion: I can confirm that crashes doesn't occur only when foo_input_zxtune is used to playing files that it supports. Crashes occur even when I just play mp3s, flacs, whatevers. And even when foobar is only opened and plays nothing. Of course they occur only when Media Library is configured and used (contain folders that it watches). When Media Library is empty then I got no crashes. Since my last post I haven't noticed any crashes - ML is disabled since that day.
Before I started using foo_input_zxtune it was normal, that when I opened foobar with ML enabled and configured my HDD LED was glowing with nearly constant light. There was loads of directories and subdirectories, loads of mp3 and flac files. And nearly everytime when I started foobar it took some time before everything was scanned for changes (3-5 minutes). After foo_input_zxtune was installed crashes occurred mostly at this point, but sometimes even before anything started to be scanned. I have to notice that I haven't any files supported by foo_input_zxtune in directories that were scanned by ML. All such files were on Desktop, whis was never part of ML.


Reply #26

Awesome! Thanks for your investigations!
So, what I need to do for reproduce this bug?)
Simple add watched folders in ML with mp3's?


Reply #27
Yes. Just add several directories that contain loads of .mp3's, many .flac's, some .ape's, maybe some .wv (wavpack), for sure a few dozens of .m4a's and several .ogg's as well as few wav's. There can be also about 30 .spc's. Some Windows link (.lnk) files pointing to other file's in ML could be an option. Some of flacs, m4as, wavs and mp3s are mixes which have their .cue files. Single .mpc file will also be welcome. If you also got few dozens of WMA V2 encoded files, then it will be just perfect representation of my library... About 50k files.

Ah, I forgot about foo_input_ds by Haali and some .mpg/.mpeg/.m2v/.vob , .ts/.m2t/.mts,  .avi, .asf, .mkv and .wmv files. You can also try add some .flv files as I also use foo_flv...


Reply #28

I need to find the simpliest method to reproduce

Can you add folders to ML 1 by 1 and find on which files the crush occurs?


Reply #29
OK, but it may take up to one week when I find time to make experiments... Since next week I'm starting new job...


Reply #30

I added all my music to ML (~55Gb of mostly .mp3's, flac's).
Crash not occured.


Reply #31
Here it's about 1,2 TB...
Yesterday, when I was finishing replay gain scanning of all my music files I found that there were several multichannel .ac3 files . Isn't there any tracker/chip music file with this kind of file extension? Also I found that I wa using original foo_input_vtx. This could interfere with foo_input_zxtune. I disabled it. Maybe this will help when I will start with ML.


Reply #32

.ac3 files is not supported by foo_input_zxtune.
i think you have some file which crushes zxtune format scanner.
but how to detect it? only you can do this.

Anybody experienced the same problem?


Reply #33
djdron, you woe me another beer. I found possible problem with 95% confidence. These are .rar and .zip files. In folder with my Juno Download purchases I got several large .zip files (1,2 GB, 2,3 GB, 500MB, 700MB, etc.), containing .mp3, flac and .wav files - as delivered by Juno in old times before they published their Java download manager. I was adding directories, one by one, restarting foobar after each directory, then opening it, not playing anything and just waiting or simply playing music. Nothing bad happened as long as I haven't added my directory with web purchased waves, aiffs and flacs. Inside it there's Juno Download subdirectory. At first nothing bad has happened. But I noticed that when I tried to close foobar it closed its GUI, but there was still process in the background, utilizing 100% of one of my CPU cores. When I tried to open foobar I got no response untill I killed the backgroun process. When foobar has opened then I couldn't do anything, even remove that directory from Library (to solve it I had to temporarily rename it). I've added another directory containing .rar and .zip files (this time much smaller - like 20-50 MB) containing freebies from facebook and other social shit websites - as provided by sharing artists. Problem reappeared. So I set ML not to include .rar, .zip and .7z files (just in case). Then I readded that 2 directories (web + social shit) and... everything seems to work fine. So workaround for problems is just to exclude .zi, .rar and .7z from Library.

As far as I remember, your component is the only one that I use that tries to open archives. I don't install even the default archive reader, contained in foobar2000 installer. Anyway I paste here list of my installed components, just to let anybody verify whether foo_input_zxtune is really the only component that I install that is able to read archive files.

Code: [Select]
Core (2013-03-29 11:10:54 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.2.4
foo_ac3.dll (2012-08-29 16:57:04 UTC)
    AC3 decoder 0.9.7
foo_adpcm.dll (2011-12-16 01:27:38 UTC)
    kode's ADPCM decoders 1.10
foo_albumlist.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:58 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_amipwrapper.dll (2010-01-29 21:32:26 UTC)
    AMIP Wrapper 1.01
foo_asap.dll (2012-12-04 16:15:16 UTC)
    ASAP 3.1.3
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2012-11-22 15:41:48 UTC)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.7
foo_bestversion.dll (2013-03-20 16:00:29 UTC)
    Best Version Picker 0.1
foo_bitcompare.dll (2008-12-05 14:08:02 UTC)
    Binary Comparator 1.2
foo_bpm.dll (2010-04-20 12:35:08 UTC)
    BPM Analyser
foo_cdda.dll (2013-03-07 09:48:32 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2013-03-29 11:09:02 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_convolve.dll (2013-03-27 21:18:27 UTC)
    Convolver 0.3
foo_deemph.dll (2013-02-08 18:43:34 UTC)
    De-emphasis postprocessor 0.0.3
foo_dsp_effect.dll (2013-02-19 19:43:44 UTC)
    Effect DSP 0.11
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:58 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.0
foo_dsp_eqsplit.dll (2008-07-13 01:49:10 UTC)
    Split equalizer v0.0.1
foo_dsp_fsurround.dll (2012-07-06 22:29:44 UTC)
    FreeSurround 0.9.0
foo_dsp_mm.dll (2008-06-06 05:29:12 UTC)
    Matrix Mixer 0.3
foo_dsp_resampler.dll (2013-03-27 20:01:33 UTC)
    SoX Resampler 0.8.3
foo_dsp_std.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:50 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.2
foo_dsp_xfeed.dll (2011-09-19 19:44:30 UTC)
    Crossfeed 0.1.3
foo_dsp_xgeq.dll (2012-02-05 12:11:22 UTC)
    Graphic Equalizer 0.3.7
foo_dsp_yac.dll (2013-03-27 21:02:35 UTC)
    Yet Another Convolver 1.1.0
foo_dumb.dll (2013-03-16 21:57:36 UTC)
    DUMB module decoder 1.0.11
foo_dynamicdsp.dll (2012-07-18 06:56:46 UTC)
    Dynamic DSP 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:10 UTC)
    File Operations 2.2
foo_flv.dll (2012-12-29 07:00:00 UTC)
    Flash Video Decoder 0.9.6
foo_freedb2.dll (2013-02-11 11:27:56 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_gep.dll (2013-02-07 16:46:16 UTC)
    Game Emu Player 1.162
foo_hdcd.dll (2012-07-17 19:40:12 UTC)
    HDCD decoder 1.15
foo_input_adplug.dll (2013-01-07 16:46:16 UTC)
    AdPlug 1.42
foo_input_amr.dll (2009-03-05 20:20:06 UTC)
    AMR input 1.1.1
foo_input_celt.dll (2011-05-16 12:21:00 UTC)
    CELT Decoder 0.1.2
foo_input_ds.dll (2013-01-20 19:54:37 UTC)
    DirectShow input 0.1
foo_input_dsdiff.dll (2011-05-18 19:01:22 UTC)
    DSDIFF Decoder 1.4
foo_input_dts.dll (2013-01-30 15:21:04 UTC)
    DTS decoder 0.3.1
foo_input_dtshd.dll (2011-03-19 22:41:12 UTC)
    DTS-HD Decoder 0.1.3
foo_input_dvda.dll (2012-03-16 16:30:28 UTC)
    DVD-Audio Decoder and Watermark Detector 0.4.11
foo_input_exe.dll (2012-10-11 21:56:52 UTC)
    Command-Line Decoder Wrapper 0.4
foo_input_gsf.dll (2013-03-27 17:09:40 UTC)
    Highly Advanced 2.0.2
foo_input_ht.dll (2013-01-19 15:58:54 UTC)
    Highly Theoretical 2.0.37
foo_input_hvl.dll (2012-02-19 10:52:04 UTC)
    Hively Tracker decoder 1.9
foo_input_kdm.dll (2012-02-19 10:52:40 UTC)
    KDM Decoder 1.1
foo_input_monkey.dll (2012-04-20 20:24:30 UTC)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.6
foo_input_ofr.dll (2011-03-15 22:43:46 UTC)
    OptimFROG Lossless/DualStream Decoder 1.31
foo_input_org.dll (2012-02-19 10:53:10 UTC)
    Organya decoder 1.9
foo_input_qsf.dll (2012-12-31 17:30:44 UTC)
    Highly Quixotic 2.0.25
foo_input_reverse.dll (2009-01-05 19:47:00 UTC)
    Reverse Playback 0.1.4 (SSE)
foo_input_sacd.dll (2012-08-25 19:03:10 UTC)
    Super Audio CD Decoder 0.5.11
foo_input_shorten.dll (2009-11-15 20:46:36 UTC)
    Shorten decoder
foo_input_std.dll (2013-03-29 11:09:54 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_input_tak.dll (2013-03-22 17:14:36 UTC)
    TAK Decoder 0.4.6 beta 3
foo_input_tfmx.dll (2012-12-13 15:24:38 UTC)
    TFMX decoder 0.10
foo_input_upse.dll (2012-12-22 10:42:24 UTC)
    UPSE PSF Decoder 1.8
foo_input_usf.dll (2011-06-26 18:16:54 UTC)
    LazyUSF 2.1 (Build Jun 26 2011)
foo_input_zxtune.dll (2013-02-19 21:20:22 UTC)
    ZX Tune Player 0.0.1
foo_keep_queue.dll (2010-11-12 03:28:46 UTC)
    Keep Queue 0.3.5
foo_lnk.dll (2010-01-07 18:57:56 UTC)
    Shell Link Resolver 1.3.1
foo_lock.dll (2010-01-11 11:18:36 UTC)
    Pause on Lock 0.5
foo_masstag.dll (2013-03-27 21:20:17 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_midi.dll (2013-03-07 17:28:55 UTC)
    MIDI synthesizer host 1.198
foo_musical_spectrum.dll (2012-11-21 07:00:00 UTC)
    Musical Spectrum 0.9.1
foo_nds.dll (2013-03-22 12:59:18 UTC)
    No Display Standby 1.1
foo_osd.dll (2012-12-17 19:28:20 UTC)
    On-Screen Display 1.73
foo_playcount.dll (2011-07-13 10:47:18 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_psf.dll (2013-01-02 11:22:16 UTC)
    Highly Experimental 2.0.34
foo_queuecontents.dll (2011-12-31 13:30:56 UTC)
    Queue Contents Editor 0.5
foo_rg_trn.dll (2010-01-14 00:01:00 UTC)
    ReplayGain override 0.1.3
foo_rgscan.dll (2013-03-29 11:09:02 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.2
foo_run.dll (2009-06-07 14:15:18 UTC)
    Run services 0.3.7
foo_seek.dll (2011-12-20 12:03:06 UTC)
    Seek 1.1
foo_seek_box.dll (2010-04-21 14:03:30 UTC)
    Seek box 0.0.3
foo_sendtodevice.dll (2013-03-11 17:20:22 UTC)
    Send to Device 1.1.2 [Nov 28 2007 - 10:13:31]
foo_sid.dll (2013-03-25 18:08:45 UTC)
    sidplay2 1.30
foo_skip.dll (2013-03-24 13:38:48 UTC)
    Skip Track 1.7.7a test
foo_softplaylists.dll (2013-01-25 19:31:19 UTC)
    Soft Playlists 2012-10-10
foo_stop_on_current.dll (2009-06-18 04:54:52 UTC)
    Stop on Current 0.4
foo_timebomb.dll (2009-12-20 21:40:00 UTC)
    Timebomb 0.0.2
foo_ui_std.dll (2013-03-29 11:09:24 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_verifier.dll (2013-03-14 11:38:18 UTC)
    File Integrity Verifier 1.1.1
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2013-03-25 23:47:50 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar 0.2.33


Reply #34
I checked with a test installation and noticed that foo_input_zxtune registers all of its supported formats -- including archives, disc images and text files - as audio file types. Here is the relevant part from my foo_whatsnew log file (line breaks added for readibility):
+Audio File Type: ZX Tune Audio Files

I wouldn't be surprised if this can lead to conflicts with installed archive readers (hint, hint).


Reply #35
EpicForever, foosion

yes, zxtune format parser includes archive parsers.
by example, .rar parser is faster then standard unrar (as zxtune author reported here)

but i can remove them for better compatibility.


Reply #36
In my opinion files that have standard usage other than audio shouldn't be registered by your plugin. If anyone knows that his file is one of zxtune files, then he could always use "open with" context menu in Explorer or simply drag it into active playlist in foobar. I think that all files coloured by foosion should be excluded from registering as audio files and probably from scanning in library. Other option is that in description for plugin (initial post) there should be information that .rar, .zip, and .tar files are recommended to be excluded from ML.

I've added .tar, .txt, .m and .c files to exclusion list, which caused Media Library to be rescanned. Nothing bad has happened. All plugins work as they should, foobar works just fine.


Reply #37
djdron: I don't know if the zxtune library supports this but you could expose the archive decoders as foobar2000 archive service, at least for the formats that are not supported directly by foobar2000. Even if the zxtune implementation is faster, scanning an archive twice with two different parsers will negate that benefit.


Reply #38
ok, ok)) wait for next version, i'll fix this


where to send the beer?


Reply #39
To Poland


Reply #41
There is a new version (with archives scanner bug fixes and some new features).

Hi djdron,

thanks for the update. What new features would that be that you just have announced?


Reply #42


you can analyze master branch from april to december of 2013))
also read this thread from here (posts from Vitamin with new features)
i didn't find changelog, sorry.


Reply #43

There are latest version (0.0.3) included all new features from zx tune project (r3100 from 22.09.2014).


Changelog here (skip zxtune-android & zxtune-qt entries).

edited first post with up to date information


Reply #44

There are latest version (0.0.3) included all new features from zx tune project (r3100 from 22.09.2014).


Changelog here (skip zxtune-android & zxtune-qt entries).

edited first post with up to date information

Hello. I have a question for you. Is it possible to make a plug-in for Winamp? I addressed this request developer ZXTune.
The man with the nickname Vitamin. He said to ask you. We would like a plugin for Winamp.


Reply #45
Hello. I have a question for you. Is it possible to make a plug-in for Winamp? I addressed this request developer ZXTune.
The man with the nickname Vitamin. He said to ask you. We would like a plugin for Winamp.

Sorry, but WinAmp have no support for multiple tracks in one file (you can read many forum threads with bugs about CUE support).
I made plugin for WinAmp, but it looks ugly because one of the generic ZxTune features is to support multiple tracks in one file.



Reply #46
Some version update (to r3215 feb 25 2015).

Edited first post with up to date information and new plugin build

New features (full changelog here):

--- Rev3215 from 25.02.2015

  • Added SNES SPC support
  • Fixed processing of some multitrack AY files
  • Fixed TurboLZ packers support

    --- Rev3190 from 10.02.2015

  • Added Amstrad AYC support
  • Fixed processing of non-ascii symbols in modules
  • Fixed STP/PT2 playback with default sample
  • Fixed filter emulation for SID playback

    --- Rev3170 from 20.01.2015

  • Updated libsidplayfp for 1.6.2
  • Fixed PT3 playback with default sample
  • Reset not significant registers bits in AY format convertors

    --- Rev3150 from 03.12.2014

  • Added ExtremeTracker v1.xx support
  • Fix crash on invalid MMD3 modules

    --- Rev3135 from 18.11.2014

  • Fixed SQD playback

    --- Rev3120 from 27.10.2014

  • improved quality of beeper emulation
  • updated SID songs length database to #61


Reply #47
Hello djdron,

thanks for providing an update of the plugin and offering a detailed changelog!

However, I came around here visiting the Uploads section just by chance. Many visitors of this forum probably will miss the mere existence of your plugin. Actually this section of the forum is just meant to be able to upload files/images which you then can attach to your posting in one of the discussion forums. I strongly suggest you start a new thread in the 3rd Party Plugins section which eventually will provide you and your fine plugin with more and well deserved attention, and that hopefully leads to a fruitful discussion between the plugin users and you.


Reply #48

ok, thanks! topic moved here


Reply #49
Hello. I have a question for you. Is it possible to make a plug-in for Winamp? I addressed this request developer ZXTune.
The man with the nickname Vitamin. He said to ask you. We would like a plugin for Winamp.

Sorry, but WinAmp have no support for multiple tracks in one file (you can read many forum threads with bugs about CUE support).
I made plugin for WinAmp, but it looks ugly because one of the generic ZxTune features is to support multiple tracks in one file.


Winamp half supports playback of multiple tracks in a single file. It just does not look very nice. But anyway. If you have give me this plug-in with the source. Maybe I like anything to make it better. please