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Topic: SirReal's G15 Software (Read 38072 times) previous topic - next topic
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SirReal's G15 Software

Multipurpose plugin for the Logitech G15 keyboard. Small and fast executable, doesn't require anything else except the TeamSpeak2 DLL (which is included). If you don't need TS2, you can delete TSRemote.DLL.

There's currently no installer; just extract the files anywhere you like and double-click the LCDSirReal.exe file to start the plugin. You'll want to review the contents of lcdsirreal.txt, the configuration file. Double-click it to open it in a text editor such as notepad. LCDSirReal looks for it's configuration files where the executable is, or in My Documents\LCDSirReal. It will also write it's log files there.

Each of the G15 soft buttons corresponds to one 'slot' in the plugin where you can select which 'module' to show. You can have more than one module listed for a slot, and the first one to have anything to show will be used. You can force switch between modules using CTRL+softbutton.

If the G15 keyboard isn't available or is unresponsive, LCDSirReal shows a small window with it's display in it. Closing the window terminates LCDSirReal. Clicking on the slots simulates softbutton presses. Hold down mouse button on a slot to do a long-click. Right click to cycle a slot's contents (like CTRL-softbutton does).

Vista Notes: When running under Windows Vista, LCDSirReal does not require Administrative privileges unless you want to use the speaker switching.

Download: See the link above.

  • Customizable display of weekday, date and time.
  • Shows number of unread mails as icons, if your mail client supports it
  • Displays CPU usage (averages or min/max on top, details in CPU module)
  • Shows the memory load.
  • Shows inbound (top) and outbound (bottom) network traffic volume
  • Shows network inbound/outbound network load over the last ten seconds, and/or total data sent and received.
  • World clock with daylight savings support and user selectable time zones
  • Speaker switcher, switch between speakers and headphones with a click
  • Displays sound volume and speakers muted status
  • Stopwatch with lap time (click to start/lap, long-click to reset/stop)
  • Detects unresponsive programs and allows you to kill them
  • TeamSpeak2/3 integration: Shows speakers, player count (channel with large font, server with small font), arriving and leaving players, mic mute status, self speaking status, channel changes. Click to mute/unmute mic. Long-click to show who's in the active channel.
  • WinAMP integration: Shows new song name when song changes. Shows remaining play time and average bitrate. Click to re-display current song.
  • Foobar2000: supports the WinAMP spam component.
  • FRAPS integration: Shows the current FPS.
  • SpeedFan integration: Shows user selectable values from SpeedFan (temperatures, fan speeds, voltages).
  • iTunes integration: Shows new song name when song changes. Shows remaining play time and average bitrate. Click to re-display current song.

  • CLK World clock with daylight savings time support and many time zones. Click to switch time zone.
  • STW Stopwatch. Click to start/lap. Long-click to stop/reset. Can also work without laptimes (see lcdsirreal.txt for details).
  • SPK Speaker switcher. Click to switch between two speaker settings, for example 5.1 and headphones.
  • NET Net history. Shows the last few seconds network load (in or out) or the total amount of data passed. Click to change display mode.
  • AMP WinAMP integration. Shows average bitrate and time remaining. Click to re-display current song title. Long-click to enable/disable continous display of song title.
  • TS2 TeamSpeak2 integration. Shows number of players on server (small font) and in the current channel (large font). Shows mic status (mute, idle, speaking). Shows current speakers, players entering and leaving the server and more. Click to mute/unmute mic. Long-click to show who's in the current channel.
  • TS3 TeamSpeak3 integration. Shows number of players on server (small font) and in the current channel (large font). Shows mic status (mute, idle, speaking). Shows current speakers. Click to mute/unmute mic. Long-click to show who's in the current channel.
  • FPS FRAPS integration. Shows the current FPS, if it is nonzero. Note that FRAPS must be minimized or it won't provide FPS counts.
  • FAN SpeedFan integration. Show selected value. Click to change value to display. Long-click to enable/disable auto-cycle of display.
  • TUN iTunes integration. Shows average bitrate and time remaining. Click to re-display current song title. Long-click to enable/disable continous display of song title.
  • CPU Shows individual core load, average load as percentage, CPU load histogram or free memory status. Click to switch display mode, long-click to show LCDSirReal uptime, average CPU used and current memory usage.
  • RIP Detects unresponsive programs. When detected, shows start of window title. Click to show entire window title. Long-click to terminate the program.

Known problems:
  • Some G15 keyboards are sensitive to ESD (electrostatic discharges). Should the LCD display go blank and the LCD buttons become unresponsive, try stopping LCDMon.exe, the Logitech LCD monitor application (you can use CTRL+mediastopbutton to do this). LCDSirReal will detect that it's no longer running and start it again. Remove peripherals connected to the keyboard's USB ports. Consider contacting Logitech for a replacement keyboard.
  • The unread mail indicator (both in LCDSirReal and Logitech's bundled plugin) may show an incorrect number of unread mails. This is a problem with the mail client. Microsoft Outlook is known to be very buggy. Try Mozilla Thunderbird. Also, see this link.
  • The TeamSpeak2 application can under stress break down with regard to it's IPC (interprocess communications) system. If this happens, LCDSirReal will show 'WAIT' in the TS2 slot. LCDSirReal will keep trying to reconnect indefinately. To fix it immediately, restart the TeamSpeak2 application.
  • It should be noted that none of the above problems are caused by LCDSirReal; I'm just tired of answering questions regarding these issues in forums.
  • It may or may not work on Windows 2000 and below. Note that the Logitech G15 software itself lists Windows XP as a requirement.

Before reporting a problem:
  • Make sure you are running Logitech's latest drivers. Hint: The "Update" button they provide doesn't work. Check their website.
  • Include the contents of the system.txt file in your problem report. Look for this file in My Documents\LCDSirReal.
  • Include the last few lines of the errors.txt file in your problem report. Look for this file in My Documents\LCDSirReal.

Registering LCDSirReal:
From version 2.7.0 forwards, LCDSirReal has a nag box. I'll keep 2.6.7 around for download for those who really, really hate nag boxes and can't afford the five euros. If you register, you'll receive a code to disable the nag box. The nag box always appears in the leftmost slot. It appears more frequently the longer you leave LCDSirReal running. After 10 hours of runtime, the nag box will be shown constantly. Restarting LCDSirReal resets this timer. Clicking the nag box button shows a donation text. Long-clicking opens the LCDSirReal home page.

What others say:

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #1
Moderation: Topic title changed to avoid confusion; this is not a foobar2000 component.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #2
nice work sirreal... i like your exe... works nicely... wish it would have the song name on all the time or at least configurable...

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #3
 how do we use it???

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #4
how do we use it???

I havent got around to packing into a nice installer. For now, just unzip the two files (my .exe and the teamspeak DLL) anywhere you like and double click the LCDSirReal.exe. If you don't use Teamspeak, you can delete the DLL.

nice work sirreal... i like your exe... works nicely... wish it would have the song name on all the time or at least configurable...

Thanks. 90k not too big?
Yah, well, it's a work-in-progress. It doesn't have any sort of configurability yet. I'm thinking I'll have the speakers button long-click show the current playing again. I don't think I'll have it show the song constantly.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #5

how do we use it???
I havent got around to packing into a nice installer.

And why should you? I just hate this Windows habbit of creating a 1mb installer just for extracting and copying a 100kb file to a custom location

For now, just unzip the two files (my .exe and the teamspeak DLL) anywhere you like and double click the LCDSirReal.exe. If you don't use Teamspeak, you can delete the DLL.

I just did that... nothing happens... maybe it is because I don't have that 'G15' stuff (and never heard of it )

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #6
I just did that... nothing happens... maybe it is because I don't have that 'G15' stuff (and never heard of it )

Oops. Edited OP to reflect that this is a plugin for the Logitech G15 keyboard.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #7
Any plans to include support for the MX5000 keyboard?

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #8
Any plans to include support for the MX5000 keyboard?

Logitech does not provide an SDK for the MX5000, so that can't be done. Besides, the LCD on the MX5000 doesn't look like it's the same dimensions, so it would have required a massive rewrite and a separate application.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #9
Dang. Oh well, thanks

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #10
Changes in v1.2:

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #11
Very nice.
I don't understand how to use Media keys.
The Mute, Forward, Rewind, Stop, Play, Pause, Vol+/- are inactives...
I use only Foobar2000, currently 9.4.4.

Could you help please

Also, the part of your plugin :
"#  Select what modules should be shown in which slot. You can list more than
#  one module per slot, and the first one that has data to display will
#  be shown. To see any others, hold down CTRL while clicking the slot button
#  to cycle the selected module."

Isn't working.
Indeed, when i hold down CTRL while cliking, i can't see others module, its just happen nothing for me.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #12
Been a while since I updated this thread...

Changes in v2.0:
  • FIX: Speaker switch could fail to switch on some setups.
  • Module switching: Use CTRL+softbutton to change module in a slot.
  • User-selectable module display.
  • Allow both speaker setups to be user selectable.
  • Added FPS module; FRAPS integration.
  • Added NET module; shows network statistics.

Changes in v2.1:
  • Changed FRAPS runtime checking to be less intrusive.
  • Added errors.txt error logging file.
  • Not detecting LCDMon.exe as running still allows attempt to use LCD.
  • If mail checking isn't available in the OS (Win2K and lower), don't use it.
  • Added 'include' command in lcdsirreal.txt
  • Changed TS2 interface thread priority class from IDLE to LOWEST.

Changes in v2.2:
  • Don't log the most common TS2 communication errors; fills up log.
  • Tweaked thread synchronization method for LCD updates.
  • Added more error messages around LCDMon.exe launching.
  • One single processor machines, keep the TS2 interface thread at normal priority.
  • If net I/O initialization failed, retry at intervals.

Changes in v2.3:
  • Calculate daylight savings time status on initialization.
  • Immediately terminate LCDSirReal when system shutdown detected.
  • Use alternate method of detecting PID's on Windows XP and above.
  • Tweaked TS2 mutex timeout.
  • Removed even more redundant TS2 errors from the log.
  • Improved shutdown sequence handling.

Changes in v2.4:
  • Added startup mode selection to slot modules.
  • Added support for SpeedFan.
  • Fixed the 'repeating speaker' TS2 display bug.
  • Added support for iTunes. See notes below!
  • Rewrote net statistics to use TDI instead of WMI (less CPU usage, less memory footprint)

Changes in v2.5:
  • Refresh list of active network interfaces every two seconds
  • RIP module: Allow termination of unresponsive programs
  • Mail indicator for more than six emails shown as "(icon)x(number)"
  • Fixed network I/O numbers at transfer speeds exceeding 4MB/sec

Changes in v2.6:
  • Recognizes Logitech 1.03+ software installation paths
  • Reduced CPU usage for TS2 module
  • Fixed WinAMP module crash on long song names
  • NET works in Vista (Fallback to NDIS 6 for network data if TDI fails)
  • Generate GUI calls if FRAPS is started after LCDSirReal, to allow it to patch itself into LCDSirReal's process
  • World Clock now works in Vista (Use text indices)
  • Volume bar and mute state works in Vista (MS removed old API's)
NOTE: Microsoft Vista does not provide any means for a third-party program to change the speaker configuration. As a result, the SPK module is limited to showing the volume and mute state. Also, the new Vista sound API's are very CPU intensive, so to save CPU cycles the SPK module will only update once per second.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #13
Changes in v2.7.3:
  • Added Unicode support
  • The TS2 speakers display now uses the large font
  • Farenheit conversion option for SpeedFan data
  • Delay for X ms before removing the name of the person talking on TeamSpeak
  • Look for lcdsirreal.txt in .exe location too
  • Create "system.txt" file containing system information on startup
  • net_adapter option allows you to limit network data to a single interface
  • Now shows a window when the G15 is unresponsive or not present
  • If the configuration file changes, reloads the configuration (control with config_refresh)
  • CPU module: Shows individual core load, average load as percentage, CPU load histogram or free memory status
  • Displays up to 32 CPU core loads individually in the CPU module; top CPU graph is configurable (see lcdsirreal.txt)
  • NET module tries NDIS 5.1 statistics if NDIS 6 fails
  • TS3 module: Support for TeamSpeak 3. Click to change mic mute state. Long click to show who's on the channel.
  • RIP module shows executable name if there is no window title

Unicode allows me to present things like weekday names the way they're meant to in places like Greece and Russia. It also opens the way for TeamSpeak names with those fonts, when TeamSpeak starts delivering UTF-8 encoded user names. It also changes the way LCDSirReal looks. Hopefully, no less readable, although in my opinion the new fonts are less appealing than the old ones. However, not having the bitmapped fonts embedded makes the executable smaller. Of course, all these new features has added size as well. In the end, it evened out.

Now you don't even need a G15 to see what LCDSirReal looks like! If the G15 can't be detected or isn't currently available, LCDSirReal now shows a little window with it's display in it. If you close the window, LCDSirReal terminates. If the G15 comes online, the window is automatically hidden. While the window is visible, you can left click the slots to simulate the respective softbuttons. You can right-click to force a slot to cycle it's contents. If you need to, you can force this window to be visible always; specify a nonzero value for the option "testwindow".

Unlike previous versions, this version has a nag box. I'll keep 2.6.7 around for download for those who really, really hate nag boxes and can't afford the minimum donation of five euros. Donors will receive a code to disable the nag box. The nag box always appears in the leftmost slot. It appears more frequently the longer you leave LCDSirReal running. After 10 hours of runtime, the nag box will be shown constantly. Restarting LCDSirReal resets this timer. Clicking the nag box button shows a donation text. Long-clicking opens the LCDSirReal home page.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #14
Changes in v2.7.7:
  • Long clicking NET now resets netio subsystem as well as counters, may help some
  • More aggressive reloading of failing NDIS drivers, may help with Vista network drivers that stop reporting statistics after resume
  • The stopwatch can now work in with or without laptimes, see lcdsirreal.txt under "stopwatch_laps"
  • Long-clicking the AMP or TUN module now toggles between always showing the title and normal display
  • AMP title display now supports Unicode
  • Volume bar now updates in realtime on Vista
  • Found a way to switch speakers on Vista (requires Administrative privileges)
  • Performance enhancements under Vista

2.7.7 implements speaker switching on Vista. Note that Microsoft doesn't provide a way for applications to do this, so undocumented and unsupported methods must be used. Also, it requires Administrative rights. This is the only function in LCDSirReal that needs admin rights, so you don't need to run LCDSirReal as administrator unless you want to use the speaker switching. Finally, since the methods I use are unsupported they may or may not work with different audio drivers. You'll have to test and see.

Finally, on my Vista x64 with Core i7 920, LCDSirReal now uses on between 0.00% and 0.01% CPU time thanks to some performance enhancements.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #15
Changes in 2.7.8:
  • SPK module uses polling if callbacks fail (Vista only; fixes speaker mode display with substandard audio drivers)
  • Long-clicking the SPK module now restarts it
  • SPK module now follows the default device on Vista
  • Look for configuration files in My Documents\LCDSirReal
  • Write system.txt and errors.txt to My Documents\LCDSirReal

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #16
Changes in 2.7.9:
  • Fix race condition in startup code
  • Fix handling of very long WinAMP titles
  • Identify unknown speaker configurations by channel count (Vista only)
  • Corrected LCDSirReal CPU usage display (wasn't being divided with the number of CPU cores before)
  • CPU module wasn't reading the mode selectors on config reload
  • Added option to have a long-click simulated for a module in config (add a '*' after the three letter acronym)

NOTE: I'm unable to edit the first post to change the download URL.
Go to and download from there.

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #17
Changes in 2.8.0:
  • Fixed a bug with the fallback speaker setup decoding in Vista
  • Changed speaker switching to be more reliable in the face of misidentified speaker setups
  • Added 5.1surround and 7.1surround to the list of known speaker configurations
  • Fixed iTunes support so it handles Unicode

SirReal's G15 Software

Reply #19
Changes in 2.8.1:
  •     Compatible with FRAPS 3.00
  •     AMP module only shows title changes when module is active
  •     Text area shouldn't start repeating if it's very short texts
  •     Compatible with TS3 beta 12