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Topic: HTOA files are not tagged (Read 781 times) previous topic - next topic
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HTOA files are not tagged

I use Cuetools to bulk convert ISOs to mps using the EAC cue file. I'm using the Cuetools default setting of 'Gaps appended + HTOA and version 2.2.5.

I notice that HTOA files are sometimes created in the corresponding folders for the albums. However they are not tagged with the album name and the artist. So when the album folders are loaded into a music player that uses tags, these HTOA files become strays. They are seperated from the rest of the files for that album. Could they be tagged with the album name and artist?

Re: HTOA files are not tagged

Reply #1

Note: v2.2.6 has an option
Gaps Appended + HTOA (HTOA > 5s)
which will only create HTOA files when Track 01 pregap is longer than 5 seconds.
from Wishlist


Re: HTOA files are not tagged

Reply #2
@knorth, thank you. I will use that for now.