Hello, here are some suggestions I have for CUERipper
2. Is there a permanent option, where it will never ask you the question "do you want to overwrite a *.accurip as it exists", If not I would like that.
You could add [_%unique%] to the filename string which will cause a separate .accurip file written with numeric value appended (1..2..3...etc).
If ripping multi-CD sets to the same folder you could add %discnumber% to create separate files such as
which would add _-_CD%discnumber% only if %totaldiscs% is 2 or more.
3. more options for the file name format for the accurip log created such as %albumartist%_-_%albumtitle%_-_%year%
I don't think CUETools understands %albumartist%, but %artist%_-_%album%_-_%year%.accurip works fine.
There are specific rules for %albumartist%. If %artist% is the same for all tracks then %albumartist% does not exist, %artist% is used instead. This makes %albumartist% difficult to use for naming templates. Also when CUETools/CUERipper switched from %album artist% to %albumartist%, some of the sections of code were not updated. Because of this you have to use %album artist% in the accurip log file naming template.
I would suggest using $if([%album artist%],%album artist%,%artist%)
so %artist% is used when %album artist% does not exist.
Right now the only way to edit the accurip log file naming template in CUERipper is to edit the .\CUERipper\settings.txt file.
There are already multiple requests to make more settings available to the GUI.