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Topic: Problem converting to ogg format (Read 3480 times) previous topic - next topic
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Problem converting to ogg format


I'm trying to use cuetools to convert some audio files to .ogg for listening on a portable device.

When I try this I get the message below,

"Exception: oggenc.exe: The system cannot find the file specified"

What does this mean? How can I successfully convert the files?


Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #1
ogg is an external encoder. External meaning you need to download oggenc.exe and make it available to CUETools.

To make available to CUETools:
1. Define the %PATH% to oggenc.exe in the Windows Environmental Variables
2. Copy oggenc.exe to the CUETools program folder
3. Define the path to oggenc.exe (e.g. C:\ogg\oggenc.exe) in the encoder settings (gear icon)
Note: Once you change the default path in option#3, option#1 and option#2 are no longer valid.    

Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #2
Hi Korth,

Thanks for your reply. Ok that makes sense.

I've had a look at the link below but can't see the oggenc.exe for download (I'm probably being blind!) Is it available on that page?

Thanks again for your help,


Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #3
Third-Party Downloads For Windows, you're directed to rarewares.
Note: this is oggenc2.exe
The wiki page I linked above has a note on compatibility.

Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #4
Thanks Korth that did the trick!

I've seen that opus is a newer version of ogg so thought I'd give that a try as well. I downloaded the opusdec.exe file from here,

I put it in the cuetools folder the same as the oggenc2.exe file but I'm getting this error

"Exception: opusdec.exe has exited prematurely with code 1: The pipe has been ended."

Is there a way to fix this?

Thanks again,

Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #6
opusdec is a decoder. CUETools doesn't support lossy decoding.
You can use opusenc in v2.1.7.
v2.1.6 and below doesn't support tagging for opus.

Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #7
Thanks, my error! The path was set to opusdec.exe for some reason but all working now.

I'm using 2.1.7 but the output opus files have not tags or artwork even though I'm selecting them just before encoding.

How can I fix this?


Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #8

The tags and artwork are visible in Vlc which I use on my phone to play audio files, but when I try to edit them using mp3tag the metadata is missing. Has anyone come across this, is there a better piece of software for editing?

Also when converted, the output opus files are missing the first second or so of audio. I've tried gap Appended and Prepended with the same result. Is there something in the settings I can change? Converting to .ogg doesn't have this problem.

Opus looks like a great option for portable playing so would be good to get it working.

Thanks again for the help,

Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #9
Of all lossy audio codecs OGG/Vorbis still has the best handling of gapless playback, which is the main reason I still use it when encoding to lossy. I am not sure if your issue is related to gapless playback, but that might be the case.


Re: Problem converting to ogg format

Reply #10
Hi Zordaz,

I'm not quite sure why I was getting those issues encoding with cuetools. I gave foobar2000 a try once the tracks were split from a single FLAC file and it worked perfectly. Tags were all there and no gap issues so I'll stick with that method.

Thanks to everyone for all the help, Opus really is an amazing codec for portable listening!
