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Topic: Merging split FLAC files (Read 2339 times) previous topic - next topic
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Merging split FLAC files


I have a ripped cd which I split with CUEtools a while back but I now want to merge the files back together. I had the gap handling set to "Gaps appended to previous track. HTOA lost."

I have the original .cue from when the cd was ripped, should I use this to merge the files and how do I do this?

Also will the merged file be identical to the original single flac file before it was split considering the gap handling setting?


Re: Merging split FLAC files

Reply #1
CUETools created a new CUE with the individual files when you split the Image. If you have that one, you would use it as the source file to join the tracks. If you don't have that CUE, please post the contents of the original CUE so I can advise if you need to do anything other than using track 1 as the source file.

The audio of the new Image would be the same as the original Image (except any content that wasn't "digital silence" before track1, if any existed).

Re: Merging split FLAC files

Reply #2
Hi Korth,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes I luckily kept the .cue from when the file was split. Should I add that to the folder with the individual tracks and use that folder as the input?

The HTOA is showing as 00:00:32 so I'm guessing it was digital silence as it is such a short file?

Thanks for your help,

Re: Merging split FLAC files

Reply #3
That's confusing.
"Gaps appended to previous track. HTOA lost."
but now you have HTOA instead of a 'PREGAP'?

The 32 frames may or may not be "digital silence". Analog recordings may have inaudible noise (not zeroes) that can end up in the area before track 1. Replacing the "inaudible noise" with "digital silence" will change the hash of the Image. An HTOA file preserves the
audio ("inaudible noise" or "digital silence") where a PREGAP adds only "digital silence" to the beginning of the Image.

I would put the tracks.CUE in the folder with the tracks and select only the CUE as input. Selecting the folder should be fine as well but keep in mind that when you select a folder, CUETools will process everything in the folder and sub-folders.

Re: Merging split FLAC files

Reply #4
Hi Korth,

Sorry my mistake, yes it is a PREGAP like you say.

Ok I understand, for future reference if I were to split a large file should I preserve the HTOA and store it just incase?

Ok that makes sense.

Thanks again,

Re: Merging split FLAC files

Reply #5
should I preserve the HTOA and store it just incase?
I don't (unless there is actual content like a hidden song) but that's up to you. I just wanted to point out that the hash may be different even though everything you can hear is unchanged.

Re: Merging split FLAC files

Reply #6
Hi Korth,

Ok great thanks for your help, much appreciated!
