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Topic: Exception: Error reading CD (Read 2738 times) previous topic - next topic
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Exception: Error reading CD

On my new Windows 10 laptop both CUERipper 2.1.6 and 2.1.7 gives an error (see image) when ripping CD's. It seems that after starting the laptop CUERipper is able to rip one CD, but when you want to rip a second one, the error occurs.
Exact Audio Copy works fine on the same laptop.
I am using a Samsung CD/DVD-drive which also works fine on other computers.

Any clue what might be wrong?

Re: Exception: Error reading CD

Reply #1
I assume this is an external drive and maybe USB.
You should add this to Issues. Make sure to include the model number and interface.


Re: Exception: Error reading CD

Reply #2
I assume this is an external drive and maybe USB.
You should add this to Issues. Make sure to include the model number and interface.

It is indeed an external USB-dive, so I will do that.
It all worked fine with CUERipper 2.1.6 on my old Win10 laptop btw.