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Topic: CUERipper next version please support HDCD Detection (Read 3782 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUERipper next version please support HDCD Detection

I have found about 40 CD's in my collection that are HDCD, would it be possible in the next version of CUERipper to support HDCD rips, hopefully CUERipper can detect HDCD as the CD is placed into the CD Drive, and ask me if I want to save the file as a 24bit Lossless WAV - which would be great as my DAP supports 24 bit, or it could just continue to rip as 16 bit ( but at least the user would have a choice)

I don't really want to use CUE Tools -  when you are ripping thousands of CD's you get into a rhythm and you just want the process to be as automated as possible

NB  just as a side note -  Windows Media Player 9 showed the HDCD logo as soon as you popped in an encoded disc, but later versions of WMP removed the logo !

NB Microsoft bought Pacific Microsonic's HDCD system in the Summer of 2000  :-)

Re: CUERipper next version please support HDCD Detection

Reply #1
I would support a HDCD detection/logging feature, but I still think it would be a mistake to decode HDCD upon ripping if you throw away the original. (Of course it could be a neat thing to have an option to make an additional HDCD decoded copy to a different directory for those for which it makes a difference, but ...)
There are several reasons to leave rips intact. One being that intact rips are easier to retro-verify with AccurateRip and if applicable, repair using CUETools; another is that many "HDCDs" do not utilize any HDCD features at all, they have just been mastered using the Pacific device with no HDCD processing been done, and there is no use in decoding. And then you have other bad mastering practice, like certain compilation CDs which might include tracks of both 'tis and 'tat, and decoding would lower some of them by 6dB and ...

So for years I advocated on-the-fly decoding during playback. But:
Unfortunately, foo_hdcd fails to recognize HDCD packets - and, follow the link therein, the developer seems to be in the mood of providing total bullshit answers that not only leaves the user to do the debugging, but even look the wrong place.
Playback decoding being so unreliable, gives a case for decoding those HDCDs which are indeed HDCDs. (If so, treat them as images, the CUETools way, provided the CD is consistent.)

hopefully CUERipper can detect HDCD as the CD is placed into the CD Drive
No, HDCD is not a different CD format that can be identified from the disc type - it is a hack that is part of the audio. The music has to be extracted for any "HDCD" to be found.

And, of course: there is no reason to use .wav. Use FLAC.

Re: CUERipper next version please support HDCD Detection

Reply #2
I know it is not a different CD Format, I just would like CUE Ripper to tell me if there are
some HDCD tracks on that CD

it seems foobar2000 can do this, and detect whether you have inserted an HDCD in your drive

so I don't follow your comment

No, HDCD is not a different CD format that can be identified from the disc type - it is a hack that is part
of the audio. The music has to be extracted for any "HDCD" to be found.


Re: CUERipper next version please support HDCD Detection

Reply #3
You need to do some reading first.

it seems foobar2000 can do this, and detect whether you have inserted an HDCD in your drive
From the audio (files), not from the CD format - and using the faulty plug-in.