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Topic: CUE Ripper next version  (Read 4481 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUE Ripper next version

would it be possible to take on board some of this code going forward into the next version 2.17

CueTools.ConsoleRipper is nearly perfect  :-)  

it would be nice if 2.17 could solve the 3 issues below

1) It does a database lookup and, if included in the Online database, tries to write a WAV and CUE file with illegal file characters, eg. Question marks, colons, slashes. It even found a funny character with three full stops in a line! Suffice it to say, it just errors out and stops.

2) it freely overwrites existing files, especially when a DB lookup failed (rare CDs) it just writes a file out called cdimage.wav, and cdimage.cue, of course overwriting the old ones.

3) it overwrites multi disk sets of compilation packs, instead of putting 'disk 1 of 2' in there it will just go over the existing file.

NB  the worst failing is no 3) above, it caught me out this weekend with about 30 CD's which I have had to do all again !

thank you

Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #1
The title says CUERipper, but the content is ConsoleRipper. So which is it?

ConsoleRipper was originally a test project for CUERipper development. ConsoleRipper wasn't developed into a fully functioning CD ripper.,66233.msg771411.html#msg771411

Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #2
sadly the problems detected over 4 years ago with ConsoleRipper are still there with CUERipper, when you have a Boxset or Collection of 2 or more discs from one artist, it simply overwrites the CD 1 with CD 2

surely I cannot be the only person who has this problem with ver 2.16

doesn't everyone have some CD's that are in a jewel case with 2 CD's from the same artist and in the same case ??

Korth -  how do you overcome this failing when using CUERipper ?

Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #3
What are you using for a template in CUERipper? Adding [%unique%] can help prevent overwriting. You can add the %discnumber% as well.

Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #4
no I am not using CUE Tools Template   -  I think CUE Ripper should be able to detect Boxsets and work like any other CD Rip Program out there - don't you ?

surely the aim of any software is to make the end users life a bit easier, and for CUERipper failing to rip Boxsets automatically into folders should be looked at, and ideally work by default without reverting to CUE Tools Templates

worse still, after ripping thousands of CD's end users realise that none of the Boxsets ( or CD Collections - Disc 1, Disc 2 etc) have been ripped to their Hard Drives, what a waste of time that is :-(

Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #5
The template is how you tell CUERipper what output path to use.

Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #6
does this look OK in my CUETools Template

%music%\Converted\%artist%\[%year% - ]%album%\%artist% - %album% $ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,1, '('disc %discnumber%')',).cue

Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #7
You don't need the space in front of $. That space will be added into your output path.
%music%\Converted\%artist%\[%year% - ]%album%\%artist% - %album%$ifgreater($max(%discnumber%,%disctotal%),1, '('disc %discnumber%')',).cue

 '('disc %discnumber%')' is active if %discnumber% or %disctotal% is greater than 1. So if %disctotal% is missing it will still catch %discnumber% greater than 1.

For an additional catchall you can add [ '('%unique%')'] to prevent overwriting if %discnumber% is also missing.
%music%\Converted\%artist%\[%year% - ]%album%\%artist% - %album%$ifgreater($max(%discnumber%,%disctotal%),1, '('disc %discnumber%')',)[ '('%unique%')'].cue

Note: %disctotal% replaced %totaldiscs% in 2.1.5 but either should work.

Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #8
fantastic - thank you -  just did a boxset of 3 CD's and now working great  :-)


Re: CUE Ripper next version

Reply #9
so far so good

C:\Users\User\Music\Converted\Various Artists\2005 - Driving Rock Ballads\Various Artists - Driving Rock Ballads.wav
C:\Users\User\Music\Converted\Various Artists\2005 - Driving Rock Ballads\Various Artists - Driving Rock Ballads (disc 2).wav
C:\Users\User\Music\Converted\Various Artists\2005 - Driving Rock Ballads\Various Artists - Driving Rock Ballads (disc 3).wav

when no cover artwork can be found, it would be nice to right click in the space between Test & Copy and 96% and select a file of your own choosing on your own computer  :-)

even though I have set Options to Metadata search = Extensive
my odds of getting artwork are only 8 or 9 CD's out of 10 - so a simple way to add small images would be nice