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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer
Last post by sveakul -
After installing .800 Beta 2 on top of, noticed that the Peak Meter component, installed in its own panel at the end of the Spectrum Analyzer panel, displays its two vertical LED color bars to 0dB level when Foobar is started even without any music being played.  This with both 1.6.18 and v2.2 Preview x64.  When music is started the bars animate normally, and when stopped, the bars collapse normally.  But return the next time Foobar is started.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer 2.x.x.x feature requests
Last post by TF3RDL -
Calibration line "improvement": Use either linear or squared domain instead of logarithmic (dB) for calculating the calibration line based on average of all FFT bins, in-addition to a feature to use actual RMS (FIFO averaging done in squared domain) or linear averaging mode for calculating the RMS spectrum

BTW, here's the video of a mockup of new linear averaging (one of three averaging domains that I've wanted to see in the new version of @Crossover's awesome audio analyzer component) and the return of crest spectrum (that was removed in foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer for the upcoming Enhanced Spectrum analyzer update:
This interactive mockup of all graphs on foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer (including crest spectrum) has now been published into the public as I'm (and even someone else probably) becoming too impatient for a big update for this @Crossover component perhaps

Here's the spectral descriptor lines (horizontal = Hz, vertical = dB) could possibly look like in foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer:

Note that monitoring fields for these spectral descriptors (e.g. spectral centroid) are obviously going to be different from this image above and it would look more like ones from foo_loudness_peakmeter
This is also what I've published into the public too now and the introduction of spectral features is probably one where "Monitoring Fields" area from foo_loudness_peakmeter gets introduced into foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer

@Crossover, you can now try these projects I've just made below:
  • Spectral descriptors: This is where monitoring fields are could be introduced into Enhanced Spectrum analyzer component displaying spectral features as the song plays
  • Spectrum visualization with average and crest spectrum: Re-introduction of the crest spectrum from older version of foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer but this time it updates at higher refresh rate and are highly-detailed and also, the averaging domain can now be selected to linear, squared, and logarithmic
Other Lossy Codecs / Re: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression
Last post by TF3RDL -
The encoder doesn't allow anything that isn't 44.1KHz... I just would want to try another sample rates  :(.
And it doesn't support 24-bit nor 32-bit/64-bit floating-point sample format as an input iirc, so for @fab7, are there benefits of supporting 24-bit (or even floating-point) samples and additionally allowing 48kHz (or even 96kHz) sampling rate for TSAC AI-powered lossy codec?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_discogs
Last post by frogworth -

Would the component, in you opinion, be better after removing all restrictions, including the shift key modifier?

A tiny bit I guess?
As you say, there are ways around it. It's a minor thing.
But I think it does cause confusion, and the use cases for replacing the Discogs ID may occur more frequently than expected. I'm not sure there would be any negative outcomes from unrestricting the mapping.
foobar2000 mobile / Add skin in android don't work correctly
Last post by damjang -
fb2k 1.6.1 on android 14.
I'm able to add skins only using ftp and copying .fbskin file to fb2k from pc.
I have tried to load new skin using ADD MORE > Open... function in settings. But nothing happen.
If I open the skin folder from pc with ftp I can see the file was loaded but renamed in something like "1000245106". If I rename that file to something.fbskin now the skin is visible in fooobar. So the problem is when foobar load the file also rename it wrongly.
Can someone check this wrong behaviour?
Thank you!