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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466245 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #1800
The list goes on, also getting JSON errors with all the releases I mentioned except the one that crashed...



Reply #1801
Next one : 5907602

It seems to be there are mostly errors when the tracks are not named 1,2,...  but CD-1, CD1, CD-2,...

Mostly used when there is an additional DVD in the set


Reply #1802
Another JSON error



Reply #1803
again a JSON error, again a Video section in it, can this please be fixed? Would be great...

and this one, again, crashes foobar totally



Reply #1804
Hi, a shortish feedback (not on the new functions):

Find release window:

-It would be nice to see the version number (with alpha/beta status, or date) in the titlebar. just to know, what version is running.

edit tag mappings-window:

-It would be nice if the window would save its position/size. (and ofcourse the sizes/positions of the column-headers/row-seperators, because fiddeling them on each invocation is quite a fiddeling work :-)

-It woult be nice, if the "help file" (copied into the f2k folder) could be opened with F1 or clicking a "?" button

-A maximize button would be great, to maximize the window on one click.

-Marking i.e. line 4 (DATE) and right-clicking on the columns-heading to change the "write/update..." setting, changes the first entry (ARTIST), but not the selected one.

Addon itself:

-I played around and recognized, that I needed to empty the cache with the "clear cache"-button sometimes, because no releases were shown anymore from an artist. it worked all normal, but somethow the addon swallowed the releases which were shown before and did not showed any release until I emptied the cache. Then the releases were fetched again and shown again as expected.

-I had repeatable foobar-crashes with these releases: 6088138 7026811 3381267 6871267 1438836 892808 1912661 6312502 4359614 4253278
do you need the crashlogs?

I had some of the above mentioned "JSON Parser ExceptionUnable to parse Discogs tracklist." errors (i.e. 5132403). Mainly on master releases (marked with an *) or while clicking on the "[master] album, year"-link by mistake.

Therefore, I'd like to ask/wish for a maybe "dumb-user-helper-function":

Because not all releases are shown via the api-calls of the addon, so I often browse the discoGS website for releases too and often find them, while the addon is not showing them (for may reasons, which I don't blame the addon for).
When I find a release for tagging, I just copy the release-id from the URL of my browser, like 5132403 of Sometimes, I do not copy correctly and have a ending space, or leading slash in the clipboard, while pasting it to the addons "release id or url:"-field, which gives the following error: (FATAL) Error: Error loading release 5132403  : HTTP Error (400)(url:  )
While this errror is correct, because I did not enter a valid ID, I'd like to ask, if you could strip leading/trailing spaces from the users input :-)


Reply #1805
The list goes on, also getting JSON errors with all the releases I mentioned except the one that crashed...


Tricky one. foo_discogs currently fails to parse the tracklist for this, because the two discs don't have numbering like 1.1, 1.2, ..., 2.1, 2.2, ...., and because the number of heading titles (3) is different than the number of discs reported by Discogs (2). Some additional logic could be added to detect "discs" where the same track number ("1") is repeated multiple times but that would surely detect 3 discs rather than 2. I'm pretty sure this release isn't entered properly in the database. At the least, the last 2 tracks should be numbered 9 and 10, no? I'm not sure about prefixes for the 2 discs being required when one is a CD and the other a DVD.


Reply #1806
I found some problematic releases:
Bucketheadland - Racks
Bucketheadland - March Of The Slunks
DISCOGS_SERIES_NUMBER always returns 2 when must be 8 and 9.

Good catches! The series number contained the wrong info. I removed series catalog number, which is actually the series number.

I've modified things to play better with $if2, as well, so the above should work now. Unfortunately, $multi_if2 and $if2 are a bit different (and impossible to rectify this). The "truth" of $if and $if2 is based on the return value from some function, whereas the "truth" of $multi_if is based on the actual value of the string. In this case, %MASTER_RELEASE_YEAR% was returning true even though it was an empty string, so $if used the empty string although $multi_if treated it as false. Just FYI.


Reply #1807
Here is a new build that should fix all the other JSON errors and crashes:

It uses a different method to parse the release "credits" and match them to tracks. Non-numeric numbered tracks were causing these errors.

FYI, crash reports aren't necessary if it's a reproducible issue just knowing the release id, which is usually always the case.

Hi, a shortish feedback (not on the new functions):

All good feedback, thanks. I'd like to incorporate most of that.


Reply #1808
The list goes on, also getting JSON errors with all the releases I mentioned except the one that crashed...


Tricky one. foo_discogs currently fails to parse the tracklist for this, because the two discs don't have numbering like 1.1, 1.2, ..., 2.1, 2.2, ...., and because the number of heading titles (3) is different than the number of discs reported by Discogs (2). Some additional logic could be added to detect "discs" where the same track number ("1") is repeated multiple times but that would surely detect 3 discs rather than 2. I'm pretty sure this release isn't entered properly in the database. At the least, the last 2 tracks should be numbered 9 and 10, no? I'm not sure about prefixes for the 2 discs being required when one is a CD and the other a DVD.

I'll have a look at that and will edit if necessary

*EDIT* You're right this is surely not entered correctly

*EDIT* This is corrected now in discogs but sometimes it takes some time for the API to read out the correct version


Reply #1809
Here is a new build that should fix all the other JSON errors and crashes:

It uses a different method to parse the release "credits" and match them to tracks. Non-numeric numbered tracks were causing these errors.

FYI, crash reports aren't necessary if it's a reproducible issue just knowing the release id, which is usually always the case.

Hi, a shortish feedback (not on the new functions):

All good feedback, thanks. I'd like to incorporate most of that.

Hi but the track matching seems to not working a 100% with the different method.

eg release 521830

You have
Producer – Lacuna Coil (tracks: 2-1 to 2-9)
Producer, Engineer – Waldemar Sorychta (tracks: 1-1 to 1-13)

but Lacuna Coil also appears as producer in tracks 1-1 to 1-13 as Waldemar Sorychta is appearing in tracks 2-1 to 2-9


Reply #1811
That's still not a 100%, it did it for the mentioned release but here

Release : 650207 we have

Music By, Lyrics By – Letzte Instanz (tracks: 1 to 10,12), Wolfram Huschke (tracks: 11)

and in track 11 there is still Music By and Lyrics By -> Wolfram Huschke AND Letzte Instanz


Reply #1812
That's still not a 100%, it did it for the mentioned release but here

Release : 650207 we have

Music By, Lyrics By – Letzte Instanz (tracks: 1 to 10,12), Wolfram Huschke (tracks: 11)

and in track 11 there is still Music By and Lyrics By -> Wolfram Huschke AND Letzte Instanz

Technically, that's entered wrongly in the database since there's no space between "10," and "12", which is required in the guidelines. However, I have modified foo_discogs not to require a space there.


Reply #1813
That's still not a 100%, it did it for the mentioned release but here

Release : 650207 we have

Music By, Lyrics By – Letzte Instanz (tracks: 1 to 10,12), Wolfram Huschke (tracks: 11)

and in track 11 there is still Music By and Lyrics By -> Wolfram Huschke AND Letzte Instanz

Technically, that's entered wrongly in the database since there's no space between "10," and "12", which is required in the guidelines. However, I have modified foo_discogs not to require a space there.

Ah ok, that's something I did not really realize yesterday, maybe "discogging" too much in the last days. I wondered why it is not working here...

Thanks for modifiying anyway, testing the remaining JSON errors today if they really are gone, but it looks very good so far


Reply #1814
Hi zoomorph,
the beta tags the album artists with "various" instead of the given preference in the settings "various artists"
[a href="" target="_blank"]


Reply #1815
- New method of saving settings/config which will make it easy to add new settings as required.
- Save window size and column widths of edit_tag_mappings dialog.
- Syntax help link on edit_tag_mappings dialog opens the HTML help file, now bundled with the component.


Reply #1816
Hi zoomorph,
the beta tags the album artists with "various" instead of the given preference in the settings "various artists"
Maybe it would be easier to understand for the user when u delete the settings entry and just enhance the formatting string to take care of the "various artists" tag?

From the examples in the help doc:
ALBUM ARTIST = $join($multi_replace(%<RELEASE_ARTISTS_NAME%>,'Various','VA'),$multi_pad(%<RELEASE_ARTISTS_JOIN%>,' '))

Replace VA with whatever you want. Of course if you want the same behavior for other tags (track artist, etc) then you should do something similar for them as well. :-)

feature wish: I'd like to have some way of sorting the entries in the "tag mappings" list, in a nice&easy way. Just to have them in a useful, coherent and fast reachable order for my personal needs

Not sure how much sense that would make, since the order that tags are defined in can matter (if the $pput functions are used or same tag is defined twice).


Reply #1817
feature wish: I'd like to have some way of sorting the entries in the "tag mappings" list, in a nice&easy way. Just to have them in a useful, coherent and fast reachable order for my personal needs
Not sure how much sense that would make, since the order that tags are defined in can matter (if the $pput functions are used or same tag is defined twice).

Oh, I only meant the order for displaying the tags in the edit-tags-window. Not inside the mediafile. The list now is really long and looking for a special tag is quite painstaking.
I.e. I just like the STYLE tag under the GENRE Tag. So its easier to edit both directly.

- Save window size and column widths of edit_tag_mappings dialog.

Great, thank you. Could you please save the position too? now, a big sized window needs to be moved to the top of the screen every time, to be shown all at once 8-)

From the examples in the help doc:
- Syntax help link on edit_tag_mappings dialog opens the HTML help file, now bundled with the component.

I don't get it. Is there a button? If yes, where? Is there a key to be pressed? If yes, which?

I saw a link, anywhere inside the list, placed somehow strange and glitchy,

but now its gone...

Anyways, just to inform all other users:
I had made a backup from the non beta version, just in case, in the components folder (X:/foobar2000/user-components/discogs/) while copied the file "discogs.dll" to "discogs.dll.bak".
Now, after executing the foo_discogs.fb2k-component file, which is like an installer for components of foobar2000, all the files inside that folder (user-components/discogs) are gone. Thats a feature of foobar2000, which I forgot about....
So IF you have backupfiles in the components folder, backup them anywhere else ;-)


Reply #1818
Hi all!

Wondered if you could please help me with an issue I'm having with the plugin.

I'm trying to use the plugin to tag some stuff, and its having issues with a couple of multi-disc releases.

for some reason it's showing up like this below:-

I have no idea why, it's also doing the same thing on another discogs entry:-

Any ideas what is causing this to happen and how I can resolve it?



Reply #1819
any ideas what is causing this to happen and how I can resolve it?

This feature is still in development.

What version of the component are u using?

U may try an older version (not the betas here in the last 20-30 posts) from the links here in the thread (good luck soldier, because this thread is extremly long....u may skip some months) or try the one downloadable from the f2k-components website.
its v1.55, but I dunno if its working on that feature. (so u may look for a version <v1.55)

If u find a working version, please link it here ;-)


Reply #1820
any ideas what is causing this to happen and how I can resolve it?

This feature is still in development.

What version of the component are u using?

U may try an older version (not the betas here in the last 20-30 posts) from the links here in the thread (good luck soldier, because this thread is extremly long....u may skip some months) or try the one downloadable from the f2k-components website.
its v1.55, but I dunno if its working on that feature. (so u may look for a version <v1.55)

If u find a working version, please link it here ;-)


It's a shame it's still in development as it used to work fine in the old format (vaguely remember you had to choose number of discs and so on, like disc 1 of 2), strange thing is it used to work fine until recently, now I keep having this issue with "hidden" showing up in the results, like the image I showed you.

perhaps its a bug with the numbering format? because I did a test on a multi-disc release that is numbered below:-


(I realise that release is wrong and should be 1-1,1-2) but it worked, and I was able to see all the listed tracks.

So perhaps its the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 etc that is somehow confusing the plugin?

I'm using v1.55 yes

hope zoomorph is able to fix this problem asap, as at present I have no way of using the plugin for multi-disc releases unless I roll back to an earlier version of the plugin

It seems v1.40 was the last version using the old system for multi-disc releases, I've searched the forum but all the sendspace links for 1.40 are now expired, would much appreciate if someone could please upload v1.40 if they still use it?

Thanks in advance!


Reply #1821

try checking this thread for the latest update of his component. he is updating it quite regularly, but as its in beta it doesnt get updated through foobar components. maybe this problem is already solved.



Reply #1822

try checking this thread for the latest update of his component. he is updating it quite regularly, but as its in beta it doesnt get updated through foobar components. maybe this problem is already solved.


Hey mate! Hope your well, drop me a PM, would be good to catch up  you remove your FB?

And yeah, I tried the latest beta version but the same thing still happened unfortunately

Thanks anyway


Reply #1823
I gladly report an error, I encountered right now :-)
This release: 2672205

My ALBUM ARTIST: $join($multi_replace(%<RELEASE_ARTISTS_NAME%>,'Various','Various Artists'),$multi_pad(%<RELEASE_ARTISTS_JOIN%>,' '))

Code: [Select]
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file 
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file
(skipped) Error: Error writing tag ALBUM ARTIST [Error processing function $multi_pad : Invalid numeric parameter:  ] for file

Aditionally, I found this strange placed help-link again...


Reply #1824
- New method of saving settings/config which will make it easy to add new settings as required.

How is this possible?
This sounds exactly, what I'm looking for, because switching between the beta and the old mostly "solid working" version is quite inconvenient (restoring files with my backup: foo_discogs.dll.cfg.bak back to foo_discogs.dll.cfg or foo_discogs.dll.bak to foo_discogs.dll, or, when I want to test the beta again, copying foo_discogs.dll.beta to foo_discogs.dll and the config too...