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Topic: pcutmp3 tool (Read 302766 times) previous topic - next topic
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pcutmp3 tool

Reply #125
  I'm using pcutmp3 v0.97 with IDv2 tag support and I'm having the following issues.
  When I use it from the command prompt, the track numbers are not put in the cutted mp3 files' tags (other tag information is OK).  There's no parameter option for this listed.
  When I use the gui (pcutmp3gui-0.3.jar), the track numbers are included in the tags, but the filenames don't show up as "1. Artist - Trackname" which is the default for the command line.  They only come out as "VA - Compilation Name-01", "VA - Compilation Name-02", etc..
  It's weird that the track numbers aren't put in the tags when run from the command line but are from the GUI.    The GUI is great, but is there a way to tell it name the output files using the default naming scheme ("%n. %p - %t")?

  Thanks a lot to everyone working on this tool.  I've tried several different programs and this is the only one that actually works properly.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #126
I'm using pcutmp3 v0.97 with IDv2 tag support and I'm having the following issues. When I use it from the command prompt, the track numbers are not put in the cutted mp3 files' tags (other tag information is OK).  There's no parameter option for this
This is my fault, I forgot to add the track number tag method. This is fixed and will be up soon. I have some free time this week so want to do some other changes aswell

When I use the gui (pcutmp3gui-0.3.jar), the track numbers are included in the tags, but the filenames don't show up as "1. Artist - Trackname" which is the default for the command line.  They only come out as "VA - Compilation Name-01", "VA - Compilation Name-02", etc..
I have no idea about the GUI, but the program is that simple I use shell scripts/batch files.

I'm guessing you're on Windows so a simple batch file containing:
Code: [Select]
java -jar "path to jar" --cue %1

Just drag and drop your cue file onto the batch file.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #127
This is my fault, I forgot to add the track number tag method. This is fixed and will be up soon. I have some free time this week so want to do some other changes aswell

Cool, that's nice that it wasn't something I was doing wrong.   

I have no idea about the GUI, but the program is that simple I use shell scripts/batch files.

I've been using the GUI and a batch file, depending on whether it's easier to rename the files or edit the tag info.  The GUI is nice, just too bad you can't specify command line switches manually (esp. set the output filename format).

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #128

Senab, how about adding this to an open-source repository, like for example, SourceForge?
It would as least be easier to know what the latest version is.

Any news on the track number tag method implementation?


pcutmp3 tool

Reply #129
Just a couple of issues that I found in pcutmp3:
* Issue at time to deal with cbr files without Xing/Lame tag
  - pcutmp3 creates the Xing/Lame tag with default and unreal info. Would be great if pcutmp3 could just avoid the creation of the Xing/Lame tag when deals with input cbr files without these info in the first frame.
* Isue when cut vbr files
  - The "music crc" is not recalculated in output files, as result, the 2nd crc in the Lame tag (the tag crc itself)  is calculated wrongly.

I'm using pcutmp3 0.95b + GUI 0.3, JRE 1.6 under WinXP SP3


pcutmp3 tool

Reply #130
Does the following frame (the second one on each ouput file) have any particular function in the files?

If not and it works just like a "sign", wouldn't be better to leave a comment on the ID3 tag instead add an additional frame? Some programs could find some problems at time to deal with this frame, for example Vbrfix can't work on vbr files created by pcutmp3 for this reason.

I would like to suggest drag&drop support for the GUI.

Thanks for your work, kind regards.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #131
Does the following frame (the second one on each ouput file) have any particular function in the files?

Yes, it does.
  • Most importantly it carries bit reservoir data for the following frame (the stuff that follows the 'x's)
  • It also carries a 10byte "pcut" header. The 6 bytes that follow the pcut marker is an 48bit number stored in big endian byte order that refers to the track's starting time in samples in reference to the original mp3.

The 'x's are just padding that separates the pcut header from the bitreservoir data.

You may also have noticed that the LAME's CRC checksum is the same over all tracks. Together with the 48bit time codes it is theoretically possible to autmoatically identify tracks from the same original MP3 and join them in the correct order.

Some programs could find some problems at time to deal with this frame, for example Vbrfix can't work on vbr files created by pcutmp3 for this reason.

I doubt that this it to blame on pcutmp3. The 2nd frame is -- like the first one -- a 100% valid MP3 frame which is intended to be decoded to silence. Its presence is required because the following frame requires bits from the bit reservoir which would otherwise be missing. It's true that early versions of pcutmp3 produced bogus VBR seek tables. So, if you want to fix this try another tool. If you have the original MP3 you might want to try pcutmp3 again. The VBR seek table bug has been fixed for quite some time.


pcutmp3 tool

Reply #132
Thanks a lot for reply SG,

If the addition of the 2nd frame and the keep of the music crc from the original track are there in part for an eventual rejoin of the tracks, would pcutmp3 offer this join function in a near future?

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #133
[...] would pcutmp3 offer this join function in a near future?

Probably not unless somebody else implements it. I don't see it as a big use case.


pcutmp3 tool

Reply #134
Just wondering if there's been any progress made on the track number tagging issue when using the command line.  Without track numbers to keep them in order, splitting the file doesn't really do any good.  I tried using Foobar to autonumber the output tracks as a workaround, but iTunes can't deal with the resulting tags for some reason and since I'm trying to get the music onto my iPod that option is out.

The tags come out fine when I use the GUI, which doesn't make sense unless the GUI's jar file has the pcut code built into it. The problem with just using the GUI is that then the file names don't come out right (no artist or track info) and I can't change any other parameters either.

By the way, here's the my new batch file I hope to use when the track number problem is fixed.  It'll put the files into a new subdirectory for you.

Code: [Select]
@echo off
title pcutmp3
cd /d "%~dp1"
md cutted
cd /d "C:\Unregistered Programs\pcutmp3"
java -jar pcutmp3.jar --cue %1 --dir "%~dp1\cutted\

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #135
Just wondering if there's been any progress made on the track number tagging issue when using the command line.  Without track numbers to keep them in order, splitting the file doesn't really do any good.  I tried using Foobar to autonumber the output tracks as a workaround, but iTunes can't deal with the resulting tags for some reason and since I'm trying to get the music onto my iPod that option is out.

The tags come out fine when I use the GUI, which doesn't make sense unless the GUI's jar file has the pcut code built into it. The problem with just using the GUI is that then the file names don't come out right (no artist or track info) and I can't change any other parameters either.

By the way, here's the my new batch file I hope to use when the track number problem is fixed.  It'll put the files into a new subdirectory for you.

Code: [Select]
@echo off
title pcutmp3
cd /d "%~dp1"
md cutted
cd /d "C:\Unregistered Programs\pcutmp3"
java -jar pcutmp3.jar --cue %1 --dir "%~dp1\cutted\


I've fixed the track number tag issue and also added an option (using --m3u) to generate a simple playlist of the output files.

I changed it to version 0.98 and you can get it here:

I'm also making a GUI, it's already working but I still want to add some features to it before releasing it. Maybe next month, as I currently don't have the time right now.


pcutmp3 tool

Reply #136
After messing around with pcutmp3 for a while, I thought it would be best if I got some actual code hosting for it.

It is now uploaded onto Google Code:

I have uploaded 0.97.1 for now, which is 0.97 with a code fix to add the track numbers to the files, and also the ability to automatically create directories when using --dir. There's a couple of things I'm going to do with pcutmp3 but time isn't permitting me at the moment.

@alexcavaco: Feel free to add your --m3u support to the SVN. PM me your google account for commit access.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #137
Great!  That's working much better now.  With 0.98 I get a "file not found" error from java when using the --m3u option.  There seems to be an extra \ added to the path of the source mp3 file for some reason.  But the tagging is working and that's the main thing.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #139
Great!  That's working much better now.  With 0.98 I get a "file not found" error from java when using the --m3u option.  There seems to be an extra \ added to the path of the source mp3 file for some reason.  But the tagging is working and that's the main thing.

Hello, I don't have the code here right now, but I'll into it soon.

By the way, instead of having different versions around, I'll ask Senab for access to Google Code and integrate the code into his version.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #140
Hi  everyone, first thanks to everyone here for putting all this time in creating this tool - its awesome

We should up the windows and mac gui on the google code page what do you guys think ? Maybe we could start using their bug tracking tool too so i could start punching some bugs/feature requests in

Keep up the good work

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #141
We should up the windows and mac gui on the google code page what do you guys think ? Maybe we could start using their bug tracking tool too so i could start punching some bugs/feature requests in

Unfortunately I can't add the Java GUI to the repository as it's not clear what license it's released under. Regarding the OSX GUI, I don't use OSX so can't develop it, therefore with all this in mind, I will probably create a new Java GUI soon. As it's Java it will be cross platform, etc. First of all I need to get pcutmp3 in the vague shape of a library, which will make it easier to interface with then. This of course takes time, and won't really show any results to the user.

I'm hoping to have this done soon though! 

When this refactoring is done, and the GUI is up in a usable way. I will release V1 (timescale: 1-2 months).

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #142
Just so people know, you can keep track of what is being down on pcutmp3 via the Update Feed on Google Code. I try to keep my commit messages short but you still get the idea.

I've managed to get a lot of the refactoring done tonight, something which I thought would take a lot longer. It's now more Object Oriented, which has also allowed me to optimize the code a bit and remove some unneeded calls. Hopefully pcutmp3 will be a much more maintainable state by this weekend. I will also be creating an API for pcutmp3 which will mean other Java programs can use pcutmp3 directly, this will also help with GUI and CLI development.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #143
Is it possible to cut radiostreams to a local dir (when they are different tracks like radio?) I thought I read this somewhere, but can't find it.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #144
Does this programm needs the input mp3 file only wirh ACCURATE Length tag? Or only Lame MP3?
I can't split mp3 with MP3 CBR (like foobar shows) codec
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #145
Does this programm needs the input mp3 file only wirh ACCURATE Length tag? Or only Lame MP3?
I can't split mp3 with MP3 CBR (like foobar shows) codec

What version do you use? I tested 0.95b (don't have newer versions) and it works fine.

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #146
I use GUI v0.3 and tried to use commandline

This is from gui:

Loaded CUE sheet "ASOT.cue"
Loaded MP3 file "ASOT.mp3"
scanning "C:\\ASOT.mp3" ...
first frame header = MPEG1 Layer3 192kbps 44100Hz J-Stereo
no Xing/Info/LAME tag present
bitrate = 192 kbps (CBR)
accurate length = no
321691392 samples (is NOT a multiple of 588)
writing "C:\ASOT-01.mp3" ...

-it writes file with 627 bites size
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #147
i tried two files with missing %__mp3_accurate_length%
one which reports error in foobar about it's length and the other which is ok
also one of them wasn't LAME encoded
in both cases pcutmp3 output, resulted in correct mp3 cuts

so your problem is something else
can you use foo_utils to correct the file and see if you can get output?

scanning "C:\\ASOT.mp3" ...

you may want context menu command with foo_run:

[font= "Courier New"]cmd /k "java.exe -jar "<insert path to pcutmp3.jar>pcutmp3.jar" --cue "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)%filename%.cue" --dir "$replace(%path%,'\'%filename_ext%,)" "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)%filename%.mp3""[/font]

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #148
i tried two files with missing %__mp3_accurate_length%
one which reports error in foobar about it's length and the other which is ok
also one of them wasn't LAME encoded
in both cases pcutmp3 output, resulted in correct mp3 cuts

so your problem is something else
can you use foo_utils to correct the file and see if you can get output?

scanning "C:\\ASOT.mp3" ...

you may want context menu command with foo_run:

[font= "Courier New"]cmd /k "java.exe -jar "<insert path to pcutmp3.jar>pcutmp3.jar" --cue "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)%filename%.cue" --dir "$replace(%path%,'\'%filename_ext%,)" "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)%filename%.mp3""[/font]

I checked file using foobar... is showed that reported duration is wrong. Then I select Fix VBR Mp3 Header and now foobar reports no problems. But I have same error when trying to split this mp3 using pcutmp3 gui or pcutmp3.jar + bat file
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

pcutmp3 tool

Reply #149
try suggested command for foo_run
is seems to me that the problem is in your command line