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Topic: Compilation of aac-enc.c in FAAC (Read 4036 times) previous topic - next topic
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Compilation of aac-enc.c in FAAC

Hi, I want to use aac-enc for testing. I tried to use autoconf to compile. It compiled only the library. How can I compile aac-enc with all the linkage. I want to understand AAC implementation. I want to compile only the encoder. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Re: Compilation of aac-enc.c in FAAC

Reply #1
I understand, this question was asked ten years ago. Still, it was among the top search results when I queried google how to compile fdk.

As I read the makefile, I guess calling
Code: [Select]
make aac-enc.exe
is supposed to compile the binary. This somehow didn't work for me after compiling the library, so I compiled both c-files and linked them using the same arguments I used when I configured the library.
I'm in a msys2 environment

Code: [Select]
cd fdk-aac-2.0.3
./configure --prefix=/opt/tmp/ --enable-shared=no LDFLAGS="-static -static-libgcc -s -lstdc++"
make VERBOSE=1 -j4
make install
make aac-enc
make aac-enc.exe
gcc aac-enc.c -o aac-enc.o -IlibSYS/include -c
gcc wavreader.c -o wavreader.o -IlibSYS/include -c
gcc -o aac-enc.exe -L .libs -lfdk-aac -static -static-libgcc -s -lstdc++ aac-enc.o wavreader.o