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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / JS3 Universal Text Display + JS3 Thumbs - Defender
Last post by Defender -
Made some changes for streaming and using blur in my skin. Therefore also changes to the modified version of Thumbs I'm using, which I included.

NOTE: The main part of the script is now part of cui-configs.

1.34   2025-02-13

Moved some more code from config to main script.
Reshuffled declarations of vars (colours and button stuff) in more logical block (eg. extra user config "lite").

Show rating button when button is selected in config and currently streaming but non-streaming item is selected.
When rating button has to be hidden (stream selected and shown) align and display other buttons filling the 'gap'.
Some other rating/stream related optimizations.

Changed default mousewheel on prev/next buttons to a 1 sec instead of 5sec. CTRL-MWHEEL has 5 sec now.

BUNDLING this release with my modified JS3_Thumbs script, which is another raw diamond by Marc2k3.
This modified version has transparency (in case of no art found), bezel, accent, gradient and blur support.
Needed to make some adjustments to this script since I do not want to see folder.jpg and cover_blur.jpg in the grid or shown.
In config you can enter (part of file) patterns to exclude from being read.
Added optional display of YTTM artist images.
Added optional NowPlaying selection button.


1.33   2025-02-09

Reshuffled presets. I only use 3 and 4. Both have saveBlur=2 and work in conjunction.

Splitted the source in configuration/main part and function part in cui_configs.
This saves 85KB in a skin per instance of UTD.


1.32   2025-02-05

Only write cover_blur.jpg/STATION_blur.jpg files when cover/station pic in cover/station folder is found and saveBlur=2.
Only write stub_blur.jpg when cover/station pic is found, saveBlur=2 failed (write access denied) and selection mode is Follow NowPlaying.
Support - (fb2k) / White noise from my PC
Last post by Pehachem -
Hello everyone,

I've been struggling with Foobar for the last few weeks (I used it with no problems with my old setup but everything changed when I bought a connected amp - Marantz CR 612). I listen without any probleme to music from Qobuz via a smartphone on which Bubbleupnp is installed. I can also play music installed on a PC connected to the Marantz with the same smartphone + Bupnp.

My problem is that I can't play music directly from the PC on which I've installed Foobar. I installed UpnpMediaRenderer and I see in Device Upnp Marantz CR 612 but I only hear white noise! It's certainly a basic problem, but I'm going round in circles. Do you have any ideas?

Thank you in advance

PS : and thank for your patience I am not a english speaking person
Movie/Multichannel audio / Re: [REQ] Which codec for (S32_LE) multichannel lossless RECORDING ?
Last post by bryant -
Did you ever find a solution for this?
Hi there, I'm still experimenting with:

Yeah, I know you're looking at that. You linked to it in your first post also, and I checked it out.

But your question was about the possibility of compression, and that's what I answered then, and was wondering about now.
CD Hardware/Software / Re: A newbie needs clarifications about TOC reports
Last post by CarloSadarusa -
Why 3 different values for the same CD?
You can use this tool to look up the musicbrainz disc id and freedb id from an EAC/XLD log. If it exists in those databases then you at least know the version/edition you have and should also be able to verify your rip. Obviously this isn't something you'll want to do with 100s of CDs as it'll be quite time consuming.

Some CDs can show "shifted" &/or "drift" TOCs.

Thanks for the help/clarification and the link.
I used directly this: by adding the tocid contained in the log to check.
That way I was sure that the CD is the same that I have.
From here I have discovered that the TOC is different from EAC to CT and MB.
Sometimes even the tracks duration time differers by a few between log and what is reported here.

Almost all my logs report 0 as Starting Sector while CTDB and MB reports 150 in every CD i checked.
An audio CD has a 2 second (150 sector) Lead-In followed by the program area. The Lead-In is where the TOC is stored. ref:
The EAC extraction log TOC excludes the 150 sector Lead-In and starts at the beginning of the program area.
The CT and MB databases show from the beginning of the CD (which includes the 150 sector Lead-In).

Does it matters if AR reports no errors and high confidence?
The AccurateRip and CUETools databases only use the audio in the program area to calculate checksums used for verification.

Thanks for the clarification.
So I guess everything is fine since both says "Accurately Ripped" (with high number of confidence)
CD Hardware/Software / Re: A newbie needs clarifications about TOC reports
Last post by korth -
Almost all my logs report 0 as Starting Sector while CTDB and MB reports 150 in every CD i checked.
An audio CD has a 2 second (150 sector) Lead-In followed by the program area. The Lead-In is where the TOC is stored. ref:
The EAC extraction log TOC excludes the 150 sector Lead-In and starts at the beginning of the program area.
The CT and MB databases show from the beginning of the CD (which includes the 150 sector Lead-In).

Does it matters if AR reports no errors and high confidence?
The AccurateRip and CUETools databases only use the audio in the program area to calculate checksums used for verification.
CD Hardware/Software / Re: A newbie needs clarifications about TOC reports
Last post by jaybeee -
Why 3 different values for the same CD?
You can use this tool to look up the musicbrainz disc id and freedb id from an EAC/XLD log. If it exists in those databases then you at least know the version/edition you have and should also be able to verify your rip. Obviously this isn't something you'll want to do with 100s of CDs as it'll be quite time consuming.

Some CDs can show "shifted" &/or "drift" TOCs.
CD Hardware/Software / A newbie needs clarifications about TOC reports
Last post by CarloSadarusa -
Hi, first post here.
I recently learned about EAC and started using it.
Ripped a bunch of CDs, obviously after configuring AR and the drive.
Everything went smooth until checking logs, the TOC section to be exactly.
According to AR the tracks were ripped accurately (with high confidence); even CTDB plugin reported high accuracy.
As I said earlier the problem lies with the TOC; it turns out that EAC, CTDB and MusicBrainz all reports different TOC value (especially Starting Sector).
Almost all my logs report 0 as Starting Sector while CTDB and MB reports 150 in every CD i checked.
For this reason almost all tracks have different crc between my rips and CTDB/MB due to different TOC positions.
My main questions are:
Why 3 different values for the same CD?
Who should I trust for accuracy?
Does it matters if AR reports no errors and high confidence?
