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Topic: foo_vis_shpeck (Read 767228 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #550
I didn't read the topic carefully enough, please disregard my question

I think there's a small bug preventing me to change tracks from within milkdrop using the playlist menu ('P' key). I see my foobar playlist perfectly fine but when I try to play a track it just restarts the currently playing track (doesn't switch tracks).

I am using:
Windows XP SP3
Foobar2000 1.0
Shpeck 0.3.7
Winamp 5.572 (i.e. Milkdrop 2.2)

Quick question. How did you manage to get Milkdrop 2.2 from Winamp 5.572 to work with foo_vis_shpeck 0.3.7. I'm asking because I can't. It looks like new version of vis_milk2.dll requires the msvcr90.dll to run (instead of nscrt.dll) but when I do "Refresh list" in foo_vis_shpeck plugin I have the R6034 runtime error.

Below attached console output for shpeck initialization:
Code: [Select]
[Shpeck] Searching for plugins, file mask = "C:\Program Files (x86)\_ROOT\MULTIMEDIA\foobar2000\components\winamp\Plugins\vis_*.dll"...
C:\Program Files (x86)\_ROOT\MULTIMEDIA\foobar2000\components\winamp\Plugins\vis_milk2.dll - could not load the DLL (probably caused by unresolved DLL dependencies).
[Shpeck] Plugin search done.


Reply #551
I cant get MilkDrop 2.2 work as well..maybe a friendlie soul can upload a working Milkdrop 2.2 package somewhere?
Regards and 1000 thx in advance


Reply #553
I cant get MilkDrop 2.2 work as well..maybe a friendlie soul can upload a working Milkdrop 2.2 package somewhere?
Regards and 1000 thx in advance

Here you go, MilkDrop 2.2 complete package. Just unpack it to the foobar2000/components folder and point to the foobar2000/components/winamp in foo_vis_shpeck configuration.


Reply #554
I cant get MilkDrop 2.2 work as well..maybe a friendlie soul can upload a working Milkdrop 2.2 package somewhere?
Regards and 1000 thx in advance

Here you go, MilkDrop 2.2 complete package. Just unpack it to the foobar2000/components folder and point to the foobar2000/components/winamp in foo_vis_shpeck configuration.

Thx a lot! It works like a charm:)


Reply #555
Hi, I've tried several different versions of milkdrop 2.x all with the same result.  Milkdrop works fine in winamp, but not foobar.

When launched from foobar it displays "Error compiling ps_2_0 warp shader" and a message about my hardware not supporting PS 3.0.  I noticed the configuration screen launched from foobar shows nothing at all in the dropdown for which device to use.  Running as admin fixed that issue, but the same error occured when starting the plugin.


Reply #556
in Shpeck preferences, select Milkdrop then configure: in "more settings" tab, change pixel shader model


Reply #557
Neither 2 or 3 work, but I have verified that it does work from inside winamp.  Something else must be going on here.

edit: PS3.0 does work in winamp.


Reply #559
Thanks, that did indeed fix it.      as to why it worked in one app but not another... Oh well it works now in both!  Thanks for your help.


Reply #560
Not exactly a question related to the visualization features, but rather the winamp message handler. I've noticed queries such as sample rate and bitrate return a stock value of 44 kHZ and 128 kbps respectively. Is there any hope to getting accurate information reported? Perhaps I could get a copy of the source and code a patch for it myself, but any help at all would be appreciated.


Reply #561
For one reason or another, Shpeck cannot detect Milkdrop2 on the latest winamp (5.572). I tried seeking nscrt.dll in the winamp directory but it doesn't show up. I run Windows Vista. What's going on? Should I downgrade Winamp?


Reply #562
For one reason or another, Shpeck cannot detect Milkdrop2 on the latest winamp (5.572). I tried seeking nscrt.dll in the winamp directory but it doesn't show up. I run Windows Vista. What's going on? Should I downgrade Winamp?

If you read this thread you'll see that the new version need some tinkering with, also there are links to modified ones.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #563
For one reason or another, Shpeck cannot detect Milkdrop2 on the latest winamp (5.572). I tried seeking nscrt.dll in the winamp directory but it doesn't show up. I run Windows Vista. What's going on? Should I downgrade Winamp?

If you read this thread you'll see that the new version need some tinkering with, also there are links to modified ones.

Thanks, the DLL replacement worked like a charm.


Reply #564
Just to confirm that using the DLL replacement + the Update to DirectX did the trick for me under Win7.

Finding milk.ini (and associated files) did require digging, as they live in the hidden username\App Data\Roaming\WinAmp\Plugins directory

Thanks for all the helpful posts in this thread.



Reply #565
Heya, thanks for the great plugin!

Quick question - I realize you can set a visualization to start automatically when in a CUI window, etc. but what about visualizations that you can't control in this way? For example - I'm using shpeck in fb2k to display the LCD Smartie winamp spectrum analysis plugin to display it on my LCD. Of course, being that it displays on my LCD and that's it, I can't set it to autostart!! Is there any way around this? I love fb2k, LCD Smartie, & shpeck so using this combination is perfect except for this one issue... every time I open fb2k I have to click View > Visualizations > Shpeck - Start 'Spectrum Analyser for LCD Smartie / Spectrum Analyser'... I have even tried removing all other vis plugins so the LCD Smartie dll is the only one left, but unfortunately it has another "Spectrum Analyser for LCD Smartie / Test" visualization (not that removing all other vis dll's would help, but figured I'd give it a try)... not sure what this "Test" version is for...

Does anyone have a way around this? When I use shpeck with Xchange 3.6 by Br3tt (insane skin btw) it starts Milkdrop2 no problem... how can I get the LCD Smartie plugin to start? Any help is much appreciated, and thanks again for the great plugin!


Reply #566
Just to confirm that using the DLL replacement + the Update to DirectX did the trick for me under Win7.

Finding milk.ini (and associated files) did require digging, as they live in the hidden username\App Data\Roaming\WinAmp\Plugins directory

Thanks for all the helpful posts in this thread.

I hosted this text file for people to download and use with Resource Hacker. If you want more details on Shpeck, I remind people to visit this page (my website, "Shpeck for newbies" and read it. Go into your problem DLL files that won't load, get Resource Hacker, open them, then add a new resource, name 24, type 2. lang 0.

On another note, what about Shpeck being extended to do video? Yes, I know what all the anti-progressive folk are saying, "Video? Yeah right! In your dreams buddy." but that never stopped Yirkha from bringing the Winamp visualizers into fb2k. Shpeck already gives a pane for visualizers. Once someone is able to code up the video codecs, I would not be too surprised if the Shpeck window/panel can also be a viable video player element.

Think about it. When the video is loaded, Shpeck will pause the player a moment to see this, then it will kill the visualizer and show the video instead.

The viability is there. And it would not take up much system resources any time it is not in use. There's this big fear that it would bloat the player. In fact, it will only bloat it IN USE. Sure, there may be some overhead for the extra stuff and all, but that's it. There should be at maximum, only a 5% increase in CPU with video on idle, and maybe another 20,000K memory used up.

If you can live with Shpeck making the player's CPU usage 450% higher than it should be, then you can live with a 50% increase due to overhead of all the extra components required. Doesn't even have to be that many as people can convert their videos to whatever is allowed to work and be done with it.


Reply #567
Hey guys, got a small problem with Shpeck / Mildrop 2.2 under Win 7 x64.

When I run Foobar, MilkDrop 2 won't list my Display Adapters when I go to configure it:


Reply #568
Milkdrop2 was updated again with Winamp 5.58. I tried to add the manifest to the DLL, but foo_vis_shpeck does not recognize it and gives the following error when refreshing the list:


Reply #569
would be nice if this would support the alternate visualization directories of winamp. you can read it from winamp.ini (VISDir). otherwise, and much simpler would be a checkbox to ignore the existance of winamp.exe (yeah, one can use a dummy, but still)
OK, I'll look at [font= "Courier New"]VisDir[/font] too. The awesome new version (codenamed Shpeck Forever) already supports other stuff like [font= "Courier New"]IniDir[/font] from paths.ini properly, also doesn't need winamp.exe if you are not using an existing Winamp installation etc. (screenshot).

Thanks, that [installing DX runtime] did indeed fix it.      as to why it worked in one app but not another... Oh well it works now in both!
Perhaps Winamp bundles the DX runtime files itself and loads them from its own location when needed. I know there is a Winamp IPC message to load the latest DX runtime DLL for a plugin...

Not exactly a question related to the visualization features, but rather the winamp message handler. I've noticed queries such as sample rate and bitrate return a stock value of 44 kHZ and 128 kbps respectively. Is there any hope to getting accurate information reported?
Yeah, that part is buggy, nobody noticed for a long time because nobody used it, I guess. Will be fixed. Or rather it's fixed, hopefully will be released too.

Quick question - I realize you can set a visualization to start automatically when in a CUI window, etc. but what about visualizations that you can't control in this way?
You might have success with creating a custom shortcut to launch fb2k with some additional command line parameters, like »[font= "Courier New"]foobar2000.exe /command:"Start 'Spectrum Analyser for LCD Smartie / Spectrum Analyser'"[/font]«.

On another note, what about Shpeck being extended to do video? Yes, I know what all the anti-progressive folk are saying, "Video? Yeah right! In your dreams buddy." but that never stopped Yirkha from bringing the Winamp visualizers into fb2k. Shpeck already gives a pane for visualizers. Once someone is able to code up the video codecs, I would not be too surprised if the Shpeck window/panel can also be a viable video player element.
Video? Yeah right! In your dreams buddy.
Well, the main issue here is that foobar2000 is not a video player. The backend doesn't care about multi-track files and streams (in the interleaved, not sequential sense), there are no APIs for video rendering, etc. So any moving pictures would need to be handled outside of its built-in audio stack, playback controls, playlists and so on - which wouldn't be a nice experience. Better leave video playback to video players for the time being. 

Hey guys, got a small problem with Shpeck / Mildrop 2.2 under Win 7 x64. When I run Foobar, MilkDrop 2 won't list my Display Adapters when I go to configure it: (...) But running Foobar as Administrator I can configure the Display Adapter settings: (...) Do I have something setup wrong? I've tried pointing Shpeck to my local Winamp install and I've also setup a copy in Foobar's components folder.
Isn't it the same problem as [a href='index.php?act=findpost&pid=652152']here[/a]? If it doesn't work even on a copy made in non-elevated Explorer (not as an Administrator), that would sure be weird.

Milkdrop2 was updated again with Winamp 5.58. I tried to add the manifest to the DLL, but foo_vis_shpeck does not recognize it and gives the following error when refreshing the list:
R6034 - An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Works for me. (I downloaded latest winamp558_full_emusic-7plus_en-us.exe, extracted vis_milk2.dll, added manifest as before and it appeared in the plugin list fine.)
I don't know, maybe it is some kind of a conflict with other loaded components using the MSVC 9.0 runtime or something? You might try it again in a clean portable installation.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #570
Can someone please upload the new vis_milk2.dll?  I'd like to upgrade, but I'd rather not have to install Winamp.  Thanks.


Reply #571
Can someone please upload the new vis_milk2.dll?  I'd like to upgrade, but I'd rather not have to install Winamp.  Thanks.

You can extract it from Winamp's setup-exe yourself with e.g. 7-Zip.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #572
Thanks, that worked.


Reply #573
Here you go again. Complete MilkDrop 2.21 package. And as usual - remember to unpack archive to the foobar2000/components folder and point to the foobar2000/components/winamp in foo_vis_shpeck configuration.


Reply #574
Moderation: The discussion about RapidShare (and why thou shalt not use it) have been moved [a href='index.php?showtopic=82001']here[/a].[/size]
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.