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Topic: Easy switch between layouts (Read 1417 times) previous topic - next topic
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Easy switch between layouts

I am setting up fb2k for my wife, who is not quite computer-literate. She will create playlists on her own laptop to use them for her gym lessons.

What I want to accomplish is provide a layout for playlist generation and a totally different one for playback. In order to separate these tasks it would be ideal to be able to switch between those layouts with a simple click on a button - not going through File | Preferences | Default User Interface |  Import Theme... in other words: a foolproof solution  O:)

Any solutions?
fb2k 2.1.5 [x64] Win 11

Re: Easy switch between layouts

Reply #1


Re: Easy switch between layouts

Reply #3
Or a different fb2k instance.
That gets my vote.  It stops the user clicking a different tab by accident and getting confused.

Personally, I use different instances for UIs targeted at different purposes (eg continuous background music vs. single tracks).
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.