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Topic: iPod manager (Read 2357692 times) previous topic - next topic
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[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3000
I looked in the context menu and "remove from ipod" is checked but it doesn't show up in the menu when i right click. (the only option is Send to Ipod)

You need to do "iPod > Load library" to load the iPod's contents into a playlist as that's where that command will show up. It won't show up for files on your PC...

Aw, i would have seen that if i had "Show Toolbars" on.
Thanks for the help.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3001
I would like to import my music from my iPod onto my laptop. Is this possible with foo_dop?

Thanks in advance.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3002
I'm still having issues with ratings coming back into foobar2000.  I use playback statistics.  When I rate something on my ipod, then synchronize, the ratings are essentially lost.  Am I doing something wrong?
Did you originally send the files using the same computer and have they been renamed or moved?

I would like to import my music from my iPod onto my laptop. Is this possible with foo_dop?
Sure, use 'Load library' and the File Operations component.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3003
I'm still having issues with ratings coming back into foobar2000.  I use playback statistics.  When I rate something on my ipod, then synchronize, the ratings are essentially lost.  Am I doing something wrong?
Did you originally send the files using the same computer and have they been renamed or moved?

I would like to import my music from my iPod onto my laptop. Is this possible with foo_dop?
Sure, use 'Load library' and the File Operations component.

Thanks a lot, it is appreciated!


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3004
I'm still having issues with ratings coming back into foobar2000.  I use playback statistics.  When I rate something on my ipod, then synchronize, the ratings are essentially lost.  Am I doing something wrong?
Did you originally send the files using the same computer and have they been renamed or moved?

I would like to import my music from my iPod onto my laptop. Is this possible with foo_dop?
Sure, use 'Load library' and the File Operations component.

I used the same computer, and foobar, to load it all up (this new iPod never even touched iTunes!).  None of the files in question have been renamed or moved.  When I rate them on my iPod, and I sync, it basically just strips the rating.  Disappears from the iPod, and doesn't transfer to foobar playback statistics

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3005
I'm borrowing my friend's iPod for a few days and I was wondering if there was a way to merge both our music collections. However, we both have a lot of the same music, and I have some stuff he doesn't have and vice-versa. Is there any way to "sync" our libraries without having to lose our music or have duplicates?

I was also curious about the way that the iPod tags it's files and whatnot, cus when I look in the Music folder, I just see files with a combination of four letters for the name. Are the tags in the files themselves, or does the iPod keep them in some sorta file of it's own? If so, is there a way to make Foobar write the iPod's list of tags to the file while I copy it to my computer?

I also want to know if Foobar could fix misspelled artist names and recognize them as the same artist. Like Death cab for Cutie being the same as Death Cab For Cutie. Or Blink-182 being the same as Blink 182.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3006
Is all your music in one folder?(ie. not in different files for artist/album). If so, you can add his iPod files to your computer, and the computer should ask you what to do with each duplicate file (you can then skip that file, or skip all duplicates)

Yep, it's the iPod that gives the music such a strange name. I suggest downloading a full-scale MP3 tagger, such as Florian's: it has the option to convert tag to filename (in bulk). This would also solve your third problem.  I edit my tags manually, but Mp3tag can check files via internet databases.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3007
Is all your music in one folder?(ie. not in different files for artist/album). If so, you can add his iPod files to your computer, and the computer should ask you what to do with each duplicate file (you can then skip that file, or skip all duplicates)
All my files are done by artist and album, but I let Foobar copy and rename all his files from his iPod onto an external hard drive. After they had the same name and folder structure as the music on my laptop, I copied and windows was able to skip the duplicates.

Thanks. I'll try out that tagger you linked me too. I have been using MusicBrainz Picard, but it was too slow for me to know if it did anything useful.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3008
I used the same computer, and foobar, to load it all up (this new iPod never even touched iTunes!).  None of the files in question have been renamed or moved.  When I rate them on my iPod, and I sync, it basically just strips the rating.  Disappears from the iPod, and doesn't transfer to foobar playback statistics
When you do a sync it will also transfer the ratings back from the media library.

Some things to be aware of:
-If you disable 'Library/Monitor played tracks' in the main menu it also seems to disable the import of ratings
-If you have a RATING metadata field in the file (i.e. not in the playback statistics database) a rounded average (mean) of that and the imported rating is displayed/returned from %rating% etc.

What I would suggest is:
-Check in 'iPod/Manage contents' if the files in question have 'yes' in the 'In DopDB' column.
-Rate a file on the iPod and do a 'Rewrite database' (not a sync). Check if the rating persists on the iPod.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3009
I used the same computer, and foobar, to load it all up (this new iPod never even touched iTunes!).  None of the files in question have been renamed or moved.  When I rate them on my iPod, and I sync, it basically just strips the rating.  Disappears from the iPod, and doesn't transfer to foobar playback statistics
When you do a sync it will also transfer the ratings back from the media library.

Some things to be aware of:
-If you disable 'Library/Monitor played tracks' in the main menu it also seems to disable the import of ratings
-If you have a RATING metadata field in the file (i.e. not in the playback statistics database) a rounded average (mean) of that and the imported rating is displayed/returned from %rating% etc.

What I would suggest is:
-Check in 'iPod/Manage contents' if the files in question have 'yes' in the 'In DopDB' column.
-Rate a file on the iPod and do a 'Rewrite database' (not a sync). Check if the rating persists on the iPod.

I'll give that a shot thanks

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3010
Fantastic plugin. I have now started to experiment with syncing podcasts. I have used information on the forums so that they now appear in the 'podcast' section of the ipod library but I am having an issue on getting them to list in a controlled order. Does anyone know how the ipod orders podcasts? Does it apply its own tag within the library which is unavailable using foo_dop? Is there a way I can remap DATE to it? I ask as all the podcasts are listed as 'release date unknown' and I am guessing this is what's causing the issue. It seems they are random at the moment, maybe the order they were synced, certainly not filename? I appreciate this involves lots of variables from the original podcast to how the podcatching plugin is set up but any help would be fantastic.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3011

Release date is used to sort them, and there is no internal mapping in iPod manager that sets this (and you've reminded me about that ). I'll change it for the next version; it'll check both RELEASE DATE and DATE (fields as shown in foobar2000) as that's what I found to be in use.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3012
Can you take the music from your ipod/iphone with this and save it to your computer?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3013
^yes. just load the ipod library, then use file ops to copy the files to the hard drive.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3014
^yes. just load the ipod library, then use file ops to copy the files to the hard drive.

could you please explain what file ops is?
Is it a component?

nvm I figured it out!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3015

I'm a newbie to foobar and its plugins, but i have to use them to  scrobble tracks played on my ipod nano 5G to service. I use fb2k+foo_dop+foo+audioscrobbler combination because any other method doesn't work for new gen ipod. 
Generally this combination works fine, it grabs data from "Play counts" file, successfully transfers it to server BUT with very nasty exception. In few words: i ve noticed that if i played 1 album repeatedly 2 or more times foo_dop will discover that i played each track only once.

For example - i have 1 album with six tracks (say - "A","B","C","D","E","F"), three minutes length each, and play it from beginning in "repeat" mode. Let's say that I play 10 tracks starting at 3:00 pm.

In reality i will have playlist like this:

1. "A" - 3:03 pm
2. "B" - 3:06 pm
3. "C" - 3:09 pm
4. "D" - 3:12 pm
5. "E" - 3:15 pm
6. "F" - 3:18 pm
7. "A" - 3:21 pm
8. "B" - 3:24 pm
9. "C" - 3:27 pm
10. "D" - 3:30 pm

But foo_dop will rewrite database and find that i played only 6 tracks and foo_audioscrobbler will send to server the highlighted with "bold" data.
In other words - if i play any track more than one time foo_dop will say that i played it only once (the time will be equal to the last playing of this track).

If you need sample files "Play Counts", "dopdb" etc, feel free to ask - i'll post it here.
Hope you will fix this issue.
PS - all plugin versions are up to date
PPS - sorry for my english

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3016
It's not iPod manager's fault, more of a restriction. See [a href='index.php?act=findpost&pid=666485']here[/a], I think that was the latest on it.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3017
It's not iPod manager's fault, more of a restriction. See [a href='index.php?act=findpost&pid=666485']here[/a], I think that was the latest on it.

too bad. but i think its more of ipod software problem, than restictions client + itunes combination works weirdly for me. sometimes it sees just nothing, sometimes it sees a smallest part of played tracks. And developers don't care about complaints. 

isn't there any solution?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3018

Release date is used to sort them, and there is no internal mapping in iPod manager that sets this (and you've reminded me about that ). I'll change it for the next version; it'll check both RELEASE DATE and DATE (fields as shown in foobar2000) as that's what I found to be in use.


That's great news. Thanks.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3019
It's not iPod manager's fault, more of a restriction. See [a href='index.php?act=findpost&pid=666485']here[/a], I think that was the latest on it.

too bad. but i think its more of ipod software problem, than restictions client + itunes combination works weirdly for me. sometimes it sees just nothing, sometimes it sees a smallest part of played tracks. And developers don't care about complaints. 

isn't there any solution?

If I recall correctly, iPods will record every play properly, with the date of each play. If you've got one of these models, LastPod should be able to scrobble all your plays, IIRC.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3020
I have just recently changed the Artist field mapping in the foo_dop preferences, and I'd like to apply the change to all of the tracks that are already on my ipod. I've tried doing "iPod > Rewrite database" but this doesn't update the artist names. How can I apply the change without having to re-copy every single song back onto the ipod?

I'm using foo_dop + 2nd gen iPod Touch

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3021
Time for another feature request:

I think I remember you already implemented it, but disabled it because of another user's request...

Could you make sorting of playlists an option, please?

I have named my playlist in alphabetical order, but everytime I sync with foobar, the order is seemingly randomized. I have to start iTunes for it to re-order my playlists. I have not yet found out what pattern foo_dop uses for ordering but it certainly is not the one I want...

Thanks in advance!

Cheers, NinjaN
IDE? This is S-ATA!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3022
If I recall correctly, iPods will record every play properly, with the date of each play. If you've got one of these models, LastPod should be able to scrobble all your plays, IIRC.

I have Nano 5G and it is not supported

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #3023
I have just recently changed the Artist field mapping in the foo_dop preferences, and I'd like to apply the change to all of the tracks that are already on my ipod. I've tried doing "iPod > Rewrite database" but this doesn't update the artist names. How can I apply the change without having to re-copy every single song back onto the ipod?

I'm using foo_dop + 2nd gen iPod Touch
It does say right on the preferences page and there are also instructions on the help page..

Could you make sorting of playlists an option, please?
Well, I'm aware, but I'll get it out of the way for the next version.