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Topic: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks (Read 13009 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #75
Hopefully they will be included progressively.
Scheduler mod has already been added. I believe Playlist Tour, CAD NowPlaying and Run Service x Group might come next.
Vital Bookmarks and Queue Editor may need some extra work before inclusion.
There is an unconfirmed report, as you know, about Coverflow leaking memory. It won´t be included until I am confident it does not.
And there is also Flex DSP, Discogger... and all the pending documentation reviews.  :-X

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #76

Vital Bookmark v1.3.5

- Added option to choose Enter key behavior in edit mode: stay in the same cell or move down.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #77
Thank you very much @da yuyu

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #78
Display three decimal places as zeros (mm:ss.000) when time is set to an exact second.


Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #79
On the keyboard, I have the RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys set up as keyboard shortcuts in foobar2000 to seek backwards and forwards. When I have set a bookmark and am playing that bookmark, through Vital Bookmarks, the arrow keys no longer respond when pressed. Is this expected behavior? Does anyone else experience this? (I do not have Global keys set up in the shortcuts but I went ahead and set Global keys with the shortcuts as a test, and it made no difference.)

And just to clarify something in my mind. When right-clicking a set bookmark in the panel, "Restore" is what is clicked to play the bookmark (or pressing ENTER on the keyboard), correct?

And in the main menu: Playback/Vital Bookmarks/Restore Bookmark is clicked if want to play a selected bookmark through that menu?

Would it be convenient for others, than just myself, if double-clicking a bookmark in the panel started it playing?

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #81
Yes, thanks for correcting me, I should have typed the two shortcuts do not have modifiers. But I did set modifiers to the two keys as a test, and it made no difference to the two keys becoming unresponsive when a bookmark was played.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #82
Ok, I see I made another flub. I just added a # column to the Vital Bookmarks panel and double-clicking that # column causes the bookmark to play.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #83
After a little further looking at the shortcut keys not responding:

I have ten shortcut keys and under the below conditions all of the shortcut keys stop responding; Not just the LEFT\RIGHT keys I have set to seek backward and forward.

The shortcut keys stop responding when a bookmark is just selected (highlighted) in the Vital Bookmarks panel, or selected, and then activated to play through double-clicking in the # column, or activated to play through a menu item, or pressing the ENTER key.


I made a button that is tied to Playback\Vital Bookmarks\Restore Bookmark.

If there is one bookmark saved in the Vital Bookmarks panel and the above button is pressed without selecting (highlighting) the bookmark in the panel, the saved bookmark begins playing, and the shortcut keys work as expected when pressed, including the backward/forward seeking shortcuts.

The problem of the unresponsive shortcut keys seems to be connected with selecting a bookmark in the Vital Bookmarks panel.

Hope the above makes some useful sense.

Added on edit:

This might be a Columns UI problem. I tried it in Default UI and no problems with the shortcuts there in the quick test I did.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #84
Attaching a screenshot to more clearly explain my experience with the keyboard shortcuts. Again, this is Columns UI; no problems experienced in Default UI.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #85
I have some thoughts about this but I haven't had time to investigate. It affects one of my components as well and the one thing it has in common with this one is that it uses the libPPUI list control from the SDK. I think you might be able to reproduce the issue with ReFacets as well.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #86
So CUI panel developers basically need to implement something like this to get keyboard shortcuts processed.

Code: [Select]
	LRESULT on_message(HWND wnd, uint32_t msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) final
switch (msg)
if (uie::window::g_process_keydown_keyboard_shortcuts(wp))
return 0;
// do your own stuff here if needed
return DefWindowProcW(wnd, msg, wp, lp);

DUI handles this automatically, CUI does not...

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #87

I have an issue with a portable foobar. The bookmarks disappear when I restart foobar.

When I add bookmarks, they are displayed in the panel. Console log:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

When I restart the portable foobar, all bookmarks disappear. Console log:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(Vital Bookmarks 1.3.5, foobar2000 2.1.5 x86, Windows 10 x64 22H2)

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #88
Have you tried uninstalling the component, and then deleting the Vital bookmarks configuration file that is in the profile/configuration folder. And then reinstalling the component. To see if the bookmarks persist in disappearing?

Only thing I can think of trying.

Another question would be, has the component always had this problem for you, or were things going along fine, and this problem suddenly started?

edit: typo

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #89
I don't use this but components made specifically for v2 (indicated in thread title) don't have .cfg files. Their configuration is saved in config.sqlite along with all fb2k core settings and other components made for v2 only.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #90

But would it hurt to delete the foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file that is in the profile/configuration folder, as a test?

Also, if that foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file happens to be set to read only could that cause the disappearing problem?

Asking about the read only because if I want my portable fb2k to have the same bookmarks as my regular system install fb2k, I copy the above mentioned foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file to the portable installation's profile/configuration folder.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #91
Oh right, I had no idea about any .dat file. This seems unique to this component. I was thrown off by the configuration folder being mentioned. I guess writing there is fair game.

edit: the obvious thing with any component problem is install a completely brand new portable fb2k install and the component. See if it works as expected. If it does work, you can assume the configuration in your main install is somehow broken. But if the "new" install misbehaves in the same way, it has to could be a component bug.

edit2: i really have no idea about read only. IIRC fb2k itself grumbles at you via popup dialogs on shutdown but components writing their own files will have their own ways of handling it.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #92
Well I just found out one thing. If there are no saved bookmarks, even just one. There will be no foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file in the profile/configuration folder.

Set a bookmark in vital bookmarks, the above .dat file appears in the profile/configuration folder, remove the bookmark from vital bookmarks, and the .dat file disappears from the folder.

I was going to test the Read-only idea, but no way to do that.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #93
I think I've found the explanation: I think it's because of the accented characters (like é è ê à ñ ) in a folder name somewhere in the path. I speak a foreign language. Maybe something with the character encoding?
I moved the portable foobar folder to the desktop, and it worked: the bookmarks were memorized and retrieved after a restart.

I tried reinstalling the component and deleting the bookmark file. I also tried a new portable installation with only this component. It's the same thing again: it only works if there are no special characters in the path.

I looked at this foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file in profile\configuration:
When there's a special character somewhere in the path :
  • when I add bookmarks, the foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file is not created.
  • when foobar is started, if there is a foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file with bookmarks, the bookmarks do not appear in the panel.
  • when foobar is closed, the foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file disappears automatically, it's deleted. I don't know why.
When there's no special character in the path, everything works fine.

Thank you very much for your help @cwb and @marc2k3, I wouldn't have looked any further without your comments. I didn't know it worked for other people. I had stayed in this folder with special characters from the start, so it had never worked.

Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #94
Hi @da yuyu, thank you for developing this component, but I have a problem.
I am using foobar2000 v2.1.5 and v2.2 preview 2024-06-24 (both install mode) for testing and have installed foo_vbookmark-v1.3.5.

When I closed foobar2000, the foo_vbookmark.dll.dat file was saved correctly. However, when I restart foobar2000, the previously saved bookmarks aren't restored. The console shows:
Code: [Select]
(Vital bookmarks) Reading bookmarks from file
(Vital bookmarks) Reading data from file failedUnhandled Exception

I then tried foo_vbookmark-v1.3.4, 1.3.3 and 1.3.2, all with the same problem.

When I went back to v1.3, the previously saved bookmarks were finally restored correctly. The console shows:
Code: [Select]
(Vital bookmarks) Reading bookmarks from file
(Vital bookmarks) Restored 2 bookmarks from file


Re: [fb2k v2] Vital Bookmarks

Reply #95
First Thank you for the addon.
I have a suggestion: I find clics behaviours counter intuitive. Single clic should not enter rename mode but single clic should just select an entry, by convention you select an item before calling a right clic menu. Also, double click should resume the bookmark and the rename function should be, imho, a right clic menu option. I think most of the time you want to resume, more often than renaming an entry.