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Topic: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme (Read 205293 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #550
Hi TT,

Thank you very much for this theme.  It is perfect. 

I only have one issue that I cannot seem to figure out.  I have a folder titled "Miscellaneous '80's Songs" and I can get the album cover art thumbnails to show up in the playlist view window on the right half using the Preferences - Display - Search Pattern "%artist% - %album% - Cover.jpg" but for the life of me I cannot get the large album art panel on the left half to display the correct album cover art for the current album playing.  I can cycle through all the folder's cover art just fine by using the mouse wheel, but it always defaults on the first alphabetical image every time I load that folder.  Any idea on how to get the correct art to display when the song changes?  All other folders that are artist specific display art just fine.  It's just this Miscellaneous folder that is giving me trouble.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #551
Hi @roadtonowhere09,

this is a special case and if you're are using the latest Beta 11b from here,
you can activate via top menu Options > Player controls > Album art > Load embedded album art first.
If the tracks don't have embedded album art, you would need to embed the album art covers for every each of them.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #552
Ah, I see.  It must have to do with the folder structure.  I can do that.  Thanks again for your hard work :)

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #553
Ah, I see.  It must have to do with the folder structure.  I can do that.  Thanks again for your hard work :)

Exactly right, every album has only one front album cover ( cover.jpg / folder.jpg / front.jpg ).
This also applies for multi-CDs ( CD 1, CD2, CD3... ) and compilations. Otherwise it would be hard to differentiate
between booklet artwork images...

So embedding album art into the files and use the "Load embedded album art first" is your only option
if you want to display every track with one unique album art cover.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #554
Last thing.  It appears that if I go to the link you just provided on reply #551 I get "" that is 44.1 MB but if I follow the link in the Github installation instructions I get "" that is 28.6MB.  I am assuming that the link you just gave me is a more updated version?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #555
Last thing.  It appears that if I go to the link you just provided on reply #551 I get "" that is 44.1 MB but if I follow the link in the Github installation instructions I get "" that is 28.6MB.  I am assuming that the link you just gave me is a more updated version?

Yes, use the Beta 11b which is the latest updated version that everyone should install.
The directly from Github ( and not from the Beta thread ) is from Jun 13, 2022, more than a half year old...
I will resume and update Github activity once the first public release is out, which is soon...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #556
Got it.  Thank you so much.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #557
Hi, I love the Library look when cover art is displayed, but I really like skipping around in albums. Is there a way that instead of double clicking playing the album, it goes into the playlist view for that album?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #558
Hi, I love the Library look when cover art is displayed, but I really like skipping around in albums. Is there a way that instead of double clicking playing the album, it goes into the playlist view for that album?

Hi Fishingforpie, not really sure what you want, can you give more details?

If you want to know how the Library works, you can check this here under the topic
Why does it play only one song and does not continue the album?

Also in the upcoming new Beta 12 which I'll be releasing tomorrow or on Sunday, there will be a new
library double click action that just plays the album without automatically adding/resetting the "Library View" auto-playlist.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #559
Beta 12 - Final last big Beta update released

Hey guys, this is the last beta round testing and final big beta update.
I won't be adding any new features and fix only possible bugs from Beta 12. I'll concentrate on designing and writing
the official Georgia-ReBORN website which will include full documentation of every available feature the theme has to offer,
tips and tricks and FAQ. Once again, if you find some bugs/crashes, please report it for the last time in the Beta thread, thanks!
Let's make the first public release a smooth launch!

More information (changelog) and download can be found here!


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #560
Hi, I love the Library look when cover art is displayed, but I really like skipping around in albums. Is there a way that instead of double clicking playing the album, it goes into the playlist view for that album?

Hi Fishingforpie, not really sure what you want, can you give more details?

With the EOLE theme I used to have, I could get a drop down where I can view all tracks of an album and pick and choose what tracks to play without having to start from the beginning of the album and quickly going to the playlist menu and changing what song I am listening to like I have been doing with Georgia Reborn. I wish instead of double clicking playing the album from the start, it closed the library and opened up the playlist view for that specific album so I can choose a track that's say, at the end of an album instead of having to quickly stop the first track and then change the track to that one.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #561
some users already asked about this album art tree feature, it is actually on my TODO list and the last thing to implement in Georgia-ReBORN, but it's complicated.
Maybe in future updates it will be available, I don't know yet because there are various factors to consider ( for example, harder to update the Library when new updates are released ).
If other devs want to help, they could make a pull request on Github after I've released the first public release, that would be great...

In the past, I've had a conversation with WilB ( developer of the library and biography ) and made some mockups
how it would look like, that is what you're describing right?

Hi WilB,

half year ago a Georgia-ReBORN user has asked me, if I can implement something similar what the musicbee has in his
album art grid view ( popup that can show the songs of the album ).

So yesterday I've designed an own concept with designs, that shows how we can further improve the album art grid mode
with what we can call "album art tree". Here are examples with animations:

Album art with artist view:

If you click on the artist, it will show a popup with all albums available in the media library.
If you click again on the album, it will show the songs. If there are more songs that the popup height
we can use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down for more songs. This can be also done with albums.
We can also link it with your Biography, see footer links in popup. The album rating could be calculated via sum of all rated songs.

In album view, only the songs will be displayed on click:

And here an example in Flow Mode:

What do you think? Are you interested?
In my opinion, this a great addition and has more flexibility. For example, in the artist view in this current state,
you can't see all albums of the artist, only add everything to the playlist. The same goes for the albums, you can't see the songs...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #562
That looks great!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #563
I hope it comes out on 2.4.0.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #564
This GEORGIA theme is going to be a great success due to the help to develop it from the community and the developer himself.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #565
That looks great!
Seconded. Looks like it'd be a bitch to code up though.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #566
@MordredKLB, to be quite honest, I've had non-stop work with all the features I've implemented into Georgia-ReBORN.
My strategy was, that maybe WilB would implement it himself into his original library O:)
I still do understand only about 50% of his code and it's his baby overall as he knows the ins and outs...

Another fear was that when WilB would release new library updates, it would be tedious for me to update it to its latest changes...
But I thought about it yesterday and it could be solved rather easily. I think the best way would be to create a new class -> new file art-tree.js without tampering/changing much of the original code in populate.js and images.js. You guys did not see the full conversation we've had, but WilB already gave me some tips how to code it:

Possibly the easiest way to go is to include a second copy of library tree with the required classes renamed, e.g. const pop2 = new populate2. That makes it easier for it to be drawn with its own dimensions, content & settings etc.

Alternatively you could use one copy and, e.g. const pop2 = new populate. All references to variables outside the classes would need to be added in the appropriate places, e.g. pop2.tree etc.

Anyways, I'm busy with fixing remaining bugs to publish the first public release and I'm currently working on the Georgia-ReBORN website, which is a lot of work.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #568
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.2-dev+7c0928bf ({04620F16-1878-47A1-8EFE-0CE0B99566CC}: Georgia-ReBORN v2.3.0 by TT)
include failed:

<ERROR: Could not read from C:\foobar2000\profile\georgia-reborn\configs\georgia-reborn-config.jsonc, or JSON may be invalid. If file exists please delete or restore from a backup.>

File: Common.js
Line: 558, Column: 3
Stack trace:

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #569
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.2-dev+7c0928bf ({04620F16-1878-47A1-8EFE-0CE0B99566CC}: Georgia-ReBORN v2.3.0 by TT)
include failed:

<ERROR: Could not read from C:\foobar2000\profile\georgia-reborn\configs\georgia-reborn-config.jsonc, or JSON may be invalid. If file exists please delete or restore from a backup.>

File: Common.js
Line: 558, Column: 3
Stack trace:

It seems your georgia-reborn-config.jsonc config file is corrupt. Did you modify your config file?
Maybe you forgot to close something in the settings options and/or the syntax is somewhere wrong...
So make backup and just delete your existing georgia-reborn-config.jsonc config file, on next reload it will create a new one for you.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #570

Grazie Tom


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #571
Hey @TT, thank you for your amazing work!
There is one question that I've spent on 3 hours already and still didn't find the answer.
Is there an option to automatically launch foobar2000 having "Library" opened by default?
Currently, there is a playlist view when launching foobar, I'd like to have "Library" instead of it.

Thanks in advance for the answer!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #572
@cookie_drummer, that is currently not available.
It's only available for either "Details" or "Playlist" ( Options > Playlist > Show playlist on startup ), but I'll see what I can do...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #573
@cookie_drummer, I've implemented this.
The user can now start the theme with "Playlist", "Details", "Library", "Biography" or "Lyrics" on foobar startup, will be available
in the next mini-update.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #574
@cookie_drummer, I've implemented this.
The user can now start the theme with "Playlist", "Details", "Library", "Biography" or "Lyrics" on foobar startup, will be available
in the next mini-update.

This is a great news! Thank you very much!