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Topic: [COMPONENT REQUESTS] Vectorscope (X/Y oscilloscope) and Enhanced Oscilloscope (Read 1522 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: Recreating the fu...
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[COMPONENT REQUESTS] Vectorscope (X/Y oscilloscope) and Enhanced Oscilloscope

A vectorscope or X/Y oscilloscope visualization would be cool to have as a foobar2000 component, without having to use foo_dsp_vst3 (nor even Winamp visualizations wrapper foo_vis_shpeck, not even foo_vis_milk2) just for this analyzer and have also be integrated as a Default UI element or Columns UI panel, not just a floating window, something like this:
and the phase scope can also appears in other forms like the circular histogram thing (which is an Adobe Audition thing for "Phase analysis")

Also, I wanted the better version of a built-in oscilloscope visualization that I can set the length to display to anything below 100ms and the display isn't downsampled (displays all samples within the specified length), and have optional time (samples)/amplitude (dB) grids and labels on it like this:

BTW, this request for having two components (one for better oscilloscope, and another for vectorscope or X/Y oscilloscope) is to complete the analysis-oriented visualizations (aka. WaveLab metering but in media players) for foobar2000 audio player (even though foobar2000 itself is not a DAW obviously even with foo_dsp_vst3 and additional analysis-oriented visualizations like Enhanced Spectrum analyzer and Loudness Peakmeter) and it doesn't have to be @Crossover to make one, and these two components I've requested anyone to make should handle more than 2 channels (up to 18 channels as defined by WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) unlike the relevant CodePen project (which mockup images are made from, and this project doesn't work well on audio files with more than 2 channels)

Re: [COMPONENT REQUESTS] Vectorscope (X/Y oscilloscope) and Enhanced Oscilloscope

Reply #1
BTW, I need this kind of visualization to visualize images within oscilloscope music and to monitor songs for potential phase issues that becomes obvious when you either downmix the stereo mix to mono when using stereo speakers or headphones or play certain songs on phone's speakers (which is often mono) and have an option for my ideal vectorscope component to switch between L/R (horizontal deflection = L, vertical deflection = R) and M/S (Y-axis deflection = M, X-axis deflection = S) modes

Re: [COMPONENT REQUESTS] Vectorscope (X/Y oscilloscope) and Enhanced Oscilloscope

Reply #2
Do anyone (especially foobar2000 component developers like @pqyt) have interests on making a vectorscope component? Since @Crossover (author of foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer and foo_loudness_peakmeter) is probably busy with other stuffs (if my assumption of he is making both components I've wanted is false)

Also, as for the vectorscope component, I'd imagine that it optionally have phase correlation and stereo balance metering bars integrated into it, and as for the better oscilloscope component I've wanted to see, I'd like to see multiple triggering modes (e.g. zero-crossing, spectral, and envelope-based triggering) for stabilized display of audio wave shape as well as Mid/Side representations

Re: [COMPONENT REQUESTS] Vectorscope (X/Y oscilloscope) and Enhanced Oscilloscope

Reply #3
Do anyone (especially foobar2000 component developers like @pqyt) have interests on making a vectorscope component? Since @Crossover (author of foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer and foo_loudness_peakmeter) is probably busy with other stuffs (if my assumption of he is making both components I've wanted is false)

Also, as for the vectorscope component, I'd imagine that it optionally have phase correlation and stereo balance metering bars integrated into it, and as for the better oscilloscope component I've wanted to see, I'd like to see multiple triggering modes (e.g. zero-crossing, spectral, and envelope-based triggering) for stabilized display of audio wave shape as well as Mid/Side representations

I'll have a go at it when I have more time and when the updates for my other components are ready.

Re: [COMPONENT REQUESTS] Vectorscope (X/Y oscilloscope) and Enhanced Oscilloscope

Reply #4

I'll have a go at it when I have more time and when the updates for my other components are ready.
good, but I'd prefer to have these two components developed by @Crossover rather than you but still, it could be something for ones who impatient for new audio analysis components by the same author as foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer and foo_loudness_peakmeter


Re: [COMPONENT REQUESTS] Vectorscope (X/Y oscilloscope) and Enhanced Oscilloscope

Reply #5

I'll have a go at it when I have more time and when the updates for my other components are ready.
good, but I'd prefer to have these two components developed by @Crossover rather than you but still, it could be something for ones who impatient for new audio analysis components by the same author as foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer and foo_loudness_peakmeter
Quite the vote of confidence again... merely trying to help.