You can use any of the fields exposed by this plugin without using JScript Panel, however any of the date lists (%played_times%, %lastfm_played_times_js%, etc.) will be mostly useless unless you're using JScript panel as there's no way to iterate over values in title formatting expression.
How to consume the date lists in a JScript Panel:
var raw = fb.TitleFormat('[%played_times_js%]').Eval();
var playedTimes = [];
try {
playedTimes = JSON.parse(raw); // this is required because the value is a string
} catch (e) {
fb.trace('<<< ERROR parsing JSON >>>'); // you probably don't need this try/catch, but it was helpful in my debugging
for (i=0; i < playedTimes.length; i++) {
var p = new Date(playedTimes[i]);
// do something with this value
Just as an example of what you can do, I'm taking the individual play times and plotting them on a song "lifecycle" timeline where it starts at the date the song was added, and runs to the present. I calculate each play's "age" by subtracting it from the current time (new Date() ), and then use the ratio of age / added to determine where to draw the line.
In your theme you might want to display a playcount using either the highest value between %play_count% and %lastfm_play_count%. That can be done with:
For the record, you can convert a Foobar string timestamp ("2018-01-04 00:36:15") into a string you can pass into new Date() by doing the following:
var added = fb.TitleFormat('%added%').Eval().replace(' ','T');