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Topic: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount (Read 224125 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Download - version 3.0.1:


This component requires foobar2000 v1.1 or newer.

Changes since 3.0:
- No longer attempts to update tags on remote files or streams when playing.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #1
XML backup functionality

You can export playback statistics to an XML file and import them later, through Library => Playback Statistics menu commands, or through context menu on specific tracks. This can be used to easily transfer playback statistics between different foobar2000 installations or profiles.
Does this also mean that now is possible to create some tool to transfer playback statistics from other sources (iTunes,, etc...) to foobar2000?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #2
Thanks Peter for the hard work.

from wiki:
Playback statistics are now pinned to a combination of artist + album + track number + track title information.

Is there a way to share info between tracks using only artist+title?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #3
Hello Peter,

Are there any plans to add options for update timing (eg. update after x seconds/percentage has been played)? I still use the unofficial component solely for this feature.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #4
WOW, this is awesome! Thank you for the hard work!

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #5
Thanks Peter, great release!
The concept is amazing - i imagine that it also could be used in other components (f.e. storing text i regard to special fields: biography, album review, ...)

Thanks Peter for the hard work.

from wiki:
Playback statistics are now pinned to a combination of artist + album + track number + track title information.

Is there a way to share info between tracks using only artist+title?

I agree: generally people won't save tracknumber for those tracks wich aren't part of a full album but belong to a collection of single tracks. I could tell some other points but i will keep it short: a line in advanced preferences to define combination?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #6

this new Copy/Paste statistics feature is quite handy!

but i think it could be tweaked with the ability to select which fields are copied/pasted.

this could be useful for this scenario:
you download one track from a music blog. a few days/weeks/months later if you buy the album that include this track, you could want to change ONLY the %added% field of this track to match the rest of the album.

this could probably be solved with some check/uncheck boxes in this warning window:

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #7
Losing my playback stats has been one of the reasons I've procrastinated formatting my PC. Now I can at least copy my media library onto another drive and not loose my stats. Thanks Peter!

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #8
Some (strange?) behaviour discovered.

Documentation states that "Playback statistics are now pinned to a combination of artist + album + track number + track title information".

There's an album that has 2 discs and each of them has track named X, but on the first disc it's number 1 and on the second its tracknumber is 2.
But when I change rating it is changed for both tracks. That is definitely wrong because of:

1. Track number is not used at all (and this is againt what documentation says).
2. I guess that disc number should be used too, because in my case those songs are really different (there are remixes on the second disc).

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #9
Disc numbers are in fact used (updated the wiki page). If you're getting collisions on multi-disc albums, you don't have correct disc number tags.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #10
Actually not only disc numbers differ but track numbers too.
See the screenshot.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #11
OK, bug found, thanks for reporting.

Fixed in beta 2.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #12
Thanks Peter for all that work.

I used foo_quicktag to store ratings in tags. I just discover Playcount, it seems to be a better solution
I've noticed these 3 points:
- there's no warning to prevent a massive rating update like in quicktag :

- how to make readable Rating in Properies window

- what is the file to save to backup statistics ?

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #13
  - The characters should be stars, but you don't see them properly because of the used font. Install East Asian language support and it will automatically choose a font with has them. (Needed only on Windows XP.)

  - <your-foobar2000-profile>\index-data\6370B286-BE93-4A7C-AA3B-281FEC61B182
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #14

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #15
Thanks Peter for the hard work.

from wiki:
Playback statistics are now pinned to a combination of artist + album + track number + track title information.

Is there a way to share info between tracks using only artist+title?

An option to set which fields should match to transfer statistics would be briliant (for me only artist + title, in case given track is on some compilation for example)

(I cannot edit my previous post - can mod merge them?)

Another idea (I'm not sure whether it's possible to implement) - an addition to previously proposed option for self created patterns to match track: an option to match them against their length (with customizable margin of difference in seconds or percentage).

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #16
I don't understand. The same thing happened a time ago between versions: I lost many statistics. This time it's more awkward. Some files lost all statistics (first played, last played, rating) and other gain many new play counts. Examples from some of my autoplaylists:

Before update of playcount:

Played more than 7 times - 399 songs.
Need to be rated  - 998 songs

After update:

Played more than 7 times - 4088 songs. This one is insane. When I look in the properties of some of the files, the play count is correct (7 times, for example) but in the database its 18 times.
Need to be rated - 8761 songs.

This craziness only happens when I overwrite the old version of playcount with the new one. Am I doing something wrong? I use foobar 1.1 beta 1 with windows XP. For now I will stick with the old version. It seems that I'm the only one wit this problem.

Edit: a little update. The problem with the lost ratings it seems it was fixed. I did a "import statistics from the file tags" and the ratings are back (it's odd since I couldn't see them in the properties just before the importing). But the play count of most of the files are still crazy (many many plays) and the import doesn't work (but in the file tags the play count is correct!!).

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #17
I had some problems - a whole album lost it's statistics and some other files gained some. I don't know what could've caused it, but it happened to ~20 files out of ~2000. It could have been my own fault, but things seem to be alright.

Making the way Playback Statistics recognize metadata customizable would be awesome!

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #18
An option to set which fields should match to transfer statistics would be briliant (for me only artist + title, in case given track is on some compilation for example)

it would be really nice to see that.


Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #19
Okay. My problem is solved. It seems that some of my stats were not in the old database so with the import they didn't get converted. So after the "import from file tags" the new version could display all the information correctly.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #21
  - <your-foobar2000-profile>\index-data\6370B286-BE93-4A7C-AA3B-281FEC61B182
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #22
Background: I do not use file tags. I prefer to keep all relevant information in the file path to avoid redundancy (which works fine with the current version of Playback Statistics unless I change the file name in which case statistics get reset).

It sounds like the new version of this component will not work with my collection at all though. Is it possible for fields to be added so that I can customize (using title formatting) how this component determines, for example, the artist name or the album name.

Thank you for all your hard work, Peter.
- Qest

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #23
What happens if you update file tags in foobar2000?  What happens if you update them outside of foobar2000, both when foobar2000 is running and when it is not?

(I really would just like playback statistics 2.x with working stats migration when changing a filename located in a relative path ML entry, since I update tags more often than I change filenames)

Re: Playback Statistics component: v3.x foo_playcount

Reply #24
I used converter to convert one of my library's lossless releases to lossy in a temp folder (c:\temp) that is not in my library path

Among other playback statistics data, newly converted files have %added% data also (inside foobar), which is a bug in new playback statistics component as thay are not added in a library and this component should distinct this case