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Topic: TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1 (Read 37884 times) previous topic - next topic
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TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Beta release 1 of TAK 1.0.2 ((T)om's lossless (A)udio (K)ompressor)

It consists of:

- TAK Applications 1.0.2
- TAK Winamp plugin 1.0.5.
- TAK SDK 1.0.4.
- TAK Decoding library 1.0.5.


Download links removed. TAK 1.0.2 Final has been released.

1. TAK Applications 1.0.2

containing the GUI and command line compressor:

2. TAK Winamp plugin 1.0.5

containing the playback plugin for Winamp:

3. TAK SDK 1.0.4

containing the SDK documentation and the decoding library dll for developers:

4. TAK Decoding library 1.0.5

containing only the decoding library dll which is part of the SDK. It's provided for end users using third-party applications utilizing the library, who want to update the library to the current version:

After the beta test phase these archives will be removed.

What's new

What's new in the Applications

New preset configuration:

- Most of the presets have been modified to speed them up and to reduce the decoding requirements. Usually they are more than 50 percent faster while loosing only about 0.3 percent of compression efficiency.
- The fastest preset TURBO (-p0) is now using 8 instead of 16 predictors and compresses (on average) nevertheless better than FLAC -8 (with 12 predictors). The reduced cpu requirements should guarantee that this preset can be decoded on any hardware device capable to playback FLAC -8 (maybe even -5).
- Because of the insertion of the new TURBO preset we now have 6 instead of 5 presets: -p0 to -p5. The strongest setting is now -p5m and it's called INSANE.
- The maximum frame size (samples per channel) is now limited as follows: 4096 for TURBO and FAST, 8192 for NORMAL, HIGH and EXTRA, 16384 for INSANE. This way the specification of the memory requirements of the decoder is more accurate.

New Features:

- You can now manually set the frame size to 512, 1024 or 2048 samples to match the frame size of the LossyWav/LossyFlac preprocessor developed by the 2Bdecided, Nick C. and halb27. But caution: Frame sizes of 512, 1024 and 2048 are not backwards compatible and can not be decoded by TAK applications and libraries prior to V1.0.2!


- The strongest compression mode -p5m (aka -p4m in V1.0.1) is now encoding 62 percent faster on my system and is on average loosing only 0.01 percent compression!
- Tiny overall speed improvements.
- Better compression of some low passed files and files coming from lossy sources (especially low and medium constant bitrate). Up to more than 1 % for presets Turbo, Fast and Normal, up to 0.3 precent for High, Extra and Insane. This comes without any significant speed penality.
- Modification of the file read function of the decoder. It's now reading the file in smaller blocks. This will hopefully increase the decoding speed of high resolution audio, which seems to be suffering from the io system of V1.0.1.


- The file info function was rounding the file duration to the nearest second. Now it's correctly displaying the fraction with 2 decimal places. (30.53 instead of 36.00 seconds).
- When compressing 96 Khz audio with preset HIGH, preset EXTRA has been stored into the encoder meta data. This had no effect on the decoding or data integrity, but the file info function and media players will display the wrong preset.

What's new in the encoder/decoder library (affecting the applications, the decoding library and the Winamp plugin):

New features:

- Support for frame sizes of 512, 1024 and 2048 samples which have been introduced with TAK V1.0.2.
- Support for the additional preset INSANE introduced with TAK V1.0.2.


- The memory requirements have been reduced. Depending on the preset the encoder is now using 2 to 3 times, the encoder 1.5 to 2.5 times less memory. This may slightly improve the speed on some cpus. But i did it primarily to prepare later hardware implementations.
- Considerable parts of the source code have been partially rewritten or simplified. It's in no way important for the current users (well, like any modification it might even introduce bugs...), but it's part of the preparation of a later source code release. It's only one more step into this direction, there is still much more to do. As always, i can't tell you a release date.

Bug fixes:

- The decoder is expected to process any (damaged) data without any problems. But i have found and corrected two cases, where the decoder could crash. The chance for this was less than 1 : 1000 (for damaged files only!).
- In one place i used an invalid flag combination in a call of Windows' VirtualFree().

What's new in the SDK (compared to 1.0.3):

Interface changes (Adaptions for TAK 1.0.2):

- Added constants for the new frame sizes (Ttak_str_FrameSizeTypes): tak_FrameSizeType_512 to tak_FrameSizeType_12288.
- Added constant for the new preset INSANE (TtakPresets): tak_Preset_Insane.

Interface Compatibility:

- The decoder functions tak_SSD_GetStreamInfo and tak_SSD_GetEncoderInfo may now return the new values for the frame size (Ttak_str_FrameSizeTypes) and the encoder preset/profile (TtakPresets) which have been introduced with TAK 1.0.2 (see "Interface changes").

Beta testing

The beta version has already gone through extensive testing performed by my automatic scripts. But especially because of the many changes for 1.0.2 rare bugs are still possible (as always...). Please try the beta release and report any bugs in this thread.

I would also be happy about tests of compression efficiency and speed. Because the final release will have identical performance (there may be a speed variation of 1 to 3 percent because of different code alignment of another build), it does make sense to test the beta.

Thanks for testing and have fun


TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #1
what archives?

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #2
Good news.
When is it planed top get optimizated for speed foobar decoder plugin?  Actual TAK plugin for foobar is approx. 30% slower than command line decoder.

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #3
Is pipe-encoding support planned for the final version, Tom?

In any case, thank you for your work!  TAK is already hands down my lossless format of choice

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #4
I would also be happy about tests of compression efficiency and speed. Because the final release will have identical performance (there may be a speed variation of 1 to 3 percent because of different code alignment of another build), it does make sense to test the beta.
I'll get my standard tests done in the next day or so Thomas.  Nice to see the codec continuing to improve.

Is pipe-encoding support planned for the final version, Tom?
It's in the pipeline.  If you check docs it's on the to-do list.
I'm on a horse.


TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #5
I just have downloaded the new beta, and done some very quick testing. I normally use the normal max settings and they seem to be a bit worse compression-wise than before; the difference seems to be 0 to 0.5 percent (0 percent for Porcupine Tree and 0.5 percent for Björk - I have yet to try other things) - not too significant though I'd like to set the old normal max settings manually. It's possible, I presume

The decoding library became a bit faster, its speed has increased to 321-fold in one particular case (an 'old' normal max encoded Porcupine Tree track just to be specific ) measured in foobar2k - it was 307-fold before (4.5% increasy, pretty good ). It's good to see every bit of increase in decoding speed, especially if we hope for future hardware support.

Reading the preview of the new encoding parameter set I thought that I'll use high max from now on - it won't be the case. High max preserved its knack for compressing a little bit worse than Normal max in some cases, while it's slower to (encode and) decode. The new settings are not the end of the world, I just liked the old NM better

Now I'm leaning towards using the 1.0.1 encoder (or the new one with manually enforced 'old' normal max) and the new decoder lib - encoding speed doesn't really matter for me, I mostly encode my music once and my system is plenty fast to handle the encoding of those occassional few new albums (I don't have a rapidly growing multi-terabyte music collection, months can pass without anything new ).

But, all in all, TAK still rocks, I always liked its characteristics (I've been watching its birth since last year's 1st of April) - FLAC speed with better compression, and this is still the same

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #6
what archives?

I was a bit slower than you...

Good news.
When is it planed top get optimizated for speed foobar decoder plugin?  Actual TAK plugin for foobar is approx. 30% slower than command line decoder.

The foobar plugin is using my decoding library which contains exactly the same code as my applications. I suppose that the foobar plugin or foobar itself is responsible for the lower speed. There is nothing i can do...

Is pipe-encoding support planned for the final version, Tom?

Not this time. Sorry... But it's on my todo list.

In any case, thank you for your work!  TAK is already hands down my lossless format of choice


I would also be happy about tests of compression efficiency and speed. Because the final release will have identical performance (there may be a speed variation of 1 to 3 percent because of different code alignment of another build), it does make sense to test the beta.
I'll get my standard tests done in the next day or so Thomas.  Nice to see the codec continuing to improve.

Great! BTW: I forgot to mention: There is no difference between -p4/-p4e and -p5/-p5e. There were no encoder options left to create an extra evaluation level...

I just have downloaded the new beta, and done some very quick testing. I normally use the normal max settings and they seem to be a bit worse compression-wise than before; the difference seems to be 0 to 0.5 percent (0 percent for Porcupine Tree and 0.5 percent for Björk - I have yet to try other things) - not too significant though I'd like to set the old normal max settings manually. It's possible, I presume

O yes, it is... At least if you are working with the command line version. Please try this: "-p3m,pf0". It will disable the PreFilter which is responsible for the slight decoding speed penality. I will also make this option accessible in the GUI version.

But, all in all, TAK still rocks, I always liked its characteristics (I've been watching its birth since last year's 1st of April) - FLAC speed with better compression, and this is still the same

Thank you! That's very motivating.


TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #7
Here are some results from a 2.6GHz Pentium 4 using 46 files (more or less) representative of my cd collection:

Code: [Select]
1.0.2 Beta 1   size (bytes)     percent  encoding speed decoding speed                                            
-p0              1623010174      54,14    123,15          143,82
-p0e            1615739367      53,9      90,77          142,61
-p0m            1612224463      53,78      49,39          143,48
-p1              1606970522      53,6      105,84          128,02
-p1e            1604905867      53,54      84,38          126,64
-p1m            1601617850      53,43      43,95          128,65
-p2              1581734990      52,76      78,44          118,64
-p2e            1578204991      52,64      59,8            118,56
-p2m            1575307844      52,55      32,7            117,73
-p3              1571489425      52,42      46,6            110,66
-p3e            1569148414      52,34      35,55          111,28
-p3m            1567753199      52,3      23,72          110,63
-p4              1561633116 (!)  52,09      29,64          101,24
-p4e            1561633116 (!)  52,09      29,62          100,34
-p4m            1560386681      52,05      16,37            94,28
-p5              1558565633 (!)  51,99      21,82            93,94
-p5e            1558565633 (!)  51,99      21,85            94,16
-p5m            1557170401      51,94      10,43            95

as comparison: 1.0.1                                                                                       
-p0              1612577422      53,79    114,09          129,76
-p0e            1604816093      53,53      85,04          130,2
-p0m            1601334557      53,42      40,34          129,3
-p1              1582760941      52,8      82,75          122,65
-p1e            1578210266      52,65      59,44          121,17
-p1m            1575082039      52,54      30,13          121,68
-p2              1572754511      52,46      51,74          118,28
-p2e            1571904174      52,43      33,34          118,88
-p2m            1569993171      52,37      25,26          119,68
-p3              1562677922      52,13      31,69            98,83
-p3e            1561954330      52,1      19,04            97,81
-p3m            1560108995      52,04      15,44            98,73
-p4              1558386544      51,98      20,21            91,72
-p4e            1557468738      51,95      10,61            94,47
-p4m            1556940882      51,94      7,7            92,94

-p4e and -p5e produce identical files to -p4 and -p5, did you remove the extra evaluation level for those presets?

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #8
-p4e and -p5e produce identical files to -p4 and -p5, did you remove the extra evaluation level for those presets?
BTW: I forgot to mention: There is no difference between -p4/-p4e and -p5/-p5e. There were no encoder options left to create an extra evaluation level...
I'm on a horse.

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #9
Ah, I missed that (I did look whether it was mentioned anywhere).

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #10
Good work Tom.
When it gets tag support and pipe-encoding, I will switch to it !
These are the only features that held me back for a complete switch.

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #11
Mind if I ask what pipe-encoding is?

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #12
It encodes the file that is inputed on the fly as opposed to converting it to wav than converting it to the format.

I like the new encoding speed.  Can't wait for Tak 1.02 final.
Zune 80, Tak -p4 audio library, Lossless=Choice

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #13

Has anyone gotten TAK to work successfully with dbpoweramp?  I've been trying to set up a CLI encoder, but keep hitting a dead end.
I just discovered Opus. Holy mackerel!

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #14
My interpretation of gaekwad2's results

Code: [Select]

version        preset            size (bytes)    percent    enc.speed    dec.speed                                           
1.0.2            -p0              1623010174      54,14      123,15          143,82
1.0.1            -p0f                N/A            N/A        N/A              N/A
1.0.2            -p1              1606970522      53,60      105,84          128,02
1.0.1            -p0              1612577422      53,79      114,09          129,76
diff                                                0,19        8,25
1.0.2            -p2              1581734990      52,76        78,44          118,64
1.0.1            -p1              1582760941      52,80        82,75          122,65
diff                                                0,04        4,31
1.0.2            -p3              1571489425      52,42        46,60          110,66
1.0.1            -p2              1572754511      52,46        51,74          118,28
diff                                                0,04        5,14
1.0.2            -p4              1561633116      52,09        29,64          101,24
1.0.1            -p3              1562677922      52,13        31,69            98,83
diff                                                0,04        2,04
1.0.2            -p5              1558565633      51,99        21,82            93,94
1.0.1            -p4              1558386544      51,98        20,21            91,72
diff                                                -0,01        -1,61

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #15
My interpretation of gaekwad2's results

You've got it! 

The 1.0.1 presets have been moved up by one position to insert the new Turbo preset and to have a faster Normal preset. Some presets are now encoding a bit slower because i have added one or two more encoder options to the standard evaluation level.

Code improvements mostly affect the Maximum and to some degree the Extra evaluation level. From the change log:

- The strongest compression mode -p5m (aka -p4m in V1.0.1) is now encoding 62 percent faster on my system and is on average loosing only 0.01 percent compression!

gaekwad2's results show a speedup of 35 % for -p5m (aka -p4m in V1.0.1). I am confident, that other cpu's (P3, Core Duo) will show a bigger advantage. The P4 never really liked my optimizations...


TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #16

- The strongest compression mode -p5m (aka -p4m in V1.0.1) is now encoding 62 percent faster on my system and is on average loosing only 0.01 percent compression!



The same happens with V1.0.1 p4e vs p4m in gaekad2's sample .... loosing 0.01 % compression while it encodes at 10.61x (1.0.1-p4e) vs 7.70x (1.0.1-p4m) ..... vs 10.43x(1.0.2-p5m)

may be the p5e mode is the missing target 

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #17
Here are some results from a 2.6GHz Pentium 4 using 46 files (more or less) representative of my cd collection:

Thank you!


- The strongest compression mode -p5m (aka -p4m in V1.0.1) is now encoding 62 percent faster on my system and is on average loosing only 0.01 percent compression!



The same happens with V1.0.1 p4e vs p4m in gaekad2's sample .... loosing 0.01 % compression while it encodes at 10.61x (1.0.1-p4e) vs 7.70x (1.0.1-p4m) ..... vs 10.43x(1.0.2-p5m)

may be the p5e mode is the missing target 


Good work Tom.
When it gets tag support and pipe-encoding, I will switch to it !
These are the only features that held me back for a complete switch.

I think internal tagging will come with the next release, but probably (first) without unicode support.

Am i right, that piping support for encoding is most important? I mean: Read the audio data from a pipe and compress it to a file? I would like to implement this first.


TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #18
I think internal tagging will come with the next release, but probably (first) without unicode support.
Since non-unicode capable environments are hardly existing anymore, I'd suggest to take up time to support unicode in the first place. In my opinion unicode is an important feature when tagging music files especially if you already discovered the diversity beyond the mainstream. This is just a remark and not a request.

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #19
Am i right, that piping support for encoding is most important? I mean: Read the audio data from a pipe and compress it to a file? I would like to implement this first.

Yes! Please implement piping first! Right now, when encoding using foobar, we can't see how many minutes are remaining or anything which is terrible . Piping support would be awesome!

I'm currently transcoding my entire collection from -p4 to -p5m. I'll post data soon.

Thanks for your hard  work!

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #20
+1 for piping support.
Zune 80, Tak -p4 audio library, Lossless=Choice

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #21
...and another vote for piping support!

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #22
I suspect that Unicode support will broaden the userbase more than piping support does so I doubt which one I prefer.

But I have no doubts about the third place: embedding md5 hash of audio part.

Edit: typo

TAK 1.0.2 - Beta release 1

Reply #23
+1 for piping support.