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Topic: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes) (Read 201653 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #300

You are right. Thanks for the clarification.


Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #301
Can you tell me how to completely remove this plugin and all its traces/config files from a portable foobar?

The plugin is defaulting to effects reverb and others I DON'T WANT but they are still taken as "global" meaning ALL PLAYLIST START WITH THIS. Removing the effects from dsp panel doesn't work.


(removing it from components makes the plugin stop working BUT I NEED TO COMPLETELY DESTROY ITS TRACES so I can reinstall it clean and when removing from there, something is left behind so when reinstalling I get the problem again)

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #302
The config page is supposed to have "Reset page" button that you could click to reset everything to defaults. But since this component doesn't let you do that you'll need to press a few more buttons to fix your problem.

On the 'Playlist attributes' preferences page pick a playlist and set all settings to 'Global'. Then click on the 'Copy attributes...' button and set target as '*' and make sure the Remove attributes is ticked. Click OK.

Edit: And if you have set any templates you will probably want to remove them. Just hit the 'Templates ...' button on the above Preferences page and delete everything.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #303
The config page is supposed to have "Reset page" button that you could click to reset everything to defaults. But since this component doesn't let you do that you'll need to press a few more buttons to fix your problem.

On the 'Playlist attributes' preferences page pick a playlist and set all settings to 'Global'. Then click on the 'Copy attributes...' button and set target as '*' and make sure the Remove attributes is ticked. Click OK.

Edit: And if you have set any templates you will probably want to remove them. Just hit the 'Templates ...' button on the above Preferences page and delete everything.

Thanks but it seems my "global" profile is broken completely somehow or something is still wrong here; it seems that the global profile is being modified by your extension when it applies the effects for other profiles, making it retain the last chain of effects applied by your extension (in other profiles) the last time foobar was used.
It can be a little difficult to understand so here is a random example:

> "The divine comedy" -> reverb + eq + compression
> "global" -> no effects.
> play "The divine comedy", then stop.
> Make a new autoplaylist for "The Gathering" using "global"
> Playlist "The Gathering" starts with effects: reverb + eq + compression

I've followed your advise on copying a completely "global" (defaults) profile to ALL, it did work, but at the next day I do what the example says and it gets screwed again.

Do I have to have the entry "Playlist Attributes (don't add/remove....)" in the active DSP chain? cause I never have it.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #304
> "The divine comedy" -> reverb + eq + compression
> "global" -> no effects.
> play "The divine comedy", then stop.
> Make a new autoplaylist for "The Gathering" using "global"
> Playlist "The Gathering" starts with effects: reverb + eq + compression
This is a known bug, which was already reported here. Unfortunately I didn't have the time so far to fix it.

Do I have to have the entry "Playlist Attributes (don't add/remove....)" in the active DSP chain? cause I never have it.
No, this is controlled by the advanced property "Use DSP for smooth transitions", but it has no impact on the other DSP settings.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #305
Hey there!  I'm still having this random issue, fix it by doing what you said (which also deletes configurations for my other playlists), then repeat.

Is there any way to make new playlists come with the "global" DSP settings unticked by default? this way I could manually configure them if they need real configuration; nowadays it comes with "global" ticked and that makes them load erroneous configurations.


Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #306
Hey there!  I'm still having this random issue, fix it by doing what you said (which also deletes configurations for my other playlists), then repeat.

Is there any way to make new playlists come with the "global" DSP settings unticked by default? this way I could manually configure them if they need real configuration; nowadays it comes with "global" ticked and that makes them load erroneous configurations.
Unfortunately not.

Actually it is a serious bug and I'm wondering why it was not detected earlier as the relevant code didn't change during the migration to fb2k 2.0.

It appears a bit difficult but I'm currently working on a fix. It will be hopefully available in the next weeks.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #307
Actually it is a serious bug and I'm wondering why it was not detected earlier
I mean ... it sounds pretty similar to what I reported in 2019 that never had a reply. Incidentally I just tested and that issue (whether the same one or not) remains in the current version - switch playlist, start playback by play button = previous DSP, start playback by double-click in playlist = correct DSP. It was introduced in v0.5.5.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #308
This question might be taken as nitpicking but it isn't meant to be:

Whenever a button is clicked in the Preferences\Playlist Attributes dialog box which open a subsequent dialog box. Those subsequent dialog boxes that are opened are centered in the middle of the screen.

Conversely, when Playlist Attributes is being accessed through the main menu, be it through "Edit" or "Playback". The items which open a dialog box, open those dialog boxes, from what I've experieneced, more toward or at foobar2000's top left side.

So my question is, is it possible to have dialog boxes that are generated from main menu items, open in the middle of the screen?

I am using this from the main menu "Edit\Playlist Attributes\DSP Settings\Edit..." so much that I've created a keyboard shortcut for it.

Using the current release of the component: 1.0.3

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #310
This is strange to me:

I have three playlists that I use Playlist Attributes "Edited" DSP Settings with.

The rest of the playlists use the Global setting, which is no Active DSP entries.

The scenario:

Step One: I play a file in one of the three "Edited" DSP Settings playlists, I press "Stop", and then open "Preferences\DSP Manager" and no active DSP's are listed. (I take that to mean any Active DSP's have unloaded.)

Step Two: I then go to one of the Global (no Active DSP entries) playlists, and double-click a file to play it. The file starts playing, and I then open "Preferences\DSP Manager", and no active DSP's are in the list. (All is well).

But if I do Step One, listed above, and instead of Step Two, I go to one of the Global (no Active DSP entries) playlists, and select a track and add it to "Queue", and press "Play" to start playing the queue, the "Preferences\DSP Manager" list the Active DSP's that were used in the previously used (Step One:) "Edited" DSP Settings playlist.

Maybe I am doing something wrong that is causing this to happen. Or some other component I have installed is causing conflict? Or maybe nothing is really wrong and I am just thinking something is?

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #311
Hey there!  I'm still having this random issue
Finally, I could fix actually a couple of handling issues for the dsp (and also replaygain settings). Please try with the latest version.

Those subsequent dialog boxes that are opened are centered in the middle of the screen.
No, there aren't. They are opened relative to the upper left corner of the preferences dialog as it is the parent of those dialogs. If the preferences dialog is centered on the screen also the child dialogs are more or less centered.

So my question is, is it possible to have dialog boxes that are generated from main menu items, open in the middle of the screen?
It might be possible, but I didn't check it as I won't change the current behaviour anyway. Sorry.[/quote]

Maybe I am doing something wrong that is causing this to happen. Or some other component I have installed is causing conflict?
There were several issues with setting/resetting the dsp settings properly, which are fixed now with version 1.0.4. Please try again with this verison.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #312
I honestly shouldn't have posted the question concerning the placement of the dialog boxes, because it really is quite unimportant. Sorry for having wasted yours and my own time with it.


As far as the issue with going from a playlist that has edited DSP settings, through your component, to a playlist that has no edited DSP settings. Things have improved.

But I am hesitant to try to relate it because I suspect that my use of DSP settings is probably not common, and I can live with it.

But very briefly:

I use the component vlevel with two of my playists through Playlist Attribute's edited DSP settings. It happened that when I pressed stopped, and moved to another playlist that has no edited DSP settings, under certain conditions, vlevel was activated in the playlist with no edited DSP settings.

Now in your newly released 1.0.4, when I switch from the vlevel playlist to a playlist with no DSP settings, vlevel is no longer activated in the DSP manager, but another of my DSP chain presets is, this time it is "Tempo Shift - Normal", which happens to be set to 0.00. Which makes it essentially "Off".

As it is I can live with things as they are, But it would be interesting to know what happens with other's who use your component for DSP settings applied to specific playlists. What, if anything, happens in the DSP manager window for them when they go from an edited DSP playlist to a no DSP's applied playlist. Can they post if anything happens when they double-click a file to play it, or if they select a file and then press play, or select a file and add it to Queue, and then press play.

As it is @fbuser  I'm fine with it, and I thank you for your component. Thus far, I have only used a very small percentage of your component's capability.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #313
I think there might be something wrong with the new version. As soon as I update it on my portable install (I have it backed up), upon playback it starts duplicating one of my DSP settings and adding it over and over to my DSP list (in this case, a VST I am using). Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

I don't use Playlist Attributes to apply DSP effects to any playlist since I select DSP chains based on whether I am listening to speakers or particular headphones.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #314

Just to let you know, that with version 1.0.4 of your component. The problem of DSP's used with specific playlists being carried over to playlists with no DSP's applied to them, now appears to be fixed.

What I put in Reply #312 above was relevant yesterday when it was posted, but this morning I tried changing from a DSP applied playlist to a non DSP playlist and the DSP manager's "Active DSPs" window remained empty. There were no DSPs being carried over from playlist to playlist.

The only thing that happened yesterday, after Reply #312 was posted, is the laptop was shutdown for a few hours.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #315
I think there might be something wrong with the new version. As soon as I update it on my portable install (I have it backed up), upon playback it starts duplicating one of my DSP settings and adding it over and over to my DSP list (in this case, a VST I am using). Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

I don't use Playlist Attributes to apply DSP effects to any playlist since I select DSP chains based on whether I am listening to speakers or particular headphones.
Could you please let me know your exact DSP setup? If I understand you correctly the dsp settings for all your playlist are set to global, or?

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #316
All of my Playlist Attributes settings are left at default (looks to be - global - for everything). The only feature I use from the component is "Stop After Selection", which was not enabled at the time I saw the bug.

I've verified that only when I update to the new version of Playlist Attributes just released, the DSP "VST : GSatPlusnogpu" in my DSP list (screenshot) starts duplicating itself at the end of the DSP chain several time during playback, causing playback stutters and audible distortion.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #317
In version 1.0.4 something has stopped working?

I have a keyboard shortcut [Ctrl+D] to bring up the "Edit/Playlist Attributes/DSP settings/Edit..." dialog box.

Through the dialog box I could quickly change the DSP Chain preset being used depending on my needs.

Now when a preset is loaded and OK is pressed, the changes do not stick. I have to go through "File\Preferences\Playlist Attributes" to make the desired DSP Chain preset changes, and the changes do stick doing it that way.

Something I am doing incorrectly?

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #318
In version 1.0.4 something has stopped working?

I have a keyboard shortcut [Ctrl+D] to bring up the "Edit/Playlist Attributes/DSP settings/Edit..." dialog box.

Through the dialog box I could quickly change the DSP Chain preset being used depending on my needs.

Now when a preset is loaded and OK is pressed, the changes do not stick. I have to go through "File\Preferences\Playlist Attributes" to make the desired DSP Chain preset changes, and the changes do stick doing it that way.

Something I am doing incorrectly?

Something similar happens in my case. I use the dropdown to see which DSP I'm using and sometimes change which preset I'm on. The loaded preset turns blank every time one of the DSPs in the chain duplicates itself. Maybe something similar is happening for you?
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #319
Nothing happening here, that I am aware of, that is as you describe.

Just I load a DSP preset, click OK and the dialog box disappears. All of which is normal, but the playing audio file doesn't reflect the change in DSP. So I reopen the "DSP Settings - Playlist DSP settings" dialog box and the DSPs from the DSP preset that was just loaded are no longer listed in the "Active DSPs" window in the dialog box.

All of the above is done through the menu selection: "Edit/Playlist Attributes/DSP settings/Edit..."

Cannonaire, Your foobar2000 layout is way more intricate than mine. My layout is quite simple.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #320
I've verified that only when I update to the new version of Playlist Attributes just released, the DSP "VST : GSatPlusnogpu" in my DSP list (screenshot) starts duplicating itself at the end of the DSP chain several time during playback, causing playback stutters and audible distortion.
Bug confirmed. A fix will be available in the next days.

In version 1.0.4 something has stopped working?
Actually, it shouldn't have. However, due to fixing the previously reported bugs the behavior of keeping the dsp settings after stopping playback when they were changed during playback is now slightly different. In most cases it should be the same as before, but the bug reported from @Cannonaire will also cause some trouble.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #321
I've verified that only when I update to the new version of Playlist Attributes just released, the DSP "VST : GSatPlusnogpu" in my DSP list (screenshot) starts duplicating itself at the end of the DSP chain several time during playback, causing playback stutters and audible distortion.
Bug confirmed. A fix will be available in the next days.
Fixed now with version 1.0.5

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #322
In this post I am mentioning something that I alluded to in an earlier post of mine above. My intention in posting this is not to repeat or belabor the previous post, but to present the information in a more easily understandable way.


Just to note, with versions 1.0.4 & 1.0.5:

Changes made to the "Active DSPs" list (adding DSPs, or removing them) are not retained if the changes are made through the main menu:

"Edit\Playlist Attributes\DSP settings\Edit..."

But the changes are retained if they are made through the main menu:

"File\Preferences\Playlist Attributes\DSP settings\Edit..."

I personally can live with going through "File\Preferences\..." to make changes.

Thank you very much for fixing the issue of Playlist specific DSPs being carried over to other playlists.

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #323
Changes made to the "Active DSPs" list (adding DSPs, or removing them) are not retained if the changes are made through the main menu:

"Edit\Playlist Attributes\DSP settings\Edit..."
This is correct. The previous behavior was a bug not a feature.  :))

Re: [fb2k v2] Playlist Attributes (foo_playlist_attributes)

Reply #324
Changes made to the "Active DSPs" list (adding DSPs, or removing them) are not retained if the changes are made through the main menu:

"Edit\Playlist Attributes\DSP settings\Edit..."
This is correct. The previous behavior was a bug not a feature.  :))
