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Topic: lossyWAV 1.2.0 released (Read 112121 times) previous topic - next topic
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lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #100
What would the use exactly be of degrading quality of uncompressed audio?

lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #102
Yeah but why would someone want to do that ? I like to listen to the best quality files possible, but maybe I am alone in that

or is this for nostagists of oldschool radio and vinyl lovers  l

lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #103
Yeah but why would someone want to do that ? I like to listen to the best quality files possible, but maybe I am alone in that

If you cannot tell the difference between original and compressed versions then they have the same audio quality.

or is this for nostagists of oldschool radio and vinyl lovers  l

I'm afraid vinyl contains more noise than LossyWAV files.

lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #104
Ah, so why not just use flac and keep the quality

lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #107
Why there are such things as MP3/AAC/AC3/DTS/WMA/OGG/MPC/Wavpack lossy ?

lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #108
i could never decide whether to put my flac files onto my mp3 player as they are, or encode mp3s out of them beforehand. now this comes just perfect! keep up your great work, sire!

lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #109
A silly question, because I didn't really think about using lossywav before.
SInce I sometimes digitize vinyls, I thought of using lossywav on the wave files. Vinyls have lower S/N ratio than CDs, so is using lossywav on vinyls OK? Noise level introduced will still be lower than the hum and rumble from vinyls?

lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #110
Should be - I would suggest using at least --standard, if not --extreme for this as it is a master copy.

lossyWAV 1.2.0 released

Reply #111
I've used Lossywav on loads of vinyl. Works a treat. There's no noticeable additional noise introduced if that's what's worrying you.