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Topic: How To Delete Posts And Account (Read 15102 times) previous topic - next topic
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How To Delete Posts And Account

How do I delete posts that I made and my account? I only made an account to post a question which I found somewhere else just now

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #1
Why?  Just turn off all notifications and ignore your account.

And anyway, if you're a FB2K user, why wouldn't you want to be part of the community of users?  You never know – you might have a question in the future, or be able to help someone else...
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #2
Accounts are never deleted. You can request to have your profile cleared. You'll need to contact an administrator via private message.

Users cannot modify posts after 60 minutes. I'm not going to remove your post as the question/answer may help others and whatever solution you found, you don't seem to want to share.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #3
Why?  Just turn off all notifications and ignore your account.

And anyway, if you're a FB2K user, why wouldn't you want to be part of the community of users?  You never know – you might have a question in the future, or be able to help someone else...
And, since you cannot delete an account, you're not allowed to create another one lest you infringe TOS #12
• Listen to the music, not the media it's on
• The older, the 'lossier'

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #4
people still think they can delete stuff off the internet lol
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #5
Well, sometimes very useful stuff gets lost too.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #6
people still think they can delete stuff off the internet lol
I've lived long enough to see most of the stuff posted on the Internet disappear completely.

Images, videos, applications, documents, everything. Content is only online as long as someone cares or it's profitable.

If no one cares or it's not profitable, poof, and it's gone.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #7
birdie i wholeheartedly agree. Thats why i live by a "if you like it download it now" rule. Its just...
the internet has its own rules explicitly for when we want stuff gone it seems.
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #8
people still think they can delete stuff off the internet lol
I've lived long enough to see most of the stuff posted on the Internet disappear completely.
Was thinking the exact same the other day. Clueless media repeat the phrase "the internet never forgets" but it turned out to be not true. I witnessed communities trying hard to find old files, but failing. Traces of my old, meanwhile deceased crush from 20 years ago can't be found any more. etc etc It's not the tubgirl btw lol
Sometimes you gotta know the right community, someone who uploads, I think that helped me with old Lorn music.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #9
You've tried wayback machine, I presume?  Not infallible, but frequently useful.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #10
You've tried wayback machine, I presume?  Not infallible, but frequently useful.
You presume right, my young Padavan 😜
Here's one I once searched. Artist has uploaded as mp3 in his earlier days, only preserved directory listings, but not the files.*/

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #11
Suspicious suspicious. i bet OP has something to hide. > : )
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #12
Only if his name really is "wickedfox"!
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #13
Mm... I don't get any of these replies. The forum is even missing a privacy policy, which is a requisite to run on EU and USA.,122546.0.html
Spoiler (click to show/hide)This was reported years ago and still not fixed. Looking at this subforum, it has also been reported multiple times and just ignored.

If an EU user ask to have all their contents deleted, admins must comply with that. Also no one should need to use the forums or PM to do that, but an accessible and public email.

I mean, instead of making jokes about the OP, maybe people could ask the site to comply with privacy regulations...  ::)

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #14
If an EU user ask to have all their contents deleted, admins must comply with that.

How is that supposed to work?  In theory, a prominent forum user could demand all their content removed, which would break the forum for everyone.  Even if a user's posts were deleted, how would you delete content quoted in other user's posts (which, by strict definition, could be regarded as the user's content)?  And what about archives such as Wayback Machine?

I suspect this has not been addressed because it's too hard a problem.  Forums won't work unless the T&Cs can protect the forum from somebody demanding content is removed in a fit of pique.

Also, everyone on the forum is anonymous (unless they volunteer personal information).  Only admins can connect a forum user with a real identity (email address and/or IP address), and once that link is deleted even they can't.

As a practical measure, I suggest the best that can be done (legal issues notwithstanding) is to anonymise content* rather than delete content, and the users have the power to do that themselves.

* The content would still have to be identifiable to a specific forum account to make sense, even if that forum account were not identifiable to a particular real person.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #15
If an EU user ask to have all their contents deleted, admins must comply with that.
Nonsense, the forum must delete personal information about the user. Not the public posts. See for example

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #16
I expected that might be the case.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #17
And what about archives such as Wayback Machine?
That is not the forums responsibility. But you must take reasonable steps, if possible.

Nonsense, the forum must delete personal information about the user. Not the public posts. See for example
Your interpretation about personal information is yours. We can understand those points in a different way, for sure.

If I delete my meta account, my photos and posts are deleted. One could also argue my comments on other people's photos are not personal information  ::) But that's not how it works. Since there is no way to discern which likes or comments may be sensitive information and which ones are of "public interest", all are deleted.

How is that supposed to work?  In theory, a prominent forum user could demand all their content removed, which would break the forum for everyone.  Even if a user's posts were deleted, how would you delete content quoted in other user's posts (which, by strict definition, could be regarded as the user's content)?  And what about archives such as Wayback Machine?
You are supposed to do whatever you can and take reasonable steps. That is stated multiple times across all GDPR guidelines. Doing nothing is not reasonable. Breaking the entire forum or trying to find every bit of data without proper tools is also not reasonable.

Also that argument may also be used against devs deleting things and breaking things for everyone... and there we say you also have the right to do so (see below). For sure what GDPR brings to the table is that your rights to handle your personal data are not less valuable/important than a copyright license.

Anyway webs and forums MUST be built having these requisites in mind. The design MUST include these requisites and appropriate tools to handle them. It's not like GDPR was created yesterday, web owners had years to modify their design.

    the personal data your company/organisation  holds is needed to exercise the right of freedom of expression;
    there is a legal obligation to keep that data;
    for reasons of public interest (for example public health, scientific, statistical or historical research purposes).
I also don't see how anything at this forum falls into these categories. This is not a scientific forum, for sure. People just give their opinion about things. And it serves no statistical or historical research at all, except less than 100 threads related to encoders/decoders and compression statistics.

Also any support thread is irrelevant, since this is not an official support forum. People volunteer to give support, and they could stop doing so at any time. That info is not owned by the forum owner and no one can enforce availability of those resources (even if they could be considered of public interest). Otherwise we could say people like marc2k should have no rights to create and remove components without consent, leaving users without support  ::). I know in this case it also involves files or data hosted elsewhere, which obviously are out of control of the forum owners (but it also happened to things uploaded to the forums).  (this is just an example, which showcases public interest or support does not always have priority)

So please, don't use the "public interest" argument freely, because it has many sides... and laws are not to be interpreted according to the user name.

Also, everyone on the forum is anonymous (unless they volunteer personal information).  Only admins can connect a forum user with a real identity (email address and/or IP address), and once that link is deleted even they can't.
About this... that's wrong and a common misconception. Your digital identity is not only your IP or mail address.

You leave A LOT of personal data in a forum, like geolocation, language you use, country (which may be deduced by other means than IP/Location), ideology, user name (which may be tracked and found on other websites creating an entire identity of you easily),  cookies (and there you have hundreds of metrics to track users), etc. personal data is not only those bits of data which identify the user but also those which can be used to identify them by aggregating data from other sources or linking them to other sites.

BTW just noticed this subforum has a privacy policy. Which I would say it's still incomplete, but more importantly, it should be shown sitewide not "hidden" in a subforum.,122554.0.html#new

See this:

Accounts are never deleted. You can request to have your profile cleared. You'll need to contact an administrator via private message.
And no matter how people want to interpret the previous points, this statement from a moderator (*) still goes against the privacy laws. Accounts have to be deleted, and request should be possible via email or any other way not requiring to use the account or PMs.

(*) Not saying this person did something wrong. Since I presume those are in fact the site rules, and thats the problem. Not the moderation itself.


Re: How To Delete Posts And Account

Reply #18
In our country on one IT forum, when you delete an account, all user info is deleted EXCEPT users posts; but the posts don't show username anymore, just a placeholder that says [AccountRemoved]. The idea behind it is that these posts might have valuable information, and they are willingly posted in public place, and the forum rules have a statement about that, and what data will be kept in case of account deletion, and why; you can agree to that or not when joining the forum.
Yes, I am in EU, yes, GDPR is something we take care of.

Of course, forum owner can't be responsible if user willingly posts some sensitive information about itself, but those can be tracked down by users, mods notified, and relevant parts removed after the account has been deleted.