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foobar2000 mobile / Adding DTS component to foobar2000 android app
Last post by MDS-MUSIC -
My foobar2000 android app is completely installed. I go to a folder, select a piece of music, try to play it, and receive the following message - Playback Error - unsupported format or corrupted file. I have the DTS component for .wav files (the file type used).  I set it up without any problems on Windows via the Preferences/Components page, but can see no way on the Android app.

Can anyone help. Thanks

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by Air KEN -

Topic: World-Map-SMP
Reply #107:,120980.msg1052939.html#msg1052939

Is it something like, "Since I haven't received a reply (answer) for a while, I'm going to copy it here and urge you to reply"?
Do you really expect the developers to respond promptly?
You can tell by looking at this. @regor is busy.

That's what the worst questioners do.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by Montchenot -
... No one else has reported any other problem yet about packages...

Hi Regor,
Wanted to try your package in JSplitter v3.6.1.10 upon v2.24 preview 64bits and Windows 11 but it gave the following messages:

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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Search-by-Distance-SMP
Last post by regor -
Just wanted to make it clear because it has been months with the same reports and it's just your decision to keep using v32 with your library. And no SMP version will change that unless you use x64.

I could try to revise the code and check if less mem could be used processing things in a different way, don't expect too much though.

Well,.. maybe if you prefilter the library it works (?) You could try yourself with the different filter options.
Also, enable all console logging options. and report here. That may give me some clue to the specific point where it uses too much memory on your side.
MP3 / Re: raise a mp3 from 192kbs to 320kbs
Last post by Porcus -
*sighs*  good folks ... 
There have been situations where I have absolutely not objected to "troll" labeling, but this user has a history of asking how to get this or that in fb2k working. If the OP has been busy listening to music, fine on them - that's something I wish I had more time to.

This looks like honest question coming from ... well possibly, less honest software. Or merely by software that just doesn't bother to explain what operations are useful and what are less useful.

MP3 can be encoded from PCM and MP3 can be decoded to PCM. There's plenty of software offering both. It is not witchcraft to do both operations in reverse order. In fact: it is not witchcraft in the sense: it won't get you any magic.
We all know that. It's fair game to ask what those applications actually do and don't. And the answer is, they just make the signal even more lossy (but for these bitrates, unlikely to be any audible deterioration) - in addition to wasting space. Something you shouldn't do, and something software shouldn't recommend.