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Topic: I cannot use fb2k and play videos on YouTube at the same time (Read 5553 times) previous topic - next topic
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I cannot use fb2k and play videos on YouTube at the same time

Hi all, wondering if anyone can shed some light on this.

Basically if I'm playing a bit of music using Foobar for some reason Youtube vids wont play in my web browsers.  The moment Foobar stops playing Youtube vids can play once more.

The vids on Youtube try to buffer when Foobar is playing but they get to around 10-20% and then the buffer bar suddenly drops back down, this happens a few times before Youtube's 'an error has occured' message is displayed.

Bit strange.

I cannot use fb2k and play videos on YouTube at the same time

Reply #1
Are you using WASAPI or ASIO?

Try with DirectSound if same happens.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

I cannot use fb2k and play videos on YouTube at the same time

Reply #2
Happens when WASAPI is selected for Foobar output, directsound seems unaffected.

If it helps I'm using Win7 64bit, Asus Xonar Essence STX.

I cannot use fb2k and play videos on YouTube at the same time

Reply #3
WASAPI is exclusive, no sound in any other program is possible.

But if you want muted YouTube then it seems to be something with the Asus Xonar driver, maybe a setting you can do there.
I know some have had problems with the 3D options.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

I cannot use fb2k and play videos on YouTube at the same time

Reply #4
To be clear, there is no reason to use either WASAPI or ASIO if your DirectSound drivers are working and you don't need bit-perfect output.
It's only audiophile if it's inconvenient.

I cannot use fb2k and play videos on YouTube at the same time

Reply #5
And to add to that, even if DirectSound does preclude exact bit-perfectness—due to volume controls, mixing, and whatnot—the effect is not going to be audible, i.e. matter.

Providing one program with a monopoly on the audio hardware is the exact purpose of the exclusive WASAPI component. The question, then, is since you apparently did not know this, why did you think you were using it?


I cannot use fb2k and play videos on YouTube at the same time

Reply #6
I know one reason. If he uses old SoundBlaster soundcard and have problems with drivers (old and no longer updated kx drivers). Some time ago it was the only way to make such cards working. With DS you got lots of glitches.