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Topic: [Bug Report] App Hang (Read 5339 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Bug Report] App Hang


I just realized an app hang after foobar was opened for quite a while. I stopped the playback before the XBox One presentation and would've started it right ahead. Watching Django Unchained after the presentation, copied some movies on my flash drives, browsing a bit, ... So far the things i made while foobar stayed open but not playing any media. So i just wanted to play music again and foobar just started hanging. It didn't recognize to anything, so I tried finding the cause via Process Monitor. The result i came up with was a Buffer Overflow on operations "QueryInformationVolume" and "QueryAllInformationFile". Maybe someone of you guys can identify the issue. Maybe it's an issue of any plugin installed? foobar even doesn't close at all neither via Task Manager or Process Explorer, the only resolution is restarting Windows. It also doesn't let me start a second instance because one is still open. I also don't get any error message of the second instance, I just see a second foobar instance in Task Manager with only 1 MB in size that also hangs (but i can force to close it).

The Process Monitor log (pml and xml) and my installed plugins can be found here: Maybe the problem gets identified and fixed.

The problem occured the second time now. Last weekend it hang the first time, same procedure (staying idle for a few hours).

OS: Win 8 x64

If you need any further information just ask for it.

Thanks in advance!

[Bug Report] App Hang

Reply #1
After some further investigation I found out some new interesting things:

I had a user-components folder in my foobar2000 folder containing the plugins foo_dsp_effect, foo_input_monkey and foo_wave_seekbar. I've had overwritten older plugins with these files in the components folder and deleted user-components one as well. This was done after the last app hang so maybe this will not be happening anymore in the future.

But killing remaining threads one by one (via Process Explorer) left me with the actually interesting things:

The reason why the UI hung, didn't respond to anything and also leaving the process open was an open thread on atiumdag.dll (I own an AMD Radeon HD 5870 with Catalyst 13.4). I didn't memorize the address, but currently I have an open thread to "atiumdag.dll!XlatXdxInitXopServices+0x370654". This cause comes from foo_wave_seekbar plugin (I only get this thread with plugin enabled). I don't know which component version was used at this time (user-components plugins are preferred over components plugins?!) but I now only have installed the last recent version. The user-components folder contained an old version of August 2012.

Killing this thread brought up the known crash report window.

Nonetheless the process was left open and killing the last handle (just this one) or the process was impossible again. The last thread surviving was a handle to foo_out_upnp.dll. The crash report was successfully written this time, so I'll attach it here:

Best regards!

[Bug Report] App Hang

Reply #2
There's probably not much of interest in a crash dump if you've already murdered all threads in the process.
As for foo_wave_seekbar, there's always bugfixes along the way, so running the latest and greatest is always a good idea, as there has been several hang-alleviation fixes in the last year or so.
Stay sane, exile.

[Bug Report] App Hang

Reply #3
There's probably not much of interest in a crash dump if you've already murdered all threads in the process.

As i stated above I only got a crash dump after killing threads. Not killing any just results in a hang without any dump. The only choice I have is to attach a Process Monitor/Explorer log. Of course any other suggestions to log some things are welcomed to resolve the issue.

Since then I can tell that I didn't have had any problems with foo_wave_seekbar after moving the plugin to the components folder. Maybe the old version was preferably used over the new one.


[Bug Report] App Hang

Reply #4
Yesterday foobar crashed again but the fault was probably on foo_ui_wsh_panel_mod's (I was editing some code). A bug report has been sent but a single thread was left open. The plugin remaining was foo_out_upnp. I didn't kill any threads and I extracted a memory dump with process explorer while hanging. Hopefully the problem can now be identified and fixed.

List of open threads in process explorer:
Mini dump: (1,47 MiB)
Complete dump: (113 MiB)

I currently deactivated the UPNP plugins (foo_upnp and foo_out_upnp). No problems for now.