3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme
Last post by sveakul -The biography fetches the images from last.fm, AllMusic and Wikipedia.TT: I know this is rather off-topic but couldn't help but notice this part from my experience with the 1.4.2-mod1 WilB Biography panel I am using with Foobar 2.24 x64 via the JSplitter plugin. It never receives artist images from any source except last.fm, although "Last.fm photos only" is NOT checked. Are you saying that there SHOULD be artist image retrieval from AllMusic and Wikipedia as well? Is your ReBORN biography panel a different write than the WilB script?
In general, you do get the artist images and I am not sure what you mean.
If for a particular artist there are no images for last.fm, it tries the next source which is AllMusic and then Wikipedia