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Topic: FB 2.2. preview 2024-04-15: configuration broken after crash (Read 619 times) previous topic - next topic
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FB 2.2. preview 2024-04-15: configuration broken after crash

Hello @Peter , just to inform you that after a crash I have the config.sqlite apparently broken or at least inconsistent.
FB 2.2. preview 2024-04-15 does not start with the correct set-up as wanted and does not retain the new settings (shortcuts and cursor follows playback) anymore. It is more or less as the problem I had months ago with other previews.
It would be nice if you could add a feature to clean-up or repair the config.sqlite.
Thanks and regards, Andrea

Re: FB 2.2. preview 2024-04-15: configuration broken after crash

Reply #1
Note that config.sqlite is a standard SQLite file and can be manipulated with standard SQLite untilities, such as sqlite3 command-line tool or SQLite browser.
They can be possibly used to salvage what info is still readable, I'll have to investigate the subject.
You can send me the corrupted config file, I'll look what can be done with it automatically.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: FB 2.2. preview 2024-04-15: configuration broken after crash

Reply #2
Hello @Peter , thanks for  your prompt follow-up. Understood how to repair the config.sqlite by myself.
Here you are the suspected corrupted config.sqlite file along with the crash report I had right now on FB closure.
I think this last crash my be connected with the "broken" config.sqlite file.
PS: Crash report also sent by regular service as usual.
Thanks and regards, Andrea

Peter edit: Attachments removed, I got the files, thanks