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Topic: foo_dsp_effect (Read 275583 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #375
Reset buttons should be easy enough to add.

I still can't see small "Reset" buttons for Playback rate Shift / Tempo / Pitch. Can we expect them in not so long future? And how about updating DSP chain config dialogs - to allow there for entering value manually (and then also use "Reset" buttons) ?

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #376
What should the reset buttons do, just reset to default DSP settings while they are enabled? They are a 10 minute job, at most.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #377
Reset buttons should be easy enough to add.

I still can't see small "Reset" buttons for Playback rate Shift / Tempo / Pitch. Can we expect them in not so long future? And how about updating DSP chain config dialogs - to allow there for entering value manually (and then also use "Reset" buttons) ?

See your PM. Check it all works. Setting your DSPs at 0 should allow all samples to be bypassed through the DSP chain.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #378
You haven't updated changelog :) And changes are noticeable I think :)

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #380
Foobar2000 with Effect DSP 0.31 and 0.35 on win xp slows down terribly when switching from flac (and maybe another lossless) to another music.  Foobar2000 with Effect DSP 0.22 does not slow down when switching to music with flac. It starts slowing down when you add iir filter to the dsp manager and go with flac.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #381
....whuts your PC specs.

You don't give any details. At all.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #382
....whuts your PC specs.

You don't give any details. At all.

OS: Windows xp sp3
RAM 1 Gb
HDD 1 Tb
Sound card: Creative Audigy SE ( SB0570 )
foobar2000 1.4.1

Do you need smth more?

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #383
CPU model and speed would be extremely helpful, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess something in the Athlon or Pentium 4 vintage.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #384
I'm seriously considering dropping XP support. And Win7 support for that matter. I am wondering.

It is 2019 and people still have P1s? Reminds me of the emulator morons who want everything in OGL 1.5 still and completely ignored the invention of Shader Model 4.0.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #385
CPU model and speed would be extremely helpful, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess something in the Athlon or Pentium 4 vintage.

Yep, my PC is a little bit out of date - I have Intel Pentium 4, 2400 MHz socket 478. Is it a cause?

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #386
Most likely. P4s have terrible denormal penalties. And its 16~ years old.

Try this, see if it makes a difference.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #388
At this stage I would just say to use the older version if you can.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #389
I noticed in a previous version when I triggered playback rate shift via keyboard shortcut I could hit ESC & it would close the window while retaining my setting. Now the escape button does nothing. Any chance of having it work the previous way again? It was quicker for me to open & close.

Also, any chance of mouse wheel adjusting in increments of 1% instead of 3%?

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #390
That's because the text/pb rate display edit control swallows keyboard events on startup since people wanted that to be the default control first.

To still use ESC, just click on the slider (it wont do anything unless you scroll it, I made it that way a while ago) and then press ESC.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #391
IIR Filter Type from DSP main menu doesn't seem to work.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #392
Hi mudlord,
First, I want to thank you for the great work.
I would like to know if you can made the Q value adjustable for those IIR filters.
Foobar2000 works really fine, but it dose lack a nice parametric EQ.
With the adjustable Q value, IIR filters would become much more useful.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #393
@arc: tested the one off the download page, works
@jason0342 : i guess i can look into that for some of the filters.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #394
Actually I just realized it doesn't work because Enabled is checked when I change the IIR Filter Type. It only works by uncheck Enabled first then check it again.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #395
Okay, so that can be something I can check into.


Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #396
Is there anywhere that I can access & download previous versions of foo_dsp_effect?

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #397
Is there anywhere that I can access & download previous versions of foo_dsp_effect?

This is a bad design decision, imo:
- Pitch, tempo and playback rate now in separate windows, so two more hotkeys need to be assigned to facilitate fast use.

Maybe this is preferred to 99% of all users, however, please make the previous version available if you're not planning on fixing the above.

Re: foo_dsp_effect

Reply #398
Fine, I farted about in the git repo tree and recompiled a older version.

From 0.40 onward, it will have a revised GUI based on this older version, but still having the text editable elements the new ones currently have. I still have tons of work to do before thats done, like add the new DSPs being added which are currently in another component.