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Topic: Mp3tag v2.38 released (Read 36315 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mp3tag v2.38 released

I've just released Mp3tag v2.38!

The most significant changes are the support for cover art in the main window, support for cover art in FLAC files and support for TAK lossless codec - along with many, many bugfixes, changes and other new features.

You can download it from

The huge changelog is here

Thanks to all who tested the Development Builds and gave feedback on the forums!

Kind regards,

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #1
Great work, Florian 

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #2
Thanks! :-)

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #3
EAC>1)fb2k>LAME3.99 -V 0 --vbr-new>WMP12 2)MAC-Extra High

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #5

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #6
Thank you, excellant tool.

cast out...

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #7
Why anyone would pay for Tag&Rename when this excellent tool is available for free is beyond me.

Thank you very much.

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #8
Nice one, many thanks!

[2007-03-17]  CHG: ID3v2 text frames are written without terminating 0 now.

I assume this means no squares behind strings in iTunes any more. Why is this changed again while it was introduced to be conform the ID3v2.4 specs like in foobar?

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #9
[2007-03-17]  CHG: ID3v2 text frames are written without terminating 0 now.

I assume this means no squares behind strings in iTunes any more. Why is this changed again while it was introduced to be conform the ID3v2.4 specs like in foobar?

I don't think that terminating every string with 0 is conform to ID3v2.4. The spec only says that multiple strings are separated by terminating 0. Please see this thread on the Mp3tag forums for a detailed discussion (which I don't plan to repeat here).

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #10
Very nice!

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #11
Handly tags tool.


Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #12
Nice, but I have one suggestion in regard to the program design.

firstly, "Portable" applications should be designed around the general idea that they should be easily downloadble and able to run right off the bat, without the need to "install" how you would a traditional application. Just download the zip, extract to chosen place and be able to run
Having this true "portability" ENSURES that no registry keys are written anywhere and it is completely independent, assuming the program can do that already

secondly, files and settings usually inside 1 folder and application can read from that folder without having to be in the same directory i.e. app.exe and Data/files type of architecture

hope a truly portable build can be made

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #13
I love this program and use it all the time, many heartfelt thanks!

One small suggestion, if I may:

Please add support for adding custom cover art manually (for those really obscure albums).

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #14
One small suggestion, if I may:

Please add support for adding custom cover art manually (for those really obscure albums).

It's already there.  Just drag the image file into the cover art window.

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #15
Yes indeed, I see that now.
Thank you, very very cool.

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #16
Great. Just what I was looking for. Thanks.

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #17
I am pretty sure that this can be done with mp3tag but I don't really understand the actions so hopefully someone can help

My mp3's are all labelled properly but I have given up waiting for Apple to update the iPod firmware to display and sort albums by year of release. I therefore want to append the year to the beginning of the album title in the format "year - title". This should mean a) they will sort correctly and b) I will have access to the year info on the iPod

However I want to do this so that I can auto remove the year if and when the iPod firmware changes.

So can an action be created to add the year plus a hyphen to the beginning of the album title and then another action to get rid of it?

I then want to run this action on all my mp3 files


Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #18
You can use these actions

Action #1:
Action type: Format value
Field: TITLE
Formatstring: %year% - %title%

Action #2:
Action type: Guess values
Source format: %title%
Guessing pattern: %dummy% - %title%

Kind regards,

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #19
Thanks Florian
Is there a way to check whether a title already has the year/hyphen in front of it. eg When I run this on all my mp3s first time all will be fine, but I may want to run it again on those mp3's added since and I would want it to ignore those that are already correct. I know I can run it on selected MP3's or I suppose I could run the second action first to remove them all first, but it would be nice to run it on all MP3's and for it to only change those that do not have the year in the title already. I guess what will happen at the moment is that I will end up with "year - year - title" the second time and then a third time I will get another year appended at the beginning!


Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #20
You can use Mp3tag's Filter (F3), filter the list using the regular expression
^\d+ -
and invert the result afterwards.

Kind regards,

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #21
Thank you for this great app Florian.

Quick question: I have several mp3s with lyrics3v2 tags that I'd like to remove - is it possible to delete these tags in mp3tag without deleting the id3v2.3 tag?

EDIT: nm - removing the id3v1 tag, then rewriting id3v1 & v2 works!

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #22
Thank you for this great app Florian.
Glad that you like it

Quick question: I have several mp3s with lyrics3v2 tags that I'd like to remove - is it possible to delete these tags in mp3tag without deleting the id3v2.3 tag?
Yes, Lyrics3 tags are removed when ID3v1 tags are removed.

Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #23
when you set the folder for mp3tag to it possible to set mp3 tag to just view the sub folders so it doesnt keep loading all the songs every time?


Mp3tag v2.38 released

Reply #24
No, just point Mp3tag to the respective subdirectory if you want to load a subset of your files only, or use drag'n'drop from Windows Explorer (or your favourite file manager).