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Topic: Foobar2000 - Stop after current track issue MAC (Read 2868 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar2000 - Stop after current track issue MAC


I've noticed some bug in the foobar2000, run on Macbook Air M1, macOS Sonoma 14.5. In all my current activities, I require the music playback program to stop playback when it reaches the end of a song, in other words, not play the next song in the playlist. It looks simple, but as you can see, not for foobar versions 2.5 and 2.6.4 running on my Macbook.

Of course I've checked many times the option available by clicking on the bar at the top “Playback->Stop after current track”, but this option only works for the currently playing track. When I select another track from the playlist, the program automatically plays the next track when I reach the end of it. An interesting thing happens with the option I found in the settings: foobar2000 -> Settings -> Playback -> (tick on) Stop playback after the current track . This looks like a solution to the problem, however, even after selecting this option (tick on), the program does not respond to it and continues to play another track from the playlist after reaching the end of the track.

Does anyone perhaps have a similar problem and know how to solve it?

P.S.Interestingly, I also use this program on a Windows laptop (Win11, x64, intel i7 processor) and there turning on the Settings -> Playback -> (tick on) Stop playback after the current track solved the problem.


Re: Foobar2000 - Stop after current track issue MAC

Reply #1
If you look closely at Preferences / Playback, there's a setting for exactly this (named "only once" in Mac version), and it works as intended as far as I can tell.
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